Growing Distant Or...?

"If I leave for a week, who would take care of you?" Talia asked worried.

"Look at you getting all worried for me...I can take care of myself, sweet Iris." Arthur rubbed her back.

She might never say it, but he knew she is tired. Her eyes looked dull and lifeless and her skin has gotten worse. She really needs some rest.

"But you still feel pain when you look down and-"

"I have a lot of help. And taking three more days won't make much of a difference." He placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Talia looked at him in the eye and said nothing. He seemed honest and other than believing him, what other choice does she have?

It is true he has others who'd help him. I probably look tired and he might not want me beside him all the time like a clingy leech.

"Okay then," she tried to smile, but she was too tired to smile.

Arthur then held her cheek and rested his forehead on her shoulders.