Back In The Iris Isles

Talia silently stared out the window the entire travel to the Iris Isles. She was surprised Arthur was keeping his hands to himself the whole ride.

She was relieved for some time that he is not instigating any form of intimacy the past few weeks. Sparing the occasional pecks on the lips, he kept away from her.

But then her brain went overdrive as usual and started to worry. The doctor did advice them to keep away from s*x for at least three months or until he feels comfortable enough to do it. They decided on keeping away for four months.

Is four months long? Did his little guy down there get rusty by not using it?

But then she remembered that day when she walked in on him 'pleasuring himself' in the bathroom.


His little guy is fine, but he is not interested in me anymore? Did I push him away too much? Did he stop loving me?

What should I do? What would I do if he really had stopped loving me?