She Was Angrier Than She thought

"Calm down, Iris... I'm holding you, aren't I?"

Arthur's magnetic voice resonated in her ear as his warm breath spread on her neck.

"I won't let go of you. No matter what... Trust me..."

"Just close your eyes and relax..."

He spoke in his magnetic deep baritone voice that was much sexier than any ASMR voice artist out there and Talia actually calmed down like a baby listening to its mother. Her heartbeat steadied and her breathing got regular. She found herself calm for the first time in forever in this much water.

She felt his hold loosening around her waist and she immediately hung close to him.

"Easy, Iris... Relax... I am still holding you. Relax yourself and allow the water to hold you... find your balance... Free yourself and feel the embrace of water..."