
Fred doesn't have to apologise.

That's what she thought at that moment. But when she saw the little blue velvet box in her bag, she had that sinking feeling in her heart once more.

Can I wear the ring now that I cleared my misgiving with Fred?

She opened the box to look at the perfect ring. It still looked so unreal and magical. But the ring still felt heavy for her. That's what she's been feeling all these time... heavy!

Why? Do I have more to say to him?

She placed the ring in the pocket of her dress. She's been carrying this ring around with her all the time for the past four months, wondering when she'd feel ready to wear that ring in her finger.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.

Why isn't he asking about the ring? By now he should know I am having the ring, right? Ah, even if he asks about this ring, what would I reply? What do I really want? Why am I confused? What am I confused about?