Engagement Interview(3)

"That's lovely to hear. So, we'll be seeing you two together in a lot of engagements serving the crown?" the interviewer asked and Talia felt a prick in her heart as she found the question offending.

Do they think Fred has time to cling on to her every engagement? He is pretty busy himself and why would he leave his work and follow her when she works?

And serve the Crown? How could that even be suggested? Him working UNDER the crown? How can her man who rules the business world, work "under" someone?

And why should her man – The Bear King, serve the Rosandale Crown when he sits in the Esterian High Council? How can her man be expected to leave everything he has in Esteria and just become "her husband"?

She was so mad she wanted to flip the table, but she kept her expression the same minding the cameras, as she had mastered masking her negative expressions with a smile.