Missing Her Mother

Talia had a lot of things to take care of for the wedding. She had to select a joint coat of arms to use for statements she and Arthur will release as a couple in the future that will be printed in all their stationaries. 

She had a separate coat of arms as The Princess Royal and he had one as the Marquess.  Upon marriage, their coat of arms will be joined representing the both of them. Although Arthur is the heir of the Oakley castle, she wanted to include the Boswell coat of arms in their joint coat of arms.

Arthur wasn't so keen and the courtiers suggested that as the youngest son, he won't be able to use the Boswell coat of arms. Even the well-informed courtiers found it hard to design their combined coat of arms. Usually, the conjugal coat of arms in Rosandale Royals will include the coat of arms of the four families – the paternal and maternal families of the bride and groom.