Missing Her Mother(2)

Sitting on the couch in the restroom, Talia found herself crying. She didn't know where it came from, but like a wave, the heaviness hit her and she started crying.


"Has Talia returned?" Peggy asked Arthur who was staring at his phone. 

"Not yet..." He knitted his brows. 

There were several pictures of pieces of sample cloth sent to him by his excited fiancée asking him which one looks good and for him, everything looked the same.

"Is there something wrong with my phone? Or is it my eyes? Aren't these all whites?" he showed his phone to Peggy and she laughed.

"I reckon it is just your Y- chromosome acting up and nothing else. This one is diamond white, this one is ivory and this one is blush... I'd say ivory will suit Talia better since she has pale skin."