The Wedding (3)

Without being able to control himself anymore, Arthur turned back. What he saw, surprised him too. Louis was walking towards Talia at a faster pace as if he was going to start a fight.

All the guests were stunned and Arthur bowed his head hiding his smile. There are cameras everywhere and he didn't want to be seen as rude or indecent.

He is doing it for real!

As the wedding preparations went on, Arthur found out that being an actual King wearing a crown is pretty difficult. Even though he is the Monarch, he couldn't do what he pleases. Louis wanted to be 'a brother attending my sister's wedding'. But his wish was immediately rejected.

All he wanted was to wear a formal suit than his Kingly garb. But he was refused. Even Talia was against that idea.

"The King of Esteria and even that hypocritical Prince will be there in all their pompousness and I don't want my brother to stand like a boy beside them," were her exact words.