First Kiss As A Married Couple

With Jerome Brunton standing by Talia's side and Jordan standing by Arthur's side, the Archbishop started the wedding ceremony.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here to..."

It went on and Talia felt her heart pounding once more. The Archbishop asked the congregation once more for any opposition for them to get married.

  After that, the Archbishop asked both Arthur and Talia if they will take the other as their wife/ husband and both said  "I will."

Talia couldn't get her voice out at first and she cleared her throat to speak. 

After that, the Archbishop got Talia's hand from her grandfather's hand and passed it to Arthur's. Talia felt the coldness in her grandpa's hand and looked at him. She could see he got emotional, but he composed himself.

Aww... Grandpa is amazing!

After that, holding her hand Arthur repeated the wedding vows.