Hospital Roommate

White blankets, silver windows with white curtain, everthing was the same as she opened her eyes again. The same room she always hated, but at the same time, she loved the peaceful aura it emits and make her feel at home. But then, when she glanced at her body, she frowned because she was reminded where she is. Her left wrist has a white band with her name and on her left hand, a needle connected to an IV. She sighed and stood up slowly.

"Good morning" she muttered lifelessly while looking at the white daisy plant placed on her table.

She slipped on her slippers and grabbed the watering can on the cabinet and filled it with water. Then, while pulling her IV stand, she approached the plant and watered it carefully.

While she was busy tending with her plant, a knock was heard from outside. "Hai, dozou" she politely exclaimed and the door opened.

"Ohayou, Miharu-san" the nurse greeted with a smile, which she replied with a small smile and a nod. She noticed that they are pushing another patient inside her room.

Yuki furrowed her brows and looked at her new roommate. "Is he…?"

The doctor shook his head. "No, he will just be here temporarily."

She sighed in relief and nodded. The nurses then placed a tray of food and medicine to her table and to the table next to the other patient as well.

"Please take your medicine as soon as you finished eating, okay?" the nurse reminded her and pats her head. Having a small stature does have disadvantage.

She pouted "Mou… Stop reminding me how small I am", but she giggled and the nurse smiled.

"We will leave you two alone for now. We'll be back at lunch"

All of them left and Yuki was alone with the stranger. She slowly approached him and looked at his name imprinted on his wrist band.

"Yukimura…. Seiichi.." she mumbled and then looked at the guy. She tilted her head with confusion. "What kind of sickness does he have?"

Like on cue, he suddenly opened his purple eyes, making her gasp and step back quickly. "A-ano..gomenasai...gomenasai!" she bowed continuously while apologizing.

"Kimi…. Dare?" his voice was so soft and gentle, but the hint of weakness is still obvious.

"Etoooo…. Miharu Yuki desu. I will be your roommate in here" she answered and looked at how his face changed into a dismayed one.

She pouted, thinking that her roommate hated the idea. "Uhmm.. Don't worry.. They told me that you are only temporary here so you can tolerate me till that"

The guy looked at her and smiled a bit "Iie. It's not that. It's just… I hated hospitals ever since…"

Yuki suddenly looked away. You don't know how right you are.

"So, how long have you been here?" Seiichi suddenly asked.

She flinched at the sudden question. "Uhmm...It's been a while" and she forced a smile.

He smiled back in return. "Then, maybe I really don't have to complain".

She shook her head. "Ahhh. By the way, they gave out the breakfast already" and she gently fixed the table on the bed and placed the tray of food.

"You don't need to" he apologized. But she shook her head "It's because it's been a while since I had a roommate so…"

Seiichi smiled and nodded "Let's eat together then, come on grab your tray"

She nodded happily and went to get her food. He followed her every move and saw the daisy. He smiled gently to it and didn't even noticed that Yuki was already back.

"Ohh, you like plants as well?" She hinted and smiled. He nodded and looked at her. "Ahh...Is it okay for me to call you Miharu-san?"

"Hmmm. Well, since we are roomies, I will allow you to call me by my first name" she replied while happily chewing on the pear fruit.

He nodded. "Jaa, call me Seiichi, then". She nodded like a little kid. "Uhm, do you mind me asking, how old are you?"

Yuki looked at him with confused face. "I just turned 15…. Why?"

Seiichi giggled a bit. "You are just the same age as me and yet you act like a little kid".

"Ehhhh??? No way... You look mature…." she pouted.


Lunch time came and the doctors saw that Yuki and Seiichi has been talking to each other when they arrived.

"It's good that you already know each other" the nurse commented. Yuki nodded and smiled happily.

"Miharu-san, it is time for your therapy again" the doctor said and gestured on the wheel chair. Her smile faded and she obediently sat on it.

"See you later, Yuki" Seiichi waved goodbye. She glanced at him and forced a smile before she disappeared from the door.

Suddenly, silence filled the room. "Uhm… may I ask why she is here in the hospital?"

The nurse pondered for a bit. "Miharu-san has been here since she was a kid because apparently, she was diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, which she got while her mother was still pregnant to her".

He was taken aback. So, technically, I'm still more fortunate than her.

The nurse laughed a bit. "It sounds weird right? She has that kind of disease yet she is a happy go lucky person. Sometimes we worry that she is forcing herself too much. But, I think she wants to see things in a more positive aspect than sulking about it."

"How brave of her…" he mumbled.


Yuki returned after an hour.

"Hey" Seiichi greeted while he was leaning on the window.

"Seiichi!" She sang and and waved at him.

"You are not allowed to walk yet, okay?" the doctor reminded.

"Hai~~" and the doctor left. Seiichi then approached her. "So, what do you do while you are still on a wheelchair?"

"Ah… well… I just want to rest after that therapy. It's inhumane!" she complained like a little kid again and pouted, making him giggle. He gently pushed the wheelchair near her bed. He carried her and placed her gently on the bed.

"Gomene….for making you do that" she looked down. He patted her head. "It's okay. You are light anyway. You should eat more"

"I have been eating a lot of sweets recently and yet I am still not gaining weight" she puffed her cheeks.

"I have a teammate who is the same as you. He likes to eat cake a lot and yet he is not gaining weight." Seiichi giggled.

She tilted her head. "Teammate?"

Seiichi nodded. "I am the captain of Rikkai Dai Tennis Club"

Her eyes sparkled. "Tennis????"

"Uhm, yeah,why?"

"Let's have a match tomorrow!" she smiled happily.

Seiichi blinked non stop, confused at what she said. "Match, you mean tennis?"

She nodded happily. "Hai!"


Hello :) first time posting my story online. I hope you guys get reeled in :)