Yuki' Skills

The next day….

"Yuki, are you even sure you can play on that condition?" Seiichi asked while looking at his roommate, who is now stretching with a white racquet on her hand.

"Mhm. But, can you still play?" she suddenly asked with a sad face. Seiichi nodded.

"Rikkai...dai…" she mumbled as she read the name of his team on his jersey. "Nee, if I win, can I borrow your jacket?" she asked with a big smile.

Seiichi looked at his jacket, which he just removed. "Ehh? Why?"

"It's colorful. I like it" she simply answered, making him giggle a bit, but then he nodded, "As long as you win".


They went to their respective courts and he grabbed a ball on his pocket. "Are you okay with a tie break scoring?"

She nodded, twirling the racquet around her grip.

"Ikuzou" and he tossed the ball upwards and hit it. Surprisingly, she quickly reacted to the motion of the ball and returned it without hassle.

"Hmm. You are surprisingly good" he commented as he returned the ball.

She smiled in return. Suddenly, he flinched and stopped on his track while running.

The ball went to his side of the court. "Yay! First point!" she exclaimed happily.

He stared at her, eyeing her suspiciously. "What's wrong?" she asked with a smile but seriousness is hinted on her tone.

"Iie. Nandemonai…" he went to his base. "It's your service"

She dribbled the ball. "Nee, do you want to see it again?"

"What is?"

"The thing that happened to you a while ago"

He flinched. So it's not my illness.

She tossed the ball upwards and hit it. Seiichi calmly returned the ball, analyzing her every move. Yuki returned it normally and he chased it.

Nothing seems off. What the heck happened?

Yuki returned it, then again, Seiichi stopped in his tracks, but knowing where the ball is going to land, he swung his racquet and returned the ball, making her shocked.

Seiichi smiled at her. "One all". "Hooooo. That was interesting, Seiichi"

He then went to his service line. When he glanced at Yuki, she is smiling. She has something again.

He served the ball and their rally started. As Seiichi analyzed her movements, again, there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary. But, suddenly, he stopped on his tracks again. He tried to swing his racquet but he can't.

I can't feel my racquet.

"2-1!" she exclaimed with a peace sign. Seiichi looked at her. "You are still hiding something, right?" he asked.

Yuki crossed her arms, pondering like a little kid "Hmmm…I guess I do. But, you also have something to your sleeves as well"

He smiled. "You are really interesting".


Their match continued for an hour and ended with the victory to Yuki.

"Yay!!!" she cheered, raising both of her arms.

"Omedetou" Seiichi said and offered his hand for a shake. Yuki smiled and took the offer.

"Nee, how come you are good at playing?"

"It's a secret" she placed her point finger in her lips and skipped happily towards her bag.

Seiichi sighed and smiled. Then, he approached her and gently draped his jacket on her shoulders. "You earned it"

"Ohh, thank you!!!" she smiled happily.


As they walk back to their room, Seiichi noticed that she is not moving her jacket from her shoulders.

"Ano sa, why don't you just wear the jacket?"

"I like it this way because Seiichi gave it like this" she replied with a smile.

He pats her head. "As you wish"


"Buchou!!" they all greeted as they entered the room.

"Oi, minna! Behave yourselves! Yukimura is still not doing well" a stern looking guy exclaimed to his teammates, who just cowered with fear.

Seiichi laughed. "It's okay, Genichirou. I'm doing fine"

A seaweed hair guy approached him and gave a bouquet of white daisies. "Ahh. Thank you, minna"

"So, how are you doing in here?" Sanada asked, looking around.

"Everything is fine. It's just been five days since then so not a lot of improvement." Seiichi narrated while smiling painfully.

"You don't need to worry about us. Everyone is doing well under Sanada's eye. So you just have to focus on your recovery" the megane character assured their captain.

Suddenly, a guy with a red hair approached Seiichi and placed a box on his lap.

"Jackal and I passed by a bake shop so we thought we could bring you one" he said as he gestured to the cake, which is a strawberry shortcake.

Seiichi smiled to himself. "Arigatou, Marui. You know, my roommate is almost the same as you"

Marui pointed to himself, "Ore?"

"Mhm. My roommate eats a lot of cake but still not gaining weight"

"Hoooo…. Now that is interesting"

"Where is he?" a closed eyes guy looked at the empty bed.

Seiichi looked confused, then he suddenly realized. "Ahh, she has therapy"

"She?!" they all exclaimed. He nodded like he was not surprised.

Suddenly, the door opened and Yuki returned with the doctor.

"Ohh, I didn't know Yukimura-san has visitors. Miharu-san, do you want to go somewhere else?

Yuki shook her head. "I'm fine here, sensei." the doctor nodded and left.

"Ahh, konbanwa" she suddenly bowed down.

"Sorry for the intrusion" Sanada bowed down.

"Iie, iie, it's fine. It has been a while since I've seen a lot of visitors" she waved her hands.

Marui approached her. "Nee, our buchou told us you like to eat a lot of cakes, like me" he narrated while pushing her wheelchair near Seiichi's bed.

"Buchou...ohhh. Rikkai dai Tennis club!" she suddenly exclaimed.

"Ohh, she knows about us" a dark-skinned guy surprisingly commented.

Seiichi giggled. "I told her about our team".

"Jaa, let us introduce ourselves. Ore wa Marui Bunta desu. Yoroshiku! Ahh, next time we visit, I'm gonna bring more cakes for you as well"

Yuki nodded and smiled brightly, "Arigatou Marui-kun!"

"Watashi wa Jackal desu"

"Yagyuu desu"

"Watashi ga Renji desu"

"Kirihara desu"

"Ore wa Sanada desu. Thank you for taking care of Yukimura"

She tilted her head. "Iie, it is actually more fun to have a roommate"

All of them chatted as the time went by. At 5 pm, everyone left already.

"Jaa~~ matta nee~~"