The truth

"Yukimura-san, the doctor wants to see you" the nurse commented after checking Yuki's temperature.

He nodded and looked at his roommate, who just smiled at him and waved. "See you later, Seiichi"

"Hai!" he replied with a smile and left.


"Nani?!" he exclaimed as he heard the news from the doctor.

"I'm sorry Yukimura-san. We can't do anything about it. The surgery is also crucial because there is only 50% chance that it will be removed".

Seiichi clicked his tongue "Are you saying that I won't be able to play tennis anymore?"

The doctor looked at him with a sad face. "That can be a possibility"

He suddenly banged the table. "That can't be! My team needs me!... I need to lead them…. To our third victory…."

Seiichi slowly sat down, looking very frustrated.

"We advise you to think about it for a while. There is no rush on it."

"I need to be with my team on the nationals!" he exclaimed.

"We understand that. But I hope you understand the possible consequences, Yukimura-san. We know how much you hate it right now."

He stood up. "Sensei… let me go back to my room"


When the door opened, Yuki looked up from her book and was about to greet her roommate. But when she noticed how grim his face was, she decided to let him alone first.

I wonder what happened…..


The next day, Yuki was determined to cheer Seiichi up, so she decided to place the daisy plant on his table and placed a note on it.


Please cheer up, okay? I'll be back after 2 days. I hope you are okay by then :)


When he woke up, he saw the daisy and the note. But since he was still not on the mood, he turned his back and didn't even bother to read it.


Three days have passed. Then, Seiichi noticed that the daisy was already wilting. He stood up and grabbed the watering can and started to tend the flower.

When he glanced at Yuki's bed, she was not yet there. Suddenly, Yukimura noticed the note.

"It has been 3 days…" he mumbled to himself.

Suddenly, the nurse entered with his food and medicines.

"Uhm, excuse me, do you know where Miharu-san is?" he asked the nurse, who nodded in agreement. "She was placed in emergency room since she caught a very high fever".

Seiichi was speechless. "Can I see her?"


When they arrived at the emergency room, he saw how many machines have been connected in her body. Then he realized something.

Here I am sulking about my sickness, and yet someone here is suffering a more painful battle than I am.

Suddenly, he remembered how carefree she was despite her illness. The way she smiled like it didn't matter. He felt his heart sting a bit.

"I actually pity Miharu-san. Since she was orphaned, she's been battling with her sickness alone".

This caught Seiichi's attention. "What do you mean?"

"Miharu-san…. Never had any visitors because all her family members are gone"

He widened his eyes, remembering their conversation the first time they met.

"...It's been a while since I had visitors so it's okay…"

Seiichi looked at her and noticed that his jacket was still with her.

"Please be okay…."