Date Day <3

Yukimura, who is now wearing his casual clothes, waited patiently outside their room, reading a book while sitting on the bed. Since he was near the door, he could almost hear the commotion inside, making him chuckle to himself.

"Yuki-chan, what do you think about this?"

"No, this one is better. A skirt suits a date more!"

The young girl inside suddenly flushed at the idea of "date". Looking at the pretty and cute clothes that the nurses provided, she sighed. "I'm sorry for bothering you from work" she apologized and bowed down. "Iie, iie. It's our pleasure to help you. Besides, this is your first time to go out of the hospital, so as much as possible, your outfit should also be something to think about very carefully" one of the nurses reassured and grabbed a white skirt from the stash on the bed. "I think this looks good for the peach top, ne?"

They all helped her get dressed on the combination of clothes they thought was perfect for her. After 30 minutes of dressing up and making her look livelier, they pushed her outside the door, letting the gentleman outside see their masterpiece.

The demigod was indeed surprised as he saw Yuki from the door. She looked definitely healthier than before. Wearing cute clothes aside from her hospital gown is a huge difference. She is wearing a pale blue sleeveless blouse tucked inside the white skirt that flows down just above her knees. She is also wearing a cute pair of white sandals with ribbon as its knot. Yuki's brown hair is brushed to her left shoulders with light curls at the tips, complete with a blue ribbon holding it from behind. She wasn't wearing any make-up, but, they made her wear at least some powder and light blush-on to make her look a bit healthy. Yuki couldn't help but feel embarrassed as the guy in front of her starred.

Seiichi stood up from his seat and approached her. "You look very pretty, Yuki" he complimented with a genuine smile. She blushed immediately and hid her face by looking down. "Saa, we have a long day ahead of us. Let's go" and he offered his hand, she smiled, nodded and took his hand.

"Where are we going?" she asked excitedly while looking at the windows of the bus. He smiled as he noticed how she is looking forward to it. "First, let's stop by at my school. I'm sure you want to see the guys outside the hospital" he answered. Yuki turned to him with a very happy expression. "Your school? It's the first time… That I will be in a school…" she suddenly muttered and held her chest. "Somehow, I feel very excited…" Yukimura pats her head. "It' still early in the morning. They must be on the tennis court practicing. Would that be okay?"

"Hai!" she answered enthusiastically.


As they arrived at the gate of Rikkai Dai Fuzoukou, she wowed at the entrance, looking at all the building as well as the students coming in. "Must be nice to wear those uniforms…" she curiously mumbled, eyeing the female students walking in while chatting to each other. "You must be cute when you wear one. I could just imagine" he teased, making her puff her cheeks. "Then, I want to see you on your uniform as well" she commented. "Someday" and he smiled knowingly. The two started to walk inside and Yukimura started narrating some of the things she wanted to know until they arrived at the tennis courts filled with players training. Familiar faces are seen amidst the crowd.

"Ahh!!! Yukimura-san is here! Even Yuki-chan came!" the red-hhaired bubble gum chewing guy exclaimed and waved excitedly. The other regulars turned to see their visitors. The vice- captain, Sanada, immediately run towards them. "Yukimura! What are you doing outside the hospital, with Yuki-san, even?" he questioned as he looked at them with a worried face. Their captain smiled. "We got permission to leave since they also mentioned that Yuki's health started to become better" he answered and looked at his companion, who nodded and smiled. Sanada sighed. "Is that so? Well, it's nice to see you two. Don't push yourself too much" he reminded. "Ohh. Yuki-chan! You look very cute today~!" Kirihara, the second year regular, complimented and pats her head, making Yuki chuckle. Suddenly, he felt chills down his spine, causing him to glance to their captain, who is somehow giving off a scary aura, making him nervous. "Y-yeah. I mean,… It's nice to see you here. You feeling better?" he asked, stuttering with some few words. Yuki nodded. "Ne, if you got out of the hospital, would you be attending our school?" Marui chimed in excitedly. "Hmm, I haven't thought about it yet. But, your school seems fun" she answered and look around.

"Minna, let's not stall them for long. I'm sure Miharu-chan wants to visit a lot of place since this is her first time outside" Yanagi suggested. "Oh, right. Gomene, Yuki-chan, we can't accompany you due to practice. We don't want to be eaten alive by our devil buchou and fukobochou (vice captain)" Niou whispered to Yuki, who giggled at the thought. "Niou, don't give her any wrong ideas" Yukimura warned sternly as he heard what he said. The mentioned flinched and stepped back. "Gomen. Gomen. Ja neee" and he skipped off towards the court again. "Take care, the two of you" Sanada reminded again and the two nodded.


"Train! I want to use the train!" she insisted like a little girl, pulling his sleeves towards the station. "But, Yuki, trains can be very congested. You might have a hard time inside" he worriedly answered. "Yada! I want to try it! They say that this train is fast and smooth that you won't even feel like you are inside a train" she narrated excitedly and looked at Yukimura with puppy eyes. "So, please, can we, can we?". He sighed in defeat and finally nodded. She clapped in victory and hurriedly went to the ticket booth, signaling him to come faster to tell their destination.

As they boarded the train, it wasn't that crowded yet, but there are no seats left, forcing them to stand up. "This is exciting…" she muttered happily and looked to Seiichi, who forced a smile since he was still a bit worried once the train starts to get packed. Then, the train started to move. "Uwahhhh! This is nice!" she exclaimed and looked around, eventually landing her eyes on the window, looking at the scenery as the train moved faster and faster. They arrived at the next station and the train started to get more crowded, almost pushing each other just to get inside. As he noticed how the train got a bit more packed, he used his body to shield her from the pushes, but it also made her cornered to the side. Using his gentle arms, he wrapped it around her to avoid accidental push from the side. She blushed and felt her heart beating fast. He chuckled. "Are you looking for an excuse for me to hug you? You could've just said so" he teased and smiled. "B-baka! That's not it!" she complained and puffed her cheeks, making him chuckle. Despite the tease, he was also happy that they can be this close and he could protect her in a way.

Finally, they arrived at their next destination, which is the aquarium. Yuki jumped happily and smiled looking at him. "We're going to see fishes and other underwater creatures!" she exclaimed excitedly, making him chuckle. "Well, that's the point of the aquarium, I guess" he commented with a tease, but she completely ignored it as she anticipates what's inside. "Let's go?" he offered and held her hands. They walked inside the aquarium and was greeted by the personnel. "Customers, we have a special sea lion and dolphin performance in a while. Would you want to watch?" she asked and smiled at the two. Yuki nodded and looked at Seiichi, who smiled back at her. "You like to watch, right?" he prompted. "Yay!"

She clapped as the dolphins jumped out of the water in sync. Yuki was even at the point of leaning near the waters jut to see how the dolphins are gliding through the water, not minding that some of the water splashes on her. Suddenly, one of the dolphins approached her and allowed her to pat its trout. As soon as she touched the nose, it happily swam backwards and jumped to the air. Yuki giggled happily and clapped at the performance. The next one was the sea lions doing performances on the platform. Shaking hands with their trainers, playing catch the ball, and fetching the Frisbee thrown over the water. They even asked for an audience participation for the next trick. Yuki hurriedly pushed Seiichi towards the stage and he just chuckled in defeat. Everyone clapped as he stepped down on the stage.

"Now, everyone, kindly watch as this gentleman commands anything from Popo-chan and she will immediately do that order! Saa, what would the command be?" the MC announced to the people. Seiichi smiled to the sea lion and went to its ears. Hinting that he will whisper something, the sea lion covered its ears, making the spectators "aww" on sight. It nods every now and then and Yukimura handed something to it. "Ohh, what could this be?" the announcer asked excitedly. Everyone remained silent as the sea lion started to move. It looked at the crowd for a few seconds, until it landed its gaze to Yuki, who is also curiously looking at it. Popo started making sounds and nodding towards her direction. "Ahh, Popo-chan chose another spectator. Miss, can you come over?" and Yuki looked around in question, not really getting what's happening. As she came down the stage, the sea lion approached her and happily greeted, making Yuki pat its head. Then, it points to her hands. Out of curiosity, she opened her palm and Popo dropped a small box from its mouth. She tilted her head in confusion. The seal circled around her. "I guess Popo-chan is waiting for you to open that" and she carefully opened the wrapped box, and found a jewelry box inside. As she opened the box, everyone's expression was "aww" and even the sea lion was shyly hiding its face. It was a silver necklace with a heart as the trinket. "Can we ask the mister here what his command was?" and he was handed the microphone.

"I asked Popo-chan to give the necklace to the pretty girl it can find. My hint was… this person already holds my heart for a while now." He coolly commented and looked at Yuki with very sweet eyes. Everyone cheered again as she stared blankly while blushing so hard that her face is completely red.