New Life

Waking up I look around and see a group of adults in heated debate over something. Three of them look strange in robes and one even has a pointy hat on their head. The two other adults look just as strange though. They were dressed normally it was their peculiar features that made them stand out. One looked like a pig on his hind legs and the other had a long neck and a weird nose. It kind of reminded him of a pig and a goose. Behind the adults two kids were sneering at each other. It wasn't hard to tell who they belonged to one was in those weird robes and the other looked like a pig and goose had combined to make a long necked pig.

"What's going on?" Trying to sit up to see what was happening a woman in robes headed his way and helped him sit up "Thank you Mrs..."

"Malfoy. Don't worry about it Harry dear the minister of magic came to check on you due to a magic flux around muggles. He found you being kicked and hit with a broom. Even though you were already passed out he sent a message to my husband to come with some aurrors. Do not worry dear we will get you out of here."

Looking at her he somewhat calmed him but he still felt a little apprehensive. She was smiling but it still seemed as if she was forcing it, but the name suddenly sparked his memory. Narcissa Black or Malfoy since she married to Lucius Malfoy was known to be disdainful of non pure bloods. She was particularly nasty to muggles and muggle born witches and wizards. So this story was already steadily off course. Harry was killed which allowed me to take over and now the ministry was butting in on the Dursley's due to the abuse he suffered. Maybe the books in my last life weren't the true story maybe this is the way it was supposed to be. It never made since for Harry to have to go that long in an abusive household if he was constantly being monitored for magic usage.

"We are the only family this little bastard has how can you come in and say your taking him out of no where?"

"We are also related to him. How can you say your his only relatives? Your his only muggle relatives. The Potters' and Malfoys' have always been closely related."

Looking at Lucius I couldn't help but marvel at this lie. While it was true all the pure blood families were released in some way or another it couldn't be that extensive could it. "Uncle Lucius is that you?" Hearing my words the rest of the adults looked over. Lucius had a shocked look on his face.

"Harry you remember me? It has been at least five years since I saw you last."

"Uncle Lucius of course I remember you used to bring Draco to play with me and would hold us both in your lap. I always tugged your hair on one side when I got jealous of Draco. Mum always said you were my godfather if I wasn't mistaken Uncle." At this point I was pulling fluff from clouds hoping they would go with it and not question how I knew their first names. Something seemed to go off in Lucius mind cause he nodded towards me with a twinkle in his eyes.

"You have an amazing memory Harry. We have been looking for you for awhile alas Dumbledore would not reveal your location. Even after reading your mother's letter to Narcissa that explicitly stated she would never want to send you here that old man still put you here. I wonder if he ever noticed how these filthy muggles treated you. Narcissa gave you a skele-grow potion so your bones should be nearly done mending. Come we will take you to your new home you will never be subjected to this abuse again son."

Even though the books made them out to be evil surely this world would be different from them right? After all this was a different universe. Maybe the Malfoys' are a decent family in this universe. "Yes Uncle."

Getting up was still a little painful till my bones popped. The tension eased right after every joint popped. Walking slowly towards Lucius he noticed Narcissa stayed a little behind him and to the right to catch him in case he fell.

"He will not be leaving I said. Your bunch left him on our doorstep and now you show up and expect to take him back claiming it was a mistake. If you truly cared about the boy why did it take you so long to come for him?"

"My husband done told you we were refused by a old man who thought the boy was better off out of the magical world. Needless to say after seeing how you treat our godson how can we leave him in your care?"

With a gentle nudge Narcissa made sure Harry kept going towards Lucius. When his body started to show signs of collapse Lucius stepped forward and caught him. Lifting him up he turned on the spot and disappeared. Narcissa followed him carrying Draco. The minister looked at the Dursley's without a hint of compassion. "You both had a chance to treat the boy as family and instead chose to treat him as a slave. He didn't deserve to be treated this way. Harry managed to survive a killing curse from the darkest wizard of our time. The same curse that killed his parents in front of him and he survived. His survival caused the dark lords downfall, but instead of being treated like family he was treated like scum by someone not even worth an inch of the boy. He is from the noble house of Potter of the sacred families in our world. He is considered as an equal to the prince in your muggle community to the point where even the royal family of your muggle world would be respectful to him. Now if you will excuse me I need to make sure the Malfoy Manor has its defenses up for that mad old man at Hogwarts."