"Dobby are you sure this is my room?"
"Yes young master. This is the room Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy told me to give you. Is it too small young master?"
"No it's not too small but too big. This room is as big as my aunt and uncles whole house." The bed itself had to be a king size was right under a loft which had floor to ceiling bookshelves on it. The stairs leading up to the loft were a spiral type in a dark wood. In front of t he shelves was a table with four high back chairs. Placed randomly around the railing were some bean bag like chairs to be extra comfortable. Across the room from the bed was a huge fireplace that could easily fit five grown men inside with a couch placed across from it. There was a wing backed chair sitting in the corner next to a wardrobe and even a dividing curtain between the bed and sitting area. There was a whole area of the room set up for nothing but potions judging by the equipment stored there.
"Harry how do you like the new room? Much better then where those muggles had you staying I bet."
"Yes father it is much better then the cupboard I lived in. I have to ask though isn't this too big for someone my age?"
"Those muggles had you living in a cupboard? I wouldn't even put my elves in a cupboard let alone alone a child. This room honestly is not that big compared to Draco's but I am going to have to remodel one of the old guest rooms for you. Is there anything you want in particular for your room?"
"Exercise equipment like muggles use would be nice. I want to be able to defend myself even if I don't have a wand to do magic. Another plus would be books and lots of them. I really want to get to know the difference between this world and the one I came from as well as the difference between the books and this world."
"Well from you have told me I can already tell you one and show proof on the spot."
"Which one?"
"I was never a death eater. When you know who came to power I wanted to join but Narcissa forbade it. She claimed it would keep me from our family and possibly cause my death."
"I was right to prevent it too. Look at my sister Bellatrix. Her and her husband are rotting away in Azkaban with no children. Harry dear this is one set of clothes Madam Malkins made here for you to change into she is working on on a second set as well as some pajamas now."
"Thank you mother I will go change immediately." Heading behind the divider he looked at the clothes in detail. The shirt was a emerald green with a black stripe across the chest paired with some dark denim jeans. They fit a little to perfectly and outlined how malnourished he was from his time with Dursleys. The color of the shirt made his eyes sparkle like gemstones. He loved the way they felt especially since he didn't need to wear a belt to keep the pants up.
Coming back out he watched the Malfoy's faces just to catch their reactions. He didn't miss the tears threatening to pour out of Narcissa's eyes as she saw how thin he really was. "Harry that shirt is amazing on you. It really brings out your eyes dear."
"Yes it does. I think we know which house will suit you fashion wise but all of that depends on your character. Now come we have some papers to sign then I will answer any questions you may have before we go down for supper."
Walking towards the table next to the cauldron he looked at the papers in question. It was a straightforward adoption agreement stating they would care for him till he was of age and provide for him to the best of their abilities. All he had to do was take on the Malfoy name and uphold the family honor. He had no qualms in signing such a straightforward agreement. After watching Lucius and Narcissa sign he added his name on the agreement. "Is that it?"
"Yes Harry that is everything we needed to do. Now do you have any questions for me?" Lucius handed the papers to Narcissa who left the room to allow us to talk.
"Can we keep the secret about me being from another world between us? I don't want everyone to know, and honestly if my head wasn't still spinning from all the events plus the apperation from the Dursleys to here, I probable wouldn't have told you about it."
"I was about to suggest the same Harry. You see things might be vastly different from what you knew in your world. Even if things are similar or seem similar they could be completely different. Such as me being a death eater. In the books from your world I went against my wife and had the dark mark. Yet in this world I could not go against Narcissa and risk hurting my family. A lot of people assumed I went bad due to my views on muggle born witchs and wizards, but I never did cause I wanted my family to be whole."
"So in other words there is a chance that those books have a lot of things wrong. Like what house I will be in who my enemies are and such. I remember the hat in the book said Harry could go to any house but Slytherin would led him to greatness. In the end he wound up being Gryfindor due to another wizard telling him all the dark wizards came from Slytherin."
"True but your also not the real Harry and your soul could have caused a butterfly effect making things completely different. From what I can tell of your personality so far you might be a Slytherin through and through. Yet then again I hardly know your personality considering this is the first day I have officially known you."
"Also will Draco hate me for becoming his brother or will he accept it,And can you please tell me his birthday so I will know for future refrence?"
"Draco's birthday is June the fifth making him your older brother. As for if he will accept you or not only time will tell now run wash up supper will be soon."
"Yes father." Watching him walk out I realized that this world is vastly different from the books I read before. The names were the same but the people were different. Lucius was still prejudiced against the muggle born but not enough to kill them apparwntly. Otherwise how could Narcissa hold him back with such a flimsy excuse such as family. Maybe this world will be where I truly belong.