
Leon woke up the loud voice and noticed that he wasn't in front of the totem, but he was on a bed. Leon didn't know what happened, but he guessed that he was in a trial that made by the totem. He looked around and noticed he wasn't alone. There were people who were also trying to get up, they were teenagers who were in this room. The room was looking like a dormitory, and in the middle of the room, there was a middle aged man with a majestic beard and military aura.

Leon didn't know what he had to do, but he copied others. All the people who were in the dormitory stood up from their beds and stand in their positions. They didn't move, they only waited for the bearded man to speak. Leon was imitating the rest, but he was also checking his body.

When he checked, he was shocked. His body which was a titan body, didn't have an ounce of its strength, even he didn't feel his mana pool, only he could sense was his sea consciousness. When he striped of his powers, Leon felt like an elephant who turned into an ant. Leon also looked around and deduced that all the people here were soldiers, at least they were soldier candidates.

The middle aged man walked in front of the candidates, he didn't say anything, but he just took a good look at every one of them. Leon didn't make any moves, he was just trying to understand the situation. He already guessed that this was a trial of the warmonger totem and from the people here, he could deduce that he would need to join battles to prove himself to the warmonger totem.

After looking the candidates, the middle aged man took a breath

"Worms, yesterday you were selected, based on your background check. You might be confused but it wasn't that kind of background check, it was just that you didn't have any questionable backgrounds. The military doesn't shoo away the ones who don't have any merits aside from their lives. But it doesn't mean that you are soldiers now. If you couldn't satisfy me with your performances, do not even dream to become a soldier!"

The middle-aged man said with a cold tone. The candidates didn't make any sounds, but it was already showing their resolve. While the middle-aged man continued to talk, Leon was thinking the situation. He hypothesized that he was in an illusion which was created by the warmonger totem, and to gain its recognition, he needed to show his powers in battlefield. He didn't think that only by gaining recognition of the middle-aged man. He didn't think that the test would be that easy. He looked at the missions from his book of knowledge, but he didn't find anything.

There was one thing that bothered Leon, all people here were humans, at least on the surface. The warmonger totem was a daemon artifact, so it was logical to assume that the illusion would have daemons, but it didn't. It was weird, if it was constructed based on one's race, then Leon shouldn't lose his powers as a titan. At the moment, Leon could be considered as a human and a weak one as well. The body that he had in this illusion, wasn't tempered or any mana in it.

The middle-aged man continued to talk, but Leon didn't focus much what he was saying. He wasn't in an army, but he knew that the first thing they would do was to pressure the newbies, at least he saw that in the movies. After finishing his talking, the middle-aged man told the newbies to follow him to the practice arena. Leon didn't say anything and followed him with the group. The walking of the group wasn't ordinated, so Leon didn't grab any attention by showing that he didn't have any military background, from that Leon deduced that he was at the beginning of the boot camp. It was a good starting point for anyone who wanted to become a soldier, but for Leon it didn't have any merit. He didn't want to be here. He didn't have any plans for to become a soldier, He just wanted to take the warmonger totem and bring back to his fief.

The group arrived the practice area with the lead of the middle-aged man. There wasn't anything at the area, it was empty aside from a few weight which could be strapped to the legs for training purposes at the side of the wall. There wasn't even a shade to rest under, Leon noticed that the climate here was hot even inside, but when he came the under of the sun, the suffocating heat was more noticeable. Leon didn't feel any uncomfortable climate since he became a titan, so he was more stressed with the weakness of the body that he possessed.

The middle-aged man looked at the group a bit and ordered them to do push-ups, the group heeded the order and took their positions to do it. It was uncoordinated and undisciplined, which could be only seen from the newbies. The middle-aged man didn't say anything about that, but the facial expression of his was showing his displeasure.

Leon also took his stance and started to do push-ups, he felt very weak and after the tenth push-up, he felt his arms were hurting. The weakness of the body was really a hindrance. Leon also tried to absorb power to his flesh according to his titan inheritance, he didn't manage to do it. So he assumed that he didn't bring his titanic blood with him.

After push-ups, they were ordered to do other kinds of exercises and stretching, Leon was exhausted and he was in pain, but he didn't quit. He didn't know how to gain approval of the totem, but one of the possible way might be to complete the boot camp.

After the exercises, They were given a quick rest, but it wasn't really mattered under the glaring sun. Leon was drenched with his own sweat and panting on the ground. He wasn't the only one in the group, the others were also on the ground and trying to catch their breaths. After ten minutes, the middle-aged man whom Leon learned that he was a sergeant, ordered them to pick weapons and make the drill. Leon didn't hesitate to pick a spear, most of the group also picked spear as their weapon, but some of them picked bow as their weapon. Almost none of them picked sword, it was understandable though. Spear and bow were good choices for new soldiers, if they were to become a veteran and gain merits and promote their rank, they would start to train in sword.

After choosing their weapons, they guided to another practice area which was specially designed for their respective weapon training. The spearman training area was spacious and there were some straw mannequins to practice their spearmanship and in the middle of the mannequins, there was a soldier. From his standing and stern face, he was showing that he was a veteran, the most eye-catching thing about the man that he had a majestic mustache which was curved a bit upwards, and his attire was same with the sergeant, so he was also a sergeant.

The man didn't talk and show a bit how to use a spear and ordered them to do the same repeatedly. Leon knew a bit about spear, so it wasn't a problem for him to do the basics, but the condition of his body wasn't good, so he was tired after a thousand repeat. He wasn't alone the others were also tired, they already did exercises and the spear training was a topping to their fatigue.

After finishing the training, they were excused, Leon didn't know what he had to do, to gain approval of the totem, but he didn't have any energy to think about it at the moment. He just followed the group and went to the bed. As soon as he put his head to the pillow, he fell asleep.

"Wake up, Worms!" In the morning he woke up with the same voice.