West Front

Day after day, Leon woke up to the same voice, and do the exercises afterward, then he trained his spearmanship with the group. He didn't know anyone in the group and he didn't know the names of the sergeants. His body was constantly getting stronger due to the training, but he also didn't have much time to socialize with the others because of the fatigue.

The days didn't pass like flowing river, but it was more like a dark cave without an end. He didn't know when the training was going to end, so it was unbearable for Leon. It was more like a torture to him, but it didn't mean that he didn't gain anything. At least his spearmanship progressed. He didn't have any expectation for the body that he currently possessed, even he made it stronger, he wouldn't bring it back with him. Because of how he thought about the body, he mostly slacked in exercises, so his spearmanship has progressed further than his bodily strength. But Leon thought, he didn't gain anything different from the totem, he could also train his spearmanship when he was outside, the only thing that was different was that he was weak as a chicken and the constant yelling that he got from the sergeant which was making Leon angry but didn't know where release.

He didn't know how many days has passed while he was in the test of the totem, the only thing that he could be sure that all the newbies like him were becoming more and more aggressive but it was constantly suppressed by the sergeant. If the group were to participate a battle, they would direct their anger and suppressed emotions to the enemy, Leon was sure of that. Even though he knew the reason of the boot camp, he couldn't help but dragged with the rest of the group to the situation which the sergeants wanted, thus he was feeling helpless.


"Stronger, use more strength to pierce!"


Leon was stabbing the straw mannequin with his spear with the rest, he didn't have any problem with using spear, but he was also getting yelled at by the sergeant. He didn't make any mistakes, but the sergeant would find some excuse and yell at him. Leon really wanted to stab the sergeant instead of the straw mannequin, but he didn't have any strength to do it. He tried to absorb mana at the nights, but he was disappointed, he couldn't find any mana, he couldn't temper his body according to the titan inheritance. There might be the only way to get stronger, and that would be soul cultivation. But the soul cultivation was abstract and there wasn't any right way or any shortcut, so it was out too.


Leon stabbed the straw mannequin with his spear while imagining the sergeant's face on it. It was the only way to release his stress, it was a passive aggressive reaction, but he could only do this to make himself feel better. Leon loved to be carefree, even after he tempered his character with the battles, he couldn't get rid of it. He would fight when he was needed, but he wasn't fond of it, if there is another way he would choose the easy way. So his situation which he was under mental pressure and fatigue, wasn't the best place to be for him. He even thought to get out of this illusion and let go of the warmonger totem, in the end, he didn't want his efforts to go in vain.

Leon repeatedly stabbed the mannequin, but the sergeant rose his hand to stop the newbies. Leon and the rest stopped and looked at the sergeant to hear what he had to say.

"You all have shaped a bit and looking more like a soldier, but before you go to the battlefield, you need to learn the secret manual of the army." said the sergeant.

Leon didn't know what was the secret manual of the army, but was curious. He couldn't cultivate mana or body strength in the illusion, so the secret manual had to be a soul cultivation manual. In the Aroan world the soul cultivation was behind of bod tempering and mana cultivation, so there wasn't any soul cultivation manual. Leon stepped into the soul cultivation, but it was superficial. Even the liches who were specialized on the soul cultivation, didn't want to create a manual because how dangerous it was. The soul was the essence of intelligent beings so cultivating it, was difficult and dangerous. Trying new kinds of soul cultivation method, was more like a doing a heart surgery to oneself without any knowledge.

Because how hard it is, the one who wanted to create a soul cultivation method often use others as lab rats. One could easily said that, a soul cultivation method was written with the bloods of numerous victims. Leon also knew that, even if he didn't learn any soul cultivation method, that didn't mean that the blood renter to the victims. He was comforting himself with such a thought. But it didn't mean that he would cultivate the manual. Even if he were to be the top newbie, he wasn't a general or any important personage, so the soul cultivation method which they would give him, might be flawed or incomplete.

When the mustached sergeant said that, some soldiers came while holding parchments, then they gave every newbie one. Leon also get of them, he carefully read. After finishing, Leon didn't show it on his face, but he was uncomfortable with the manual. The technique was a work of a devil, the practitioner of this manual needed to absorb the soul of the ones who killed and absorb it. It was different from how the system world worked. The system world would give the vitality and the mana after killing not the soul. The soul was essential, so absorbing it would erase any chance of reincarnation, that was the reason Leon didn't like the manual.

Even if he were to practice the manual, he would have problems afterward. The resentment and the other obsessions of the dead would haunt him. Leon didn't like the manual, but if he were to use it for vitality and the mana, he could use it as a base technique for his soldiers in his fief, but still the technique would be harmful. Only if his soldiers were to pass their plundered energy to him and let him to refining. Thinking that Leon thought the technique that he got as soon as he entered the trail. He picked [God's Imprint], it could be used to complete these techniques. His soldiers would grow stronger and he would get his share too. He had a lighting essence in his mana pool, so the resentment and obsessions wouldn't harm him in any way.

"You all were chosen to participate to the west front. The camp is over." Sergeant said. Leon looked at the sergeant with the rest of the group. He got that he needed to show his worth in the battle to gain approval of the warmonger totem. He was relieved that he didn't have to see this sergeant anymore. He wasn't going to use the manual as how it was, he was going to change a bit to strengthen his body. He didn't feel his mana pool or his lightning essence in it, but he wouldn't have any problem with that. It wasn't his real body anyway.