Number 1 In Longshan City (3)

"I'll split you into two halves!" Zhang Yuan attack landed straight into the ground when it hits the target. But unfortunately, he only managed to land a shallow cut on the Copper Scale Beast that managed to escape at the last moment.

"Damn! Even at this close gap, the monster can escape from the sword. I'll have to adjust a few things here and there to increase the attacking rate." Zhang Yuan complained slightly due to his attack missing the fatal point to end this fight in a single attack.

"Wu Ji! Inspect the Copper Scale Beast's movement so you can catch its next step. Understanding the habit and how it moves is essential if you want to hunt the monsters like this Copper Scale Beast or anything stronger," Zhang Yuan reminds his son as he steps here and there, stopping the monster from running around too much.

"Chances!" Zhang Yuan swing his sword but intentionally miss the target.

"GUA!" the Copper Scale Best escaped from the deceitful attack but failed to notice the hidden danger in its second opponent. The Spear Backpack fired and punctured the monster's from its thigh to the spine, delivering a bleeding wound to the beast.

"Good work!" Zhang Yuan follow up with the decisive attack and sent the Copper Scale Beast to its death. Unable to move away from the spot any longer, the Copper Scale Beast can only try its best to howl and call for help.

But Zhang Yuan's sword stabbed into the monster's skull and turned all its choice into nothing but mere thoughts.

With the monster dead, Zhang Yuan hurried his child to participates in the work of splitting the carcass and its usable part. As the Wooden Universal Plate is kept by Lady Yue's hand, the father and son duo can only depend on their own body to transport the parts.

"Although we only got five minutes, tell me what should we gather from the carcass?" Zhang Yuan has no issue in dissecting the Copper Scale Beast and collects the usable parts, but with a fresh carcass lied before Zhang Wu Ji, it's the best time to see how much has his son learned from all the academic class.

"The still copper glowing scales should be collected. Every ten scales worth one Eternal Flame Coin, while the innards should be discarded except the liver because it contains a small quantity of Inner-Grade Natural Qi Essence. It's said that through the Designer Smelting Cauldron, one can extract the Natural Qi Essence inside the dried liver until its enough to fill a 10ml bottle."

Of course, they can also eat the liver after some cooking. In fact, the Copper Scale Beast's Liver is loved by the wealthy young masters in Longshan City due to the exquisite flavor. One of the fans of such a dish is by Zhang Wu Ji's side now.

"After putting aside the innards, we can pack the four limbs for its delicious meat, and discard other parts except for the blood and head. The blood should be filled in a Leather Bottle to preserve its properties, and the head has to be split open to check if there's a Monster Core inside." Zhang Wu Ji explained what he knows to his father.

"Not bad. But you missed the spine bone of the Copper Scale Beast. We can ground the spine bone into powder and mixing them into a paste form, turning them into the emergency Copper Spine Paste we found in the shops selling Designer Ingredients." Zhang Yuan explained the only parts his son missed.

"Father, the Copper Spine Paste cost one Eternal Flame Coin... Their value of money is too cheap if you compare them with the fifty-five Copper Scales we got here," Zhang Wu Ji immediately comment about his father's stinginess about him missing the spine part.

As the young master of Zhang Household, number one genius of Longshan City, the upcoming and only student for the Shenyang Designer Pagoda, how can he coveted the ingredient to create the Copper Spine Paste that worth one Eternal Coin a box!

"Ah, my stupid son. Do you think the money I use to buy the ancient blueprint come from the sky? They come from my meticulous effort from saving daily and selling them in bulks!" Zhang Yuan tap his son's forehead as he scolds the wasteful young master of Zhang Household.

"Wait... My mother says she gives you a hundred Eternal Flame Coins worth as your pocket money each month! Fourteen years times twelve, that's 168 months! It's just enough for 168 bottles of Inner-Grade Natural Qi Essence! Don't tell me you earn the remaining 332 bottles from selling the Copper Spine Paste alone?" Zhang Wu Ji cannot believe how amazing his father to earn so much from an easily obtained paste.

"My son... Your stupidity has no limits... I am a cultivator in both Physical and Designing Qi Cultivation! Of course, I have more tricks to earn money!" Zhang Yuan knocked his head and collected everything before they decide to leave.

The two increase their traveling speed to leave being caught in between the fight to hunt for the Fire-Spitting Lizard. If they weren't prepared for any sudden encounters, perhaps the father and son duo might stumble across a group of escaping Cultivating Beast on their way back.

But no matter how caution is the father and son, some encounters are unavoidable. About half a kilometer away from the eastern entrance, the duo encountered two escaping Copper Scale Beast that believed to escape from the jaw of Fire-Spitting Lizard not long ago.

This means the battlefield is slowly moving closer to Longshan City and might disturb the peace within the city! The appearance of the two Cultivation Beast before the duo is the best answer about how bad the situation started to become.

"Father..." the duo still have their Designer Armament activated, reducing the possibility of being attacked unprepared. But while fighting against one Copper Scale Beast is easy, facing two of them made the difficulties multiply by two to three times.

"I will handle the one on the left. As for the one on the right, took advantage of its injuries to protect yourself. Don't engage more than what you should until I finish my target," Zhang Yuan whispered gently to his son while paying attention to the two Copper Scale Beast.

The dripping blood on the back of the right Copper Scale Beast justify his assumption, and after every instruction is given to Zhang Wu Ji, Zhang Yuan took the initiative to launch the first attack.

The long sword extends in a flash to cut the target, but with a few backward steps, the Copper Scale Beast avoided the direct confrontation and gave out a chain of roars. It sounded more to a retreating signal given to the injured Copper Scale Beast.

And at the same time, Zhang Wu Ji aimed his fist towards his target. With a click from the grip, his Designer Gauntlet releases a bolt carrying a hint of lighting. Unfortunately, the roar caused the injured Copper Scale Beast to be more cautious as it retreats further to the right.

Unnoticed by his father, Zhang Wu Ji give his target a chase, leaving his father fighting fiercely. By following the mark of blood on the ground, Zhang Wu Ji followed until he was about five to six steps away from the weeds and trees.

"Teacher Luo said that no matter what kind of Cultivating Beast, as long they're within their own territory, they will be able to execute 100% of their ability against their opponents." Zhang Wu Ji remembered the lesson taught by his teacher, and instead of going further, he fired a few bolts randomly to alert his opponent.

The random attack caught his opponent by surprise as the Copper Scale Beast attacked the bolt and not him that remain standing not far from the entrance to the forest. This also means that Zhang Wu Ji just successfully held his own life.

"GUA!" the Copper Scale Beast is furious after the attack failed miserably. By losing a spot to hide from the human's attack, the Copper Scale Beast decides to put its life on the line!

Starting off with a tackle, the Cultivating Beast heading straight to where Zhang Wu Ji stands but misses the target that moves away just a step to the side. But that was not all!

The Copper Scale Beast continues with the tackling attack. It only stops after venting its wrath on the young trees nearby. Now exhausted and dizzy, the Copper Scale Beast started to lose its conscious. After struggling for a few more minutes, the Cultivation Beast collapse.

To make the situation safer, Zhang Wu Ji lands a killing strike on the skull of this Cultivating Beast. And at the same time, Zhang Yuan finally complete his task of killing the Copper Scale Beast. But instead of processing the corpse, Zhang Yuan search for his son that went not too far from him.

And before they close the distance, a foot belonged to a gigantic reptilian came n between them, carrying a hint of fire flowing around the scales! When Zhang Wu Ji shifts his gaze above, the head of a red scale Lizard is crawling past him!

"Damn! Is this the strength of a Peak Inner Qi Realm monster?" Zhang Wu Ji jaw dropped as he stares at the three meters tall, twenty meters long Cultivating Beast.