Number 1 In Longshan City (4)

"Heaven! How can the Fire-Spitting Lizard come here?" Zhang Yuan immediately push his Designer Armament into its top performance and get ready to attack according to its action.

With his son silhouette covered by the limbs wider than an old tree, Zhang Yuan checked his colorful necklace attached with two pearls. One pink, another blue. After noticing that they're still shining in brilliance, he releases a breath of relief.

Meanwhile, right opposite of his father, Zhang Wu Ji adjusted his body into a half-kneeling position. He's 80% confident that he can escape from a Peak Inner Qi Realm's attack, as long the trump cards belonged to the Cultivating Beast remain quiet.

"Beast! You're not getting anywhere!" a cultivator in his Designer Armament caught up with the monster, and with a quick few quick slashes, the cultivator tries to attract the aggro of this Cultivating Beast.

"ROAR!" a sharp howl came from the Fire-Spitting Lizard and furiously, the Cultivating Beast spit a stream of flames on the moving target, burning a part of the forest as the fire landed on the leaves and chipped barks.

"Get rid of the fire! Let me pull the Fire-Spitting Lizard away from the outskirt!" another cultivator participates in the battle with his strength as a Peak Inner Qi Realm fighter. The only part he lacks is a wearable set of Designer Armament.

"How can he fight against a Fire-Spitting Lizard without a Designer Armament?" Zhang Wu Ji questioned the cultivator's statement, but the moment that punch struck the Cultivating Beast and lament of suffering came out loud, Zhang Wu Ji knows that he asked a wrong question.

Be it with a Designer Armament or not, a Peak Inner Qi Realm cultivator is not to be underestimated! While Physical Qi Cultivator lack of the variable abilities brought by the Designer Armament, they did not lack in passive and active strength that came from continuous tempering!

But that pain the Fire-Spitting Lizard suffers forced its body to react naturally. A surge of Natural Qi runs right inside of the scales, and soon, flames above 150-degree celsius fired from the scales with pressure enough to cut a branch into two.

"BAM!" Zhang Wu Ji's Six-Piece Chaotic Thunderbolt shatters from the remnants of the attack. Luckily, he was blessed by the lady luck directly to escape from death. But with his Designer Armament now incomplete, he possesses no qualification at all to fight or defend himself.

"WU JI! Damn beast, I'll kill you!" although he wasn't injured, the pieces from his Chaotic Thunderbolt falls by the side of his father, turning him frenzy from all the negative thoughts. With an uncontrollable fury, Zhang Yuan charge into his opponent with his complete tier 1 Designer Armament, Flashing Thunderbolt.

"Lightning Slash!" the Designer Greaves doubles his speed, allowing Zhang Yuan to land a bleeding cut on the inner part hidden behind the front limbs. And instead of continuing the attack, Zhang Yuan took a jump, leaving the ground and evaded a tail swipe attack.

"That's the Third Master of Zhang Household, the seventh sword Zhang Yuan!" the group of four that tries to hunt the Fire-Spitting Lizard stares at Zhang Wu Ji's father, who had his Designer Armament releases a hook to shift his airborne situation skillfully.

Such a fighting prowess shocks the pampered Zhang Wu Ji! With such skills, no wonder even selling the Copper Spine Paste can earn his father more than 300 bottles of Inner-Grade Natural Qi Essence!

What he did not know is, based on his father's strength as a Peak Inner Qi Realm Cultivator, why would he limit himself from hunting beings stronger than the weakest Cultivating Beast? Zhang Wu Ji is still too young to understand that as long one willing to work, he can earn money everywhere!

"Brother Yuan, good job, let us give you some assistance too!" the group of hunters targeting the Fire-Spitting Lizard participate and provide him some assistance. But in reality, they're trying to get a share of this fat meat pie. Furthermore, Zhang Yuan's reputation is well known in Longshan City to be extremely generous to fellow residents.

"ROAR!" while Zhang Yuan successfully avoided the stream of flames, a slower cultivator falls under this attack. Luckily he's wearing a Designer Armament, and only suffers some burns and destroyed equipment.

Then, the cultivator that delivers a few cuts earlier inflict another injury on the Cultivating Beast. A shift of attention immediately gave Zhang Yuan and two other cultivators a chance to focus their attack at one single spot!

"Lightning Slash!" Zhang Yuan charged. The two other cultivators without Designer Armament also came closer and delivered attacks that disturb the Fire-Spitting Lizard's balance. The moment this Cultivating Beast fall from the lack of balance, Zhang Yuan's sword cut straight into the neck and inflict a large wound spreading until it's nape.

Such an attack caused the Fire-Spitting Lizard to went berserk for a few minutes before it comes down on all four. Still twitching for a little, the Cultivating Beast soon lost its life and had its eyes turn white and lifeless.

"Success! We killed the Peak Inner Qi Realm beast at last!" the others happily split the profits without asking for Zhang Yuan's permission, but the latter's attention wasn't at the materials, but his son.

"WU JI!" he shouts the boy's name and searches around for him. Soon, a reply came from somewhere closer to the forest, and a tiny palm of a youngster pops up.

"Father, I'm here!" Zhang Wu Ji waved his hand to obtain his father's attention. Only after Zhang Yuan noticed that his son is unhurt his mind relaxed. Without the agitation from the Fire-Spitting Lizard, the number of Copper Scale Beast coming out from the forest is lesser than what they have seen in this single day.

"Brother Yuan, we've done separating the corpse of Fire-Spitting Lizard. As you're the one with most effort, please accept this." the remaining cultivator with Designer Armament handed Zhang Yuan with a pack of Fire Scale with the size of a palm each, a stack of the ribcage bones belonged to the Cultivating Beast and the Monster Core of Peak Inner Qi Realm.

"Thank you, brothers." Zhang Yuan did not hesitate to accept what they offered to him due to his easygoing personality, plus with his background as a master of Zhang Household, nobody dares to cheat him for a few extra Eternal Flame Coin.

Still, the father and son duo are the biggest winner in this hunt, although the fight came to them unexpectedly. Plus, this fight itself changed Zhang Wu Ji's opinion toward his playful father. He did not imagine that his father actually this valiant when fighting.

But turning around and returning to the eastern entrance happily, the father and son duo soon met with their calamity.

Lady Yue waits for them for an hour, and when she saw the few pieces of bones and meat belonged to the Cultivating Beast, the threatening aura she gave reaches the threshold of two Fire-Spitting Lizards. Two whips constraint the two as she drags them home.




The father and son duo got their daily whipping again, which is a norm for four years and a few months. After they got their Monster Core robbed by Lady Yue, the two remained pauper once more, with a kilogram of meat from Copper Scale Beast left.

"Wu Ji, let's barbeque the meat." Zhang Yuan suggested. At the same night, even the wealth of kilogram meat vanishes from the duo. Waking up, as usual, Zhang Wu Ji went to his class, while his father left the city to hunt for the Cultivating Beast to refill the consumption of the family.

As they continue with their daily lives, nobody noticed the concern of Lady Yue about her son's future. Of course, to hide her intention in supporting her child and his growth, Lady Yue secretly adjusted the topic taught in Zhang Wu Ji's lesson, everything controlled by her and agreed by the teacher.

Soon, there are only two months away to the day Enrollment Envoys coming into Longshan City to collect their students. Most of the youngsters turning fifteen had gotten their offer letter to enroll in the Designer Pagoda of their choice.

Some more prestigious youngster, such as Zhang Wu Ji from the Zhang Household, Yan Yi Long from Yan Household, and Lin Household's Lin Rui and Lin Mang, even obtained a special invitation to enroll with the three Designer Pagoda near them.

But to enroll with the Designer Pagoda, one must refine their own Designer Armament, regardless of quality! This can be said as their minimum requirement to be accepted into the academy! Each year, there's at least ten out of hundreds of student is rejected due to their incomplete Designer Armament!

This is also why the path to Designer Qi Cultivation is said to be a profession that one must be wealthy to shine. Although the materials to craft the parts can be answered as well priced, their limitation is also there to obstruct them from completing the Designer Parts.

That's why Lady Yue decided to push forward the topic covered in his private classes, until today where her child have to start refining his own Designer Armament. With the Chaotic Thunderbolt is completely destroyed into scraps, Zhang Wu Ji can only use whatever he studied to craft his new Designer Armament, all with new parts and knowledge.

"Mother, Wu Ji will prepare himself to craft a new Designer Armament. Please instruct the servants to deliver the meal straight into the Armament Workshop, and..." Zhang Wu Ji started to tell his mother what he's going to prepare.

"I think it's time too. My husband, my child, come with me to the Armament Workshop." Lady Yue gently whispers to the duo and brings them into the workshop.

"Wife, what surprises are you keeping from me?" Zhang Yuan keep asking the question until they reach the workshop.

"Wu Ji, go in and have a look," Lady Yue smiled as she speaks. As for Zhang Yuan, he got caught by the ear before he managed to follow further into the workshop.

Walking into the workshop like always, Zhang Wu Ji is greeted with a hidden compartment that Lady Yue think its time to let her son have a look. When he went closer to have a look, Zhang Wu Ji's jaw cannot be closed tight any longer.

"This is the Monster Core and bone powder from the Fire-Spitting Lizard! Inner-Grade Natural Qi Essence! Black Iron Mineral! Smelting Water from Soil Dragon Lake! Yanxi Charcoal, excellent to control the moldability of material during smelting, and many more!"

"The materials available here worth more than a thousand bottles of Inner-Grade Natural Qi Essence! Mother is overpampering me!"