Number 1 In Longshan City (5)

"My dear wife, don't your heart thumps while thinking about the kind of Designer Armament our child will create?" Zhang Yuan put his arm across Lady Yue's shoulder and pull her closer to his chest.

"If he's following my way, it will be a speed-based Designer Armament. But if he follows you..." Lady Yue replied, but her sentence came along with a gaze that could kill a person out of anger.

"OF COURSE OUR CHILD WILL FOLLOW YOUR WAY!" Zhang Yuan adjusted his sentence before he replied. Lady Yue smiled looking at her lack-of-seriousness husband.

Meanwhile, inside the Armament Workshop.

"I'll start from creating my Designer Core first! Using this Peak-Grade Monster Core, I'm sure the performance of this core will be three-times stronger than my previous Chaotic Thunderbolt!"

"But with a three-times stronger Designer Core, I'll need a much proper Inner-Grade material to withstands the pressure. This is where the Black Iron Mineral comes in. With them as the core material for all parts, creating a proper Designer Frame would not remain as a dream of mine."

"Luckily, to compensate for my yet to solidify cultivation, my mother prepared Smelting Water and Yanxi Charcoal. With both ingredients working side by side with me, shaping the parts one by one will not be impossible any longer!"

"Still, the Inner-Grade Natural Qi Essence is the best thing my mother prepared for me. No matter how great is my Designing and Crafting Skills, they're just an empty husk without the Natural Qi Essence supplementing in and reinforce the Designer Armament to their usable state."

It wasn't hard for a designer to craft something on their own but to outshine the predecessor, plenty of failure and research must be overcome until the best creation is made possible. Even his Teacher Luo says that it is normal for a cultivator in Designer Qi Cultivation waste his life to merely completing a piece of Designer Part.

This is also why the Designer Pagoda existed. Taking advantages of the eagerness of Designer Qi Cultivator to outshine their predecessor, they band together to increase their rate of success and also to amass the resources for the future.

And also, it wasn't wrong at all to says that with the existence of Designer Pagodas, business and lifestyle gets better. After all, nobody will say a word of bad or criticize the benefit brought by better technology.

Still, to say that the Designer Armament is a beneficial technology was too early, because their primary intention is created not for conveniences, but war. Even the ruler of Eternal Flame Nation depends on this technology to regain the land belonged to mankind and fought off other rulers and Cultivating Beast.

The clock ticks quickly, and very soon, two months period is finally over. Zhang Wu Ji came out just one day before the due date and recovering from the two-month continuous exhaustion. Luckily, the Designer Armament that was to be presented to the Enrollment Envoys.

In the next morning, all youngsters fifteen in age make their presence inside of Central Square. A stage is built in the middle of the square, seats arranged surrounding the four sides. This practice is conducted yearly for the sake of accepting talented individuals born and grow in this city.

"Silence!" like before, the City Lord of Longshan City made his appearance in the stage and ordered the crowd to keep quiet as he makes an announcement. The moment the entire square went silent, he continues.

"I am the City Lord of this Longshan City. I believe many of you know who I am, but practices must be followed. For those that don't know my name, remember this,"

"Han Yao Xing, that's my name!" the City Lord introduces himself once more and moves his hand towards the other individuals came to the city especially.

"Now, let us invite the Patriarch from Zhang, Yao, Lin Household to their seats!" Han Yao Xing first summoned the Top ranked individuals from the Longshan City to their seats.

"Next, Enrollment Envoys from the three Designer Pagodas! Envoy Tang of Beiyang Designer Pagoda! Envoy Liao from Xuanshou Designer Pagoda! And lastly, Envoy Ying from Shenyang Designer Pagoda!" the announcement summoned three seniors to their seats at one side, all of them with their own Designer Armament following closely.

"Last but not least, his lordship presence, Marshal Lin!" a man in his thirties appeared with a completely red Designer Armament covering him from his neck to toe. Behind him ten elite captains, with strength nothing less than Peak Inner Qi Realm.

As for Marshal Lin himself, his cultivation is even stronger, in his Half-Step Yuan Qi Realm. Within this area of Longshan City, there's nobody with such strength! To attain the position of a Marshal and Peak Tier 1 Designer on top of that means his talent is more than extraordinary.

"I am here today for one reason. To recruit somebody that could shine in the war between our Eternal Flame Nation against Dragonflame Nation." Marshal Lin explained his reason here before he took his seat.

"Alright! All individuals are present. We will start the enrollment test now. Those without an invitation letter come up to the stage now. You will activate your Designer Armament in front of everyone present to wait for the envoy's evaluation." the City Lord ordered.

As a response to his instruction, a total of two hundred youngsters came up to the stage, and queue into twenty rows with ten people each. Ten youths activated their Designer Armament at the same time and wait for their evaluated marks.

"Number 1 to 5, disqualified."

"Number 6, pass. Beiyang Designer Pagoda will accept you as a student, will you accept?" the eonvoy from Beiyang Designer Pagoda asked.

"Student Tian Yao accepts the offer." the youth on the sixth spot accepted the enrollment and went to the Beiyang Designer Pagoda's waiting point.

"Others, all two points." although the point given is low, those with points can try to enter the academy next time by paying them a visit, but for those disqualified youngsters, their hope ends here.

The evaluation continues until the twenty rows of youngsters are all done. At the end of the test, only seven people pass from the two hundred, and only twenty-five obtained points between 2 to 3.

"Those with an Invitation Letter, come up to the stage now!" City Lord summoned the next batch of youngsters up to the stage. This time, only fifty of them presents, with Zhang Wu Ji and Yan Yi Long also in this group.

"Group yourselves into ten rows of five people each! I want you to activate your Designer Armament one by one. Those that receive a pass will be given an opportunity to choose one of the three academies, and those receiving a fail will have to follow what we decide for you, do you accept this arrangement?" the envoy from Xuanshou Designer Academy stated the arrangement.

"We accept!" everyone replied in tandem.

"Good. The evaluation starts now. Number 1!"


"Number 2!"


This evaluation process continues until Yan Yi Long's turn.

"Number 43!"

"Here!" Yan Yi Long replied and activated his Designer Armament. As the most talented youth in their Yan Household, rank second of the three Households, how can Yan Yi Long be weaker than Zhang Wu Ji in skills and background?

His Designer Armament came out to be a perfect Seven-Piece Designer Frame, carrying a hint of golden lines along the edges of every Designer Parts. Furthermore, the preciseness of the build is top-notch perfection, leaving no gaps in between to be picked on.


"Did you say that your name is Yan Yi Long?" the Xuanshou Designer Pagoda's Envoy asked.

"Answering Envoy Liao, that's what junior called," Yan Yi Long immediately replies with a bow.

"Talented, eager, precise. I suppose nobody will fight against me for this student?" Envoy Liao requested Envoy Tang and Envoy Ying to leave this student to him. As they're not interested with Yan Yi Long, nobody fought against Envoy Liao.

But there's one more faction to appease for his request.

"Marshal Lin, will this surname Liao have the privilege to accept this student?" Envoy Liao requested for Marshal Lin's verdict.

"Yan Yi Long... A great talent, but not enough for the Army. You should reply Envoy Liao for his kindness," Marshal Lin replied as he pushes away the right to accept this youth.

"Thank you, Marshal Lin. Junior Yan Yi Long thanked Envoy Liao for the chance! I will do my best and shines in the Xuanshou Designer Academy!" Yan Yi Long quickly accepted the offer.



It continues until number 48, Zhang Wu Ji's turn.

"Junior's name is Zhang Wu Ji," he announces his name and proceeds with the activation. A surge of Natural Qi circles around him, causing the Designer Parts to start assembling into one complete Designer Armament.

Beautiful black equipment interlock with each other and form a single frame, covering him from head to toe entirely. Then, like a piece of equipment with sentience, window-like gaps opened and started to absorbs the faint Natural Qi surrounding him as the Designer Armament breaths.

"Huu!!!" Zhang Wu Ji stands up straight before the three envoys with a black Designer Armament, which he named as...
