Number 1 In Longshan City (6)

"Black Iron Mineral. This material actually look so beautiful after they formed into a Designer Part!" spectators speak their mind as ingredients used to create parts is open to the public. Furthermore, who in this Central Square know nothing about Designer Qi Cultivation?

"Wu Ji actually form a complete Designer Armament using Black Iron Mineral, Hahaha! No wonder he took almost two months to complete this Designer Armament!" Zhang Yuan laughed as he feels proud of his boy's creation.

"GEDUK!" a punch came to his head, leaving him with a bum. It was from his wife.

"If I did not includes Smelting Water and Yanxi Charcoal, do you think that's possible? Use your head and think about it! If I depend on your, our boy is going to create an Ironwood base Designer Frame!" unable to suppress her anger, Lady Yue delivers a chain of punches to Zhang Yuan.

"Argh! Family Cruelty!"




"Hahaha! They say talents come better and better with years. This depicted accurately on this boy!" Envoy Ying stands up and talks after remain quiet for so long. As for Zhang Wu Ji, it was the best thing he can anticipate as his main intention is to enter Shenyang Designer Pagoda!

"Unfortunately, I have a bet with old Beiyang. Instead of taking you into our academy, I am forced to let you go! Here, take this Ancient Blueprint as my compensation to not able to accept you as my student." Envoy Ying regrettably speaks about his losing bet and decided to compensate it with a simple Ancient Blueprint.

"Hahaha! Marshal Lin! Give this surname Tang a chance!" Envoy Tang stares at Zhang Wu Ji like he's his winning trophy.

"Of course, Envoy Tang. Such a talent that Beiyang Designer Pagoda covets, how can this surname Lin fight with you..." Marshal Lin replied with a smirk.

"Why are you not replying to the envoy yet? Quickly thanks the envoy for his acceptance!" Marshal Lin shouted at Zhang Wu Ji, somewhat unhappy to give up the youth to Beiyang Designer Academy.

"Wu Ji willing to enter Beiyang Designer Pagoda." given no other choices to choose from, Zhang Wu Ji agreed. After all, he's not bad enough to not coveted by the Shenyang nor Marshal Lin's army, but they cannot take him in as they look like losing in a bet!

"Alright. Number 49 and 50!" to end this enrollment test, the City Lord ordered the last two numbers to participates together. When both of them replied, everyone instantly caught wind of their identity.

"That's the geniuses from Lin Household, Lin Rui and Lin Mang!" the crowd whispered their name out. As the largest family in this tiny Longshan City, they're more than qualified to possess two geniuses compared to the Yan and Zhang Household!

When the two Lin geniuses activated their Designer Armaments, a harmonization between fire and ice came out side by side, showing off the prowess and knowledge possessed by these two geniuses! Without a doubt, their Designer Armament not only surpassed the minimum threshold of Seven-Piece!

It made Zhang Wu Ji's Star-Templar, an Eight-Piece Designer Armament, lack in impression. This means that the Lin Household's geniuses are at least Nine-Piece Armament Frame! The additional benefits brought by that one extra part made Zhang Wu Ji's Designer Armament fall down by one grade!

"Hahaha! This is the talent I am talking about! Lin Rui! Lin Mang! Are you both willing to join the Eternal Flame Nation's Elite Troops to serve our emperor and this nation?" Marshal Lin questioned the two juniors.

"We're willing!" both answered at the same time, making this moment seems like purposely made. Not only it generates hate from the crowd and even the three Designer Pagodas, but the City Lord is also not an exception.

"Lin Household! How dare you try to show off your family's strength while borrowing my stage!" the City Lord anger almost explodes as he monitors the changes on his people and their revered gaze towards Marshal Lin and the two geniuses.

"Looks like Marshal Lin found somebody as well. Only old Ying returned empty-handed this time." Envoy Liao jokes, but that was for them to retreat without causing each other any trouble. In fact, which of the three doesn't wish to give Marshal Lin a slap for underestimating their Designer Pagoda's background?

This is a challenge! As if the Royal Force wishes to take over the right of training the younger generation. And if they did, what can the Designer Pagodas do? Even if their number is multiplied by two, they still lack in comparison.

"Hold on... Although I am a marshal now, my heart is still held with grievance due to yet to obtain the rightful title as Number 1 Genius of Longshan City fifteen years ago."

"Zhang Yuan and Lin Yue, how about we decide the ranking between the three of us today?" Marshal Lin's sentence aimed at Zhang Wu Ji's parent seated behind the Household's Row.

"Lin Wu! Don't you dare to ignore my presence here! No matter what nobility you got there, I am still the city lord of Longshan City!" Han Yao Xing no longer holds his anger and raised his voice towards Marshal Lin.

"That's fine with me. Since my Zhang Yuan had his Designer Armament in repair, how about the two of us decides who will take the spot of the first genius of Longshan City for the past fifteen years, and also, at the same time, who is the strongest in Lin Household up to date!"

Although her origin is not a secret, those that remembered their glorious period fifteen years ago can almost be counted by their fingers by now. After all, not everyone remains alive, rural, or average fifteen years later.

"Mother..." Zhang Wu Ji finally understands why his mother says that her family members are all dead. It was not because she hates them, but they wish that she's dead instead! This is because as a darling daughter and contender for the top genius position, she let everything goes to pursue her true love!

But her action not only receives the wrath from her fellow family members from the Lin Household but also from Lin Wu, another genius from the same generation. Although inter-marriage is not allowed between close blood-related siblings, Lin Yue, where her father married into the Lin Household can be said to be an external family member.

While Lin Wu still holding a grudge at Zhang Yuan for Lin Yue's heart, he's also regretted his action at not deciding the strongest between the three of them! Unless this smeared spot is erased today, it will haunt Lin Wu forever until turning into an Inner Demon.

With a jump, Lin Yue gracefully descend from the air and stand just a few steps apart from Lin Wu. She pays no heed in greeting this person that used to pursue her and activated her Designer Armament straightaway as if letting Lin Wu looking at her for one more second is a loss.

"You! I will let you see that not marrying me is your worst regret in life!" Lin Wu activated the final piece of his Designer Armament, allowing it to turn into a Nine-Piece Designer Frame. Possessing the strength at least fivefold stronger than Lin Rui and Lin Mang, Lin Wu attacked!

"Ashen Flame Strike!" an attack of a Peak Inner Qi Realm strength went straight ahead to Lin Yue, but a simple slap from her palm throws the attack aside and wreck the stage. The first exchange raised the expectation from the crowd, as they started to cheer for an exciting fight!

"Hahaha! You fell into my trick!" a barrel of cannon extended from Lin Wu's back and fired at Lin Yue, but at this moment, one of her signatures moves protected her from any injuries.

"Moon-Shield!" a full moon shield protected her from any injuries while remaining clean and lucent like when it came out. But her move did not stops here.

"Flying blade!" crescent moon breaks from both left and right, bringing up two crescent moon blade to attack Lin Wu from a distance. Her performance shock not only the patriarch from the Zhang Household, but also the Lin Household.

"She reaches this level of understanding while fulfilling her task as a mother? If she used the time to cultivates instead, won't this genius brings our Lin Household to greater heights?" a hint of hate came out from the Patriarch of Lin Household due to the losses of a genius.

Furthermore, looking at how a genius mother and genius father only end up giving birth to a mediocre child-like Zhang Wu Ji, is more than unforgivable! If she's married to Lin Wu, perhaps the genius comes from Lin Household this time is not two, but four!

Their battle gets more exciting as the time passes, but the cheer slowly moves from even to siding with Lady Yue, because of her identity as a fierce mother, top beauty even fifteen years later, and her talent in cultivation!

Without a doubt, Lin Yue is the top genius of Longshan City!

"Aargh! I'll let you taste my strength of a Half-Step Yuan Qi Realm!" Lin Wu lost himself in anger and attacked with his full strength. But reality hurts when one is too hopeful in a particular subject!

"Do you think only you can reach Half-Step Yuan Qi Realm?" unexpectedly, Lin Yue raised her strength further, somewhat above Lin Wu's cultivation and gave him a strike with all her might. The initially lady-like Designer Gauntlet suddenly tripled in size, and strike at Lin Wu like a steel hammer.

"A HAMMER!" Zhang Wu Ji finally understands where did his mother's strength come from. At the same time, he finally understood one fact between his father and mother.

"It's not because my father is spineless against my mother, it was because he can't even win mother in a one to one battle! No wonder dad dare not to fight with mom!"






[Author's Note]

I think everyone assumes that ZWJ is the number one genius right? Nah, it's his tiger mother. A tribute to our beloved mother with the title, Tigress.