Zitian Umbrella (2)

"OINK!" the Thundering Beast return to all fours after rolling on the ground for a short while. Roaring angrily, a soundwave attack went straight to Zhang Wu Ji, forcing him to open his umbrella once more.

"Wuwu..." the attack managed to give Zhang Wu Ji some pressure. While he managed to defend against the soundwave attack, it destroyed a small part of his Zitian Umbrella and dislocated two of its limbs.

With one-eighth of the Zitian Umbrella is damaged, Zhang Wu Ji aims to obtain the Azure Crystal Dust becomes more challenging. His previous aim to scrap some of them safely is no longer viable with a partially damaged umbrella.

"Ching!" a 10cm long blade extends from the tip of his Zitian Umbrella and strike accurately at the gap between the thick leather, and a hint of Azure Crystal Dust is scrapped off. Zhang Wu Ji then opened his umbrella slightly to collect the dust, and retreat as he deems necessary.

The act continues for about three to four minutes before Zhang Wu Ji suddenly turns aggressive. The youngster attack immediately gave the Thundering Beast a deep cut on its side belly, but at the same time, it gave the youngster a headbutt along with the horns.

"Brother Zhang! We're here!" the two youngsters that left for help returns with a group of youngsters and Envoy Tang. The envoy scanned their surrounding and gave the Thundering Beast a stare.

"You damn pig! Do you want me to roast you alive?" Envoy Tang's taunt scares the Thundering Beast off immediately, like a pig chased by a ferocious tiger. After all, no Cultivating Beast is a fool, even though they're a beast.

"Thank you, Envoy Tang." Zhang Wu Ji cupped his palm together and gave the envoy a polite bow. No matter how good is his acting, a proper attitude is a must towards someone rushing here for the purpose to protect him from danger.

"En. Let's return to the Ground Transportation Lizard. We're just one day away from the Beiyang Designer Pagoda. Tell everyone that free roaming is no longer allowed. We're almost there!" Envoy Tang ordered and led them back to the lizard.

They continue with their travels until the group is greeted with a tall four-floors height pagoda with dragon sculptures hugging the entire building from bottom to top. On top of the pagoda is a brilliant pearl seems to be made from a rare mineral that could benefits cultivator in cultivation.

"Immature brats, look carefully at the place you're going to stay for the next two to three years," Envoy Tangjokes as they get closer to the pagoda. Although it was only four-floors in height, each floor was at least five meters tall, making this building at least 25 meters in height when the top of the pagoda is counted in.

While the Beiyang Designer Pagoda is known as where their academy is located, it doesn't mean that they will be staying within the pagoda for this two to three years of studies. Buildings available for the student's accommodation is allocated for them surrounding the Beiyang Designer Pagoda, which is at least half the size of the Longshan City!

What was surprising to them is the technology used to make their defensive wall! When Envoy Tang presents his token, a slight tremor happened on its own accord before a section collapse into the ground for their access.

"WOW!" the youngsters are all surprised by their defensive technology employed by those belonging to Beiyang Designer Pagoda, but Envoy Tang's next sentence blown their mind.

"This is just the outer layer of our Beast Prisoning Wall. If you have the opportunity to visit the Xuanshou Designer Pagoda, you will be surprised by their Beast Subduing Wall that three times better than this."

The scene stunned everyone, especially when they're greeted by the astonishing number of students studying in the Beiyang Academy. Furthermore, the number of experts on their way to the pagoda itself completely describes the Beiyang Designer Pagoda's strength.

To Longshan City, the existence of two Half-Step Yuan Qi Realm cultivators and seventeen Peak Inner Qi Realm cultivators are known as gods protecting the entire city, but here, Peak Inner Qi Realm cultivators are merely a captain guarding the Beast Prisoning Wall!

Only the number of Early and Advance Inner Qi Realm cultivators alone can flood the entire Longshan City with blood!

Once they descend from the Ground Transportation Lizard, Envoy Tang leads them into the pagoda. The Beiyang Designer Pagoda look even grandeur from close, although they're already that impressive from afar.

With Envoy Tang as the guide, the thirty youngsters followed until they reach the inside of the Pagoda. The ground floor itself is at least twice the size of their Longshan City's Central Square, fitted with multiple sections categorized according to their specialty.

"New students! Gathered before me!" an elder of the Beiyang Designer Pagoda summoned the youngsters gathered inside the pagoda's ground floor. It took them about ten minutes to group them together, and when everyone's attention is on the elder, three more elders came up behind him to handle the rest of the process.

The first elder at the leftmost starts first.

"Chen Song Yun."

"Here!" a youth raised his hand as his name was called.

"Long Ning."

"Here!" another youth repeated as his name is called.

"Zhang Yang, Ming Wei Ling, Hao Ting, Mian Rui."

After calling a total of ten names, the elder left with them. This followed by the second elder and the third elder, where they both bring away twenty students with them. With only two hundred and fifty youths left, the elder that call all of them to group up begin the induction process.

"All of you will officially become a student of Beiyang Designer Pagoda from today onwards. Although we have multiple rules and regulations that must be adhered and followed, rest assure that we will not mistreat you." the elder started to speaks.

Once his sentence ends, a pouch is given to each and every one of them. Inside is a piece of Jade, a Pill Bottle with three Inner Rising Pills that suitable to strengthen those in their Inner Qi Realm cultivation, a scroll, and a book titled [Beiyang Handbook].

"Insert your Natural Qi into the Jade to let it record your name and other details. Always remember to bring the jade with you wherever you go because this jade represents your identity as a student of our Beiyang Academy."

"Every first day of the month, you will be entitled with three Inner Rising Pills. The better is your contribution to the academy, the better the academy will treat you, so make sure that other than studying, you have to put an effort in improving your position in the Beiyang Academy."

"As for the scroll inside the pouch, it contains the information in crafting the Beiyang Core, which is essential for any other Designer Parts available in Beiyang Designer Pagoda. This is also how you're going to earn your share to do better in the academy."

"Lastly, the Beiyang Handbook. Written within is the information and guideline you should follow as a student, and also the things you can do during your two to three years of studies with us. If there's no other question, all of you may follow your seniors that will start to bring you to your assigned accommodation."

"Always remember this... If you want to be respected, you must first possess the strength to garner respect." the elder finishes their induction with a word of thought and left. When they turned their head behind, twenty-five seniors is standing behind them waiting for them.

After they got split into a group of ten people, the senior that will handle their group brings the ten of them into a two-floors mansion. In every intake, ten students will be allotted into one home, disregarding of genders. As there's a total of two hundred and fifty students, they took over twenty-five houses in total, forming twenty-five different groups.

They are responsible for handling and maintain the house itself, along with the facility available for them to use. As there was only a small workshop enough to occupy two designers, they can choose to either share or decides a way on who is qualified to use them.

"Alright, this is where the ten of you will live." their senior pointed at a building before them, somewhat broken and weren't taken care for a long time. Only looking at the windows alone tells them that this building is either haunted or cursed.

"Senior... Are we going to..." one of the three girls in their group asked the senior, but before she finishes her question, the senior interrupted.

"You're going to repair and manage the building as a team. The way it was handled will grant you guys points to be used inside the Designer Pagoda. Every end of the month there will be an inspection officer to evaluates the extends of your team's effort and rewards each of you accordingly." the senior explains what they needed to do.

"Hahaha! No wonder they call this as an academy where we were groomed before graduating. If we remain inside of our home, to what extent we will remain immature and selfish, unable to grow up under hardship like such?" Zhang Wu Ji understands the reason they're given all of these menial tasks.

"I am starting to get more interested with this academy now. First of all, they gave us a method to earn our keep to live better in this academy, but next, we're required to repair the building we will stay. Both tasks need different things that may put our team in disharmony due to selfishness..."

"No wonder! Hahaha! I know why they're doing this to us!" Zhang Wu Ji put his mind in understanding why the academy put them in these hardships and got his answer. He took a glance on his nine fellow house members, three girls, and six boys.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" one of the boys pointed at Zhang Wu Ji because he started to feel discomfort from the way Zhang Wu Ji look at all of them.

"Since all of us will stay here for quite a long time, shouldn't we choose someone to take the lead?" Zhang Wu Ji suggested and activated his Zitian Umbrella in hand.

"You!" the nine of them had their opinion at Zhang Wu Ji immediately deteriorates.