Zitian Umbrella (3)

"What's wrong? We're in the academy now, so I don't think that personal fight is inappropriate. My reason to take this weapon out is for all of you to take a look. What do you people think about it?" Zhang Wu Ji explained to them his reason for taking out this weapon.

Although they did not trust his words immediately, they remembered the rules stated about fighting in the academy ground. Those that failed to adhere to this rule will be disqualified without trial. Slowly but surely, their attention turns from careful to interested.

"An umbrella? Throughout history, only Pointing Heaven Designer Pagoda, Holy Maiden Designer Pagoda, and Shield of Immortal Designer Pagoda carry umbrella blueprints as a weapon." one of the three girls shared.

"You are?" Zhang Wu Ji cupped his palms together while facing the lady just half a head shorter than himself.

"Tieshan City's Wan Household. My surname is Wan, my given name is Nian Qing." the lady introduces herself in a way nobody will be able to forget about it for a long time.

"Hahaha... Longshan City's Zhang Household, Zhang Wu Ji." he introduces himself in the same manner. And at the same time, he's pondering about her name Nian Qing, which equals to the meaning of [Impartial].

"Wan Nian Qing... Ten Thousand Years of Impartial, what a great name her parent given her..."

"Hey! Answer me, from which faction is the umbrella blueprint comes from?" Wan Nian Qing questioned him again, seemingly curious for the answer.

"This is the Zitian Umbrella, from the Pointing Heaven Designer Pagoda." Zhang Wu Ji answered. But the next moment was something even Zhang Wu Ji did not expect.

Wan Nian Qing activated her weapon following Zhang Wu Ji's reply and revealed a handheld Cone Spear, somewhat similar to the length of a javelin. The most important part about this Cone Spear is the way it is designed and built, which carries the similarity to his own Zitian Umbrella.

"That's one of the Pointing Heaven Designer Pagoda's weapon!" as a superpower faction that possessed an umbrella as one of their arsenals, it wasn't weird to assume that Cone Spear is related to his umbrella.

"Correct! This is the Zitian Cone, one of the weaponry designed by Pointing Heaven Designer Pagoda." Wan Nian Qing replied with a smile. This little scuffle brought the group closer when two of the ten people shared their Designer Part.

Looking at them starting to get closer, the senior left them on their own as he returned to his own duties. The group now no longer bothered with the inadequate accommodation provided to them, which is a good thing for a team to start cooperating with each other.

They started to introduce themselves.

Other than Zhang Wu Ji is six boys named Li Cheng Ming, Cao Jie, Feng Yuchen, Cai Yun, Yang Wen Ling, and Pang De Jun. Except for Zhang Wu Ji, all of them comes from Tianshan City.

As for the girls is Wu Xiao Ling, a petite and charming lady with two ponytails and Lian Liyin, a redhead with a glasses. Added with Wan Nian Qing, they form the girl's group.

After a discussion, the boys decided to share three rooms on the second floor, while the girl shares the largest room on the ground floor. The repairing work comes next, where Zhang Wu Ji offered to collect some woods and planks to replace those broken parts.

The process did not take them too long before the house returned to a much proper state suitable for them to live comfortably. At night, all of them returned to their room to do their own things, but almost all of them took the Beiyang Core Scroll for a look, except Zhang Wu Ji with the Beiyang Handbook.

[Beiyang Handbook]

Rule No.1

-All belongings related to the name of Beiyang cannot be disclosed to outsiders. Anyone caught with this offense will be imprisoned on the spot without going through the Martial Court (Special Case may be exempted)


Rule No.2

-Students of Beiyang is required to carry the Beiyang Jade with them at all time. Any offender will receive a penalty of one month provision confiscated.


Rule No.5

-Beiyang Core must be...


Rule Number 10...


Rule Number 20...


"Zzz..." Zhang Wu Ji falls asleep with the book covering his face. Because the students weren't forced to attend any class held inside of the Designer Pagoda, most of them have their own activities in the next morning. Plus, as a new student, they got no Beiyang Points to exchange for any class for now.

Only now Zhang Wu Ji opened the Beiyang Core's blueprint to study. Although the difficulty to craft one of them wasn't too difficult for him, the requirement of Natural Qi and prices made him almost lost the interest to craft them regularly.

As somebody that not even in the Early Inner Qi Realm, Zhang Wu Ji needs one full day to craft a usable Beiyang Core. The price offered for the Beiyang Core is one Eternal Flame Coin for ten cores, which means he can only earn 3 Eternal Flame Coins at most in one month.

This is if he succeeds in each crafting attempt, continuously for thirty days period. But for now, he can only force himself to struggle through this difficulty, because other than the Eternal Flame Coin he will receive from the exchange, he will also obtain one Beiyang Point.

This Beiyang Point can be said to be their own internal currency that can be exchanged to classes, materials, missions, blueprints, and single-use entry into a secret Resources Plane. Perhaps only himself in the entire house know about this Resources Plane available for students to enter.

"I guess I got no choice except going to the Material Building to withdraw a set of ten portions of ingredients to craft the Beiyang Core." Zhang Wu Ji tidied his appearance and left to the building for some crafting materials. As this material for Beiyang Core cost nothing for him to collect, Zhang Wu Ji decided to start the crafting process instead of complaining.

"This senior, can junior request for one set of ingredients to craft the Beiyang Core?" Zhang Wu Ji made his request when it was his turn to put up a matter on the Material Counter. As more than a hundred of such application came daily, the shelf behind each of these attendants comes with more than ten sets to be withdrawn without any form of paperwork.

"Give me your Beiyang Jade," the attendant asked for the identification jade that will decide how much Zhang Wu Ji is entitled to take.

"Hmm... Not bad for a freshman. I will put a credit of one Beiyang Point in your Beiyang Jade as the procedure, which can be voided if you can show me a completed Beiyang Core. Remember to engrave a symbol on your Beiyang Core before you exchange them in our Material Building, to prove them as not a product from theft."

"Here, take this Wooden Universal Plate. Within is ten portions of ingredients required to craft your own Beiyang Core. Remember to bring this Wooden Universal Plate back to the Material Building the next time you request for additional supplies! Forget to do so or losing the plate will deduct one Beiyang Point from your Beiyang Jade."

The process of applying for the crafting material went off smoothly without hindrance, but the warning this attendant gave him let Zhang Wu Ji understands the importance of rules and regulation within this Beiyang Designer Pagoda.

To possess such a background, it is not a secret even to the public. Although the Designer Pagoda weren't counted as a part of the Eternal Flame's Military, they carry similar practices and strict regulation that can be compared to the nation's elite force.

"Brother Wu Ji!" when Zhang Wu Ji steps outside of the building, his name was called by two people he recently knew. They're Yang Wen Ling and Pang De Jun. Since everyone is new to the academy, their appearance here outside of the Material Building must be because of the set of free crafting materials.

"Brother Wen Ling, brother De Jun. Are you both here for the crafting materials as well?" to make himself much polite, Zhang Wu Ji decided to ask them for their reason to visit this building.

"Like you, we're here to get our free set of Beiyang Core crafting materials!" Pang De Jun replied first, while Yang Wen Ling is the quieter between the two.

"I see. Then please excuse Wu Ji first. I still have to get something else ready before I return to our home." Zhang Wu Ji replied. Since all of them was new to the academy, everyone has their own thing to do and prepare for their first month.

After he leaves the Material Building, Zhang Wu Ji headed straight into the Beiyang Library to look for a specific person. This is also as per his mother's instruction, to become the direct disciple of this person known as Elder Tang or Librarian Tang!

But when he's standing outside of the Designer Pagoda, Zhang Wu Ji almost fell into disappointment. The entrance fee alone into the Designer Pagoda is ten Beiyang Points an hour!