Training and Arrival

After 2 years(since Tian comprehended time law he can check the time ratio of this cave and calculate it), two people were standing in front of an array, which sends them back to their dimension. Both of them looked the same when they entered the cave. Since I comprehended Time and space law, I can alter our appearence to certain extent. We trained for two years, recreating some techniques similar to some anime.

We started to train few days later after the emperor soul left the realm of living. I also explained Ning'er about my true cultivation. I also explained about my future plans for the glory city. As time went on,we both were looking at each other with a loving expression. I then took the initiative to kiss Ning'er to which she reciprocated it. We continued it for a while, say 2 minutes. Ning'er then sat on my lap with her back rest on my chest. I wraped my hands around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulders. We both enjoyed each other's warmth and wished to stay like this for eternity.

Then the training started. For the first year, we started to incorporate their laws in their fighting style. We decided to recreate some of the moves from various anime using the laws. I was able to create a Katana from the materials left behind by my teacher. I then incorporated an inscription pattern to siphon life law from my law seed and use it to heal my allies. This was similar to Inuyasha series 'Tenseiga- the healing sword.'. But, since I use law seed, It takes half of my soul force to heal 3 people from death, whose cultivation would be less than mine.

I also used life law to strengthen my vitality and physique, removing the impurities to lay proper foundation. I also found some perks regarding my laws

Life law:

-High-speed regeneration.

-Can cure others of fatal injuries within hours(self and allies)

-Can create life in a smaller range, like growing plants from barren seed and make it flourish. (For every creation there must be the catalyst. No Life can be born from nothing)

Death law:

-Death domain: can create a domain for 500m which reduces the vitality of living beings inside the domain

-Death pulse: Can send a pulse of death wave focusing on the individual to kill him (consider zeref attack when loses his control but both in one direction and multi-directional).

Time law:

-Future vision: can look for future up to 1 minute(current level), for 2 minutes when infused with observation.

-Time stagnation: can make others reduce their perception of time (Like valefor from Magi series. AN: since Tian comprehended the laws of Time, He could recreate the stagnation.)

Space law:

-Teleportation: Can teleport like an instant transmission with 1/4th of soul force used every time.

-Isolation: Can isolate anyone or himself from surrounding for 5 seconds.

These are some of my perks of my laws. I started to hone my laws to improve the perks and comprehending the moves to reduce the waste of soul force. My current powers aside from my cultivation can stand toe with the Legend rank experts and can escape from the Demi-god rank experts.

(Author announcement: the moves and perks are comprehended by MC using Trial and error method. Some of the moves were explained in the original series of anime. MC just used his laws to improvise the moves from various anime)

In the second Year, I focused on my physical aspects. I honed my martial art skills to certain degree. My swordsmanship raised to that of grandmaster level where I can create sword intent and could use my body as sword. My inscription went to godly level where i can lay arrays and Inscriptions to withstand attacks from martial ancestor realm. My greatest creation was inscription which could block the divination on the owner of the inscription. It nearly took 6 months to create the inscription using Time and Space laws. Teacher already worked on that project which I completed it.

With this I could prevent Sage emperor from divinating Ning'er and my existance. Now I could freely go to draconic the realm with less tension. I raised my physique to the legend rank physique. Now my body could withstand 5 attacks from legend rank experts.

As for Xiao Ning'er, for the first year, she focused on her law. She derived some attacks based on her law which were similar to some anime.

Law of Lightning:

-Kirin (from Naruto): I gave her an idea to use concentrated lightning to produce Kirin from the sky. It acts as an AOE attack which could decimate the gold ranks and injuring dark gold and legend ranks. Lethality of the attack grows with her growth.

-Raiton no yoroi(Naruto): can coat lightning all over her body for few minutes to improve speed, offence and defence.

Bararaq saiqa(Magi series): Focus the lightning with high concentration to send it in unidirectional. Each attack cost half of the soul force.

(announcement: I am not going to use the name as it is. I just mentioned the series and attacks derived for her laws. The attacks and Names belong to the original characters and authors)

She was also given a sword with lightning laws written as the inscription to syphon the lightning from her laws and use it with ease. He named it Raikiri(lightning cutter).

In her second year, she was taught martial arts: rokushiki. she learned Kami-e and soru. For haki, she learned observation and armament, while leaning over observation. She can predict attacks with ease and with lightning power her senses can boost up to range of 2km(like enel). Her sword art leaned towards swiftness and accuracy. She reached master level in her sword art. Her characteristic also changed from a shy girl to a brave warrior with a strong will. She also overcame her heart demon and her cultivation rose.

Third Pov:

Their relationship went in a healthy way. They would often kiss and sometimes be at each other's warm but they never crossed the line. They wanted to take it to step by step process. Their cultivation rose as Tian reached the pinnacle of black gold rank and Xiao ning'er reached the 3-star gold rank demon spiritualist. They used elixers and herbs left by their teacher to boost their cultivation but not to the extreme, since it would destroy their foundations.

Now they stood near the array after two years of training, to reach the outside world. Tian looked at Ning'er and said, "Dear, we should not reveal our powers to the society for a while. Many would covet our treasure and would try to kill us or use our family as hostage, especially the Sacred family. We must hide our cultivation now to prevent suspicion. You should reduce it to 3-star bronze rank and mine to 1-star silver rank. If asked, I will say that we encountered a treasured herb which helped us in our cultivation.".

Ning'er replied, "Of course honey. You are right about that. we should reduce our cultivation here, so when we go outside, we can avoid suspicion." she said giving a peck on his cheeks. They both were bold since no one was there at that moment. They suppressed their cultivation and went towards the array. Tian looked back at the place they stayed with melancholy. It contained precious memories of them and their teacher.

They both stood inside the array and activated it. A white light blinded them and when they opened their eyes, they were back at the ancient orchid city ruins. He then saw the corpse of spiritual grade ape beast. He had a small amount of gratitude towards it, because it was the reason they got the inheritance. He went and buried it's remains and went back to her. He made some beast blood spill on him to make an act, that he fought the ape and escaped.

They started to move towards the military base to join with others. During their travel, Ning'er made her first kill and was slightly sad. But the path of cultivators were built with blood and bones(not entirely, also contains trust and bond). Tian consoled her by giving her a hug and soothed her. They then continued their journey and finally met with others.

They were digging around the military ground to reach the treasure. Suddenly the group saw two people coming towards them. They were shocked but soon it converted to happiness, since Tian had survived with Xiao ning'er from the ape's attack. They went cheering for them and some were crying tears of joy. At that time both Ning'er and Tian thought one thing in their mind,'it's good to be back'.