Return and Integration

I could see that many of them were happy for our return, especially Chen Linjian. This showed his true nature. He was kind and looked after other well beings. Many of them bombarded with questions. I then replied, "When I was fighting with spirit grade demon beast I could sense few people coming towards us. I went to check and surprisingly it was Dark guild. It seemed that they came with ill intentions. I was able to divert the attention of the ape towards the dark guild. That's how I and Ning'er escaped from the ape's wrath. I don't know what happened to the dark guild members.".

I was then briefed about the situation. Obviously, they have found the place of treasure and was contemplating the ways to open the way to the treasury. I assured them by saying, "I will take care of it. Please don't worry. I will also check for traps present.". I then used observation to check the position of Nie li and Ye zhiyun. I found that they were far from the treasury, meditating. I focused my sword intent at the ground and vapourised it immediately. I then went first to detect traps.

Since no traps were laid, I then went to the treasure room. I then allocated a part of golds and jewelleries in my personal space. Next was to find the lamp and i found it easily. I suddenly got an idea and stored the lamo inside my space. The plot armor would provide Nie li something to help hhim. But next thing I found was even more precious. It was a pot which sold for 120 million demon spirit coins. It was Nightmare demon pot. Immediately I stored it inside the space to auction it for Nie li. I already have my own demon pot. It was included in inheritance. But 120 million spirit coins is hell lot worth of money.

Soon after hearing the signal, others also came to the treasure room. Chen linjian then said, "Brother Tian, since you helped us that much, you can choose the first treasure.". I replied, "I got my first treasure. You can take anything you want. I was glad that I was able to help you guys.". The others were interested about his treasure but left it out, since everyone has their own secrets.

Chen Yue went to Chen Linjian and said, "Young master, How can you leave him? since he came first he must have taken something valuable. You must investigate him.". Chen Yue was humiliated by both Nie li and Long Tian, so he decided to sow the seed of distrust between Tian and Linjian. Chen Linjian said, " I know what you are thinking. He helped us in many ways protecting our life and this is how you repay it. If I heard another word from you, You will be kicked out of the group.". Chen yue became pale hearing this.

After sometimes Nie li and Ye zhiyun came to the treasure room and was surprised to see Chen linjian and others collecting their loot. Others saw Nie li and Ye zhiyun and were happy that they were alive. After both groups explained their encounter, Nie li immediately went to search for the spirit lamp but to his dismay, he couldn't find it. He can't immediately go and ask for spirit lamp and create enmity between them.

He then went to collect some treasure with a sad expression. I saw him but never minded, since I was helping Ning'er to collect her part of treasure. After collecting the treasures, we started our ret to the glory city. The return journey was less thrilling but most of them were in good mood. Nie li was sad, since he couldn't get the shadow devil spirit. Surprisingly Ye ziyun consoled him, which was a great shock for us. It seems that they developed some good relationship during the time in the cave.

We finally returned to glory city and the entire city was in an uproar. The children went to the ancient city without elders permission, but they were proud that they went and came without any fatality. I became popular in the city since all spoke about my fight with the apes and about my swordplay. I was hailed as Hero for protecting the lives of others. I was slightly frowning, since i could sense the eyes of old man was watching me intently. I was able to deduce that it was Shen Hong, the patriarch of the sacred family. I felt uneasy from his gaze. I decided to confront him and kill him soon, if possible.

Everyone shared their experience with their families and showed them the treasures. I immediately reached home to meet my parents, who received me with slap on my face and then hugged me. They must have worried sick for my well being. I shared some of my treasures to the family and decided to auction the pot as an anonymous owner.

Third Pov:

During the night time, Tian went to hunting ground to carry out his experiment. He triple checked his surroundings and after confirming that no one was present, he took the Spirit lamp and released it. When it was released, The shadow Devil beast, which was dark with glowing eyes and was in mist form. It immediately tried to escape but Tian used his soul force to bind it and tried to integrate with it. To his surprise, his laws were able to adjust his soul realm, making it integrate with different spirit beasts. The law of death was compatible with the beast, making it reach black gold rank immediately.

Tian was happy that he was able to succeed in his spirit integration. He found that the shadow devil has stealth, claws integrated with death law. His slash can now take the life energy from his enemy and his stealth made black gold ranks unable to detect him. He practised a few moves and then went home. During that time Xiao Ning'er was able to show her powers and was able to shock her family by spirit forming her wings making them dumbstruck.

They practised their cultivation to improve their soul force, since yearly examination is almost close. They were exciting and nervous about it. Tian wanted to cultivate to consolidate his foundation and wanted to travel with Ning'er to improve their laws and have an adventure.