Yearly Examination and Plans

Today would be the Yearly examination held at orchid institute. During these days, Nie li delivered the pill formulas to the alchemy association. The entire glory city went uproar. Every family used as much as spirit coins to get these elixirs. Many students started to practice for yearly examination. Everyone was anticipating the examination and wish to enter the genius class.

I was cultivating my laws to the finest. I will suppress my power, since Shen Hong would be there to watch the examination. I secretly laid Heaven suppression array around my house. I also removed the spies within our family. Our family went strict with the guards recruitment, and we took a better turn. Our family used 'stick and carrot' method towards the guards to make them work diligently. My father reached the pinnacle of black gold rank and the family strength increased to gold and black gold rank(except children).

I was wearing the clothes goku wear and started to move towards orchid institute. I was anticipating for todays event. After reaching the school grounds, I saw many students around the premises with expression of anticipation and nervousness. I searched for Ning'er and Nie li. I heard that Shen Fei became a shut in in his mansion. Since he became eunuch, he refuses to go outside due to him subjected to humiliation.

Hence, that episode of Sacred family tournament challenge never took place. I then saw Shen Yue coming for the yearly examination. He was pitiful, and his face was pale with black circles beneath his eyes. He was experiencing trauma every night without proper sleep. I then saw Nie li looking at Shen Yue with mocking smile. I saw Shen Yue with indifference.

The teachers and vice principles were standing in a building watching the examination. One of the teachers said, "There are many promising students in this year. Let us watch how many reach the Genius class.". The vice principal was looking at students with a curious expression. I then saw an elderly man with the teachers watching over the students. After sometime, the examination started.

A teacher called the name of the students one by one. Some showed result of bronze rank and some failed the examination. When Shen Yue was called, he went to check his physical strength. He never had smug face like before. It resulted in 2-star bronze rank and then tested for his soul force resulting in 3-star bronze rank. He returned from the podium and then immediately went home. I could sense bitter expression on Shen Hong.

Xiao Ning'er and Ye zhiyun went next and surprised them by reaching Peak bronze rank physique with 5-star bronze rank soul force for the former and 3-star bronze rank physique with 3-star bronze rank soul force for the latter. They were listed to the genius class immediately by the vice principal. Shen Hong was still expressionless and looked at them.

Lu piao name was called for examination. Hearing that name Shen Hong knitted his brows, since he was one of the Nie li's friend and skipped class for two months. When he went and checked for his physical strength, it showed 4-star bronze rank. Shen Hong was slightly shocked that he was able to reach this level without attending class. Then checking for soul force he reached 4-star bronze rank. There was pin-drop silence in the ground. Shen Yue was flabbergasted.

Then Du zhe was called. He took it to next level. His physique was in 1-star silver rank and when checking his soul force he broke the crystal. This time there was a huge uproar in the examination hall that even teachers started to fight for him, to take him as a disciple since he reached 1-star silver rank. This time the entire exam place went silent.

Nie li went next for the examination. I could feel a small amount of killing intent from Shen Hong. Nie li's control over his soul force was so good that he only showed 1-star bronze physique and 1-star bronze soul force in the examination. Nie li was admitted to genius class, despite other teachers protest.

Lastly, my name was called. I decided to make a show for others. I went towards the machine and stood in front of it. I clenched my fist, took horse stance and punched the machine. The machine was blasted to smithereens. The machine was capable of measuring up to gold rank. That means my physique must be above gold rank. When he went to measure his soul force, I showed the result of 1-Star silver rank. Shen Hong was somewhat furious, but I never gave a thought for it, since I would be killing the old man soon.

Shen Hong looked indifferent and went to the principal and took his leave. I never knew what he was planning, but it would never be a good one. I would implement my plans soon to remove the cancer from the Glory city .

I plan to auction the Nightmare demon pot and then visit the ten millennium array to recruit Duan Jian from the abyss prison realm. I also wish to liberate the people under the Silver-wing family and exterminate Sikong Yi and Hongyue. They must die soon, to create peace in the abyss prison realm. I then went to my home to relay the result to my parents and then we partied at that night.