Abyss prison realm and Breakthrough

We three were blinded by the light. Next thing we were in a barren land with dark clouds looming around, making it an eerie scenario. In a distance, We could see a large mountain standing majestically in the background. Chen linjian was shocked and exited to see this place, since this was his first time going to another place.

Ning'er saw the barren land was flabbergasted at the scenario. This place gave them eerie feeling. I looked at them and said, "Welcome to abyss prison realm. This is formed by legend and above ranks to protect humanity and other species from the Age of darkness. Here contain dangerous spirit beasts that can kill using the cunning methods. But to us, it will be easy but don't let your guard down since we reached a higher level. There are many dangers looming here that can kill a legend rank with ease.".

They were shocked about the information and immediately went to their guard. Suddenly a sound was heard from this vicinity. *gu-gi gu-gi*. Immediately we were surrounded by a group of the scarlet colour small beast. Linjian asked me, "Brother Tian, What are these beasts? They are just silver rank beasts but their quantity is very high."

I looked at them and said, "These beasts are known as a scarlet ghost beast. They are individually weak but always attack in the group to overcome their weakness. Merging with demon spirit will call forth more of them. This is a perfect chance to showcase our skills. Also, collect some blood from these scarlet beasts. I have a use for them."

Suddenly some of the beasts jumped on to us. I immediately unsheathed my sword and started slashing these creatures. I used soru to speed up and kept slashing it in various angles. There were no ends for these. The scarlet ghost started to call others for help.

I saw Ning'er was also doing her best to reduce the numbers. She used soru but there was a slight tinge of lightning flashed her every step. I was surprised that she was able to integrate her law into soru even if it is the little amount. We kept on reducing the numbers. Chen Linjian was using a pole to fight these beasts but was slightly struggling with them. I immediately went to him and helped him.

The number of scarlet ghosts started to increase, so I stepped it up. I started to use my domain to reduce the vitality of those beasts, making it weaker and killed them. I used soru to extreme level creating a flash due to friction between air and me. The time around me went slow, so were their movements. Unknowingly, I made a breakthrough in soru creating a higher level movement steps. I could see two shocked faces looking at me. My movement skills became pure physical strength now. If combined with Time and space Law, I don't know the result.

Ning'er then saw a small glow near the body of a scarlet ghost. She took it to check and saw a red crystal. She immediately showed it to me, asking, "Tian, I found a crystal here. Do you know what it is?". Chen Linjian was also eager for my answer, since it was new to him. It seemed his family never explained blood crystals to him, Since it was scarce in the glory city.

I was surprised to see the blood crystal. I immediately explained, "Blood Crystals is a type of extremely strange ores. After being swallowed and refined by demon beasts, it could generate a surge of endless power, it even has the ability, allowing them to raise in rank. Aside from that, the Blood Crystal has another usage. By sealing it within the body of low-grade demon beast, it could forcefully raise the growth speed. However, the demon beasts produced this way would become extremely brutal. By removing the impurities we can use these crystals for our cultivation. Try to collect as much as you can.".

I immediately merged with my shadow devil spirit beast to attract more of them. As more of them came, I immediately called them and asked her to give the blood. I wrote an inscription with beast's blood on a bottle filled with blood and threw it to them. *boom* a high pitch explosion was heard followed with a scorching fire making all the beast near vicinity as charcoal. Both Chen Linjian and Ning'er were shocked to see the power of the inscription. I never thought the inscription would be this powerful. I must be careful in handling these types of inscription.

Chen Linjian immediately asked, "What was that?. It was powerful to kill around hundreds of scarlet beasts with one of them.". Looking at them, I explained, "This is known as Blood burst magic inscription. It uses the beast blood as a catalyst to cause an explosion high enough to kill gold ranks and hurt black gold ranks.". They were shocked to hear this information. I then used some blood bursts to kill many scarlet ghosts. Around 1000s of scarlet beasts were killed from the explosion. We then collected around 100 blood crystals from thousands of scarlet ghost beasts.

After sometimes the number of scarlet ghosts decreased, as the surviving ones were killed by them. Then Ning'er saw a light from far away and asked me, "There is light at the distance. Do you think there is village present there?". I then saw the light and said, "That is not the light from the village. Follow me.". We three travelled for a while and saw the source of the light. It was a beast 50 times larger than the scarlet beast(consider Titan Makarov from fairy tail) with hundreds of tentacles wiggling around its mouth feasting on Scarlet ghosts. Both Chen Linjian and Ning'er were slightly trembled.

I looked at them and said, "This beast is known as the netherlamp behemoth. It is slow but its tentacles are fast. They are the arch enemy of scarlet beasts. Its tentacles have hallucinating agents. So be careful.". Suddenly the tentacles aimed for Us. We then swiftly cut those tentacles but numbers again rose.

Xiao Ning'er rose her sword pointing at the behemoth. Lightning seems to concentrate at the tip of the sword. Chen Linjian felt a strong amount of power in that attack. She reduced the intensity to avoid attraction and fired the beam towards the behemoth. The beam of lightning penetrated the behemoth killing it instantly. She was slightly tired using that move. I supported her and collected the tentacles, since they can be used as hallucinating agent against gold rank members.

Third Pov:

Tian immediately gave some potion to her to recover her soul force. Chen linjian asked them, "What was that attack? The power was unreal and it was not any average soul force attacks.". Tian said, "I will explain later.". They immediately left the place searching for the village. During their travel, they came across a stone tablet, but none of them approached it. Both Ning'er and Tian knew that it was kong ming's inheritance tablet. He looked at Chen Linjian, "We must leave now.". So they left it and went back to search for a village. They saw a light, and this time confirmed it as a village and reached there. Tian informed Ning'er and Chen Linjian, "Whatever happens don't fret and leave it to me. You guys just go with my flow.".

He then kissed her forehead making her blush and all of them reached the village. They were suddenly surrounded by people with swords. They were wearing silver armor with silver wings. The head of the group was a woman who also wore a silver armor with silver wings with a long sword in her hands. The leader asked them, "........