Silver-winged Family and Sikong Yi

The leader asked, "Who are you and where are you from?". We were surrounded by Silver winged family. I was able to identify them from the armours and their demeanour. The Investigator was Sikong Hongyue, Daughter of Sikong Yi and arrogant princess of Sikong family. She was keeping broadsword near my neck to threaten me. I could kill her right there, but I need to go into the palace to meet my next teammate.

I replied her in the woodland empire, " It's been an honour to meet the silver-winged family after the age of darkness. My name is Lei Mang from silverlit family. We were on a travel to find our missing brethren and stumbled upon here.".

Hearing this, Hongyue was surprised to hear woodland dialect, but was shocked when she heard his ancestry. Silver winged and silverlit families were allies and had close relations. She was happy but still doubtful about his claim. She replied, "Ever since my ancestors moved here, we never had any contact with the outside world. We were no longer able to return to the original mainland and could only live in this dark world. I welcome your presence here, I'll immediately inform my father about it. Follow me!".

We three followed her to meet the silver-winged family patriarch. She checked our cultivation during our travel. We were able to lower our cultivation to silver rank. This was something I told them during travel. I was rejoicing internally as my first part of the plan went successful. Both Ning'er and Chen Linjian were silent throughout the journey. After a while, they reached the silver-winged family mansion.

The mansion was held up by several huge trees. The walls of the palace reached a height of dozens of meters. The towering structure gave off a heavy pressure. Both of them were in awe with the structure, While I called them and followed behind Sikong Hongyue and entered the palace. After passing through many corridors, they finally entered into one of the spacious halls.

*Pa! Pa! Pa!*

Crisp clear sounds of whipping could be heard. After entering the hall, the first thing that I saw were two huge pillars. One of the huge pillars had a robust youth tied to it. His body is filled with bloodstains from the whipping, and his abdomen had some inscription. This youth also had a pair of wings on his back. However, they were dark gold in colour, different to that of the Silver Winged Family.

Two guards that wore leather armour continuously waved their whips, lashing the youth. Although the pain caused his face to be twisted, the youth still bit his teeth and did not issue even a scream of pain. He had such unyielding. I was delighted to meet Duan Jian, who would be our next member for my team. Ning'er and Linjian were disgusted from their action. I looked at Sikong Hongyue and curiously asked, "Your highness Hongyue, he is...?".

"Hmph, a cheap bastard!" Sikong Hongyue snorted. "His mother was a member of my Silver Winged Family but had a relationship with our enemy, the Black Dragon Family, and bore him. After being found out by us, his parents were pursued and killed by us, leaving behind this bastard. Funny that those two begged us to let him off.".

Sikong Hongyue's voice was extremely chilling. I was livid, since I knew that children were not responsible for their parent's sin. I decided to end this pathetic family before leaving this place.

I then looked at Duan Jian. Our eyes met and after a while w broke the contact and went with them. His eyes were brim of determination. The only thing they ever did good was conditioning of his body which could be easily converted to legend rank physique. I decided to help him to escape from his misery. We then reached the main hall.

Above the hall, a fat middle-aged man was sitting on his throne with his eyes half closed. He has a gloomy facial expression filled with chills. The luxurious robe gave him a little more of a noble aura. There are three beautiful girls by the side, helping him massage his legs and back. These three girls wore revealing clothing. Their curvaceous bodies could be vaguely seen. Xiao Ning'er felt disgusted by this. She felt like seeing Shen Fei sitting there.

Third Pov:

Tian could see the middle-aged man's deep eyes with a glance. His eyes had a hint of ash grey colour in it. Feeling the aura emitting from the man, Tian knew that the man should be a Legend rank expert. However, from the looks of it, he doesn't have much time left and was barely continuing his life with elixirs. This was the patriarch of Silver winged family Sikong Yi.

Sikong Yi opened his eyes to see his daughter with three strangers. He asked her, "Hongyue who are they?". Hongyue went to salute her father and said, "Honorable father, this is Lei Ming from silver lit family. They came from the outside world.".

Sikong Yi, who heard this immediately yelled, "Nonsense! the silverlit family had perished during the age of darkness. Who are you? are you an enemy spy?".

Tian chuckled and said,"Patriarch must be joking. If an enemy spy could boldly proclaim that he is from the outside world then the reputation of this family would be slandered. I indeed came from the outside world.". He then immediately merged with shadow devil spirit.

Sikong Yi was slightly startled since this shadow devil is not from this region. Even so, he never let his guard down. He snorted and said, "So what if you are from the outside world. How can you prove that you are from silverlit family?".

Tian had a smirk inside his head with expression 'I got you now' and said, "I can tell the secret of Silver winged family. When the Silver Winged Family's members obtain the wings of the Silver Winged Thunderbird, their bodies will reject as they grow older. Generally, members of the Silver Winged Family couldn't live for more than sixty years. Isn't that true?".

Sikong Yi was angry at this movement, since the secret was known to an outsider. He decided to test his words.

What will happen now? Will Tian move according to the original plot or he will make his own method? Stay tuned for the next chapter.