Legend Rank and Death of Sikong Yi

Sikong Yi decided to test him. He wanted to know that he was really silver lit family. He then said, "Brat, Who are you? How do you know about the condition?". There was killing intent in that tone.

I never flinched. With poker face, I said, "Your highness I am from silver lit family. Even though our main family perished, some of them were able to escape the calamity. Our ancestors were able to concoct medicine for the disease but unable to give it to your family. It has been passed to our generation. We will be able to deal with your disease."

Sikong Yi was silent throughout the conversation. He was having a dilemma. His words were sincere but there was still doubt. Suddenly he had an idea and a smile crept through his face.

I never liked his smile. It screamed 'I got you'. I was never afraid to fight. With my arsenals, I could kill him and come out unscathed. These people never knew any Laws. I was more concerned about the crazy old man, one of the inheritors of Kong Ming. So I decided, If things went south, let's kill him without remorse.

"If you are from the silver lit family, then you must know about our ancestor personal creed, right? Can you recite our ancestor creed?". Sikong Yi said with a smile.

I was shocked then smiled wryly. I thought, 'Old bastard was clever. He used the family creed to corner me out. Why did he never used it against Nie Li. He would have been caught easily. Nie li is a lucky bastard. Stupid plot armor'.

In Heavenly marks Mansion Nie li suddenly sneezed. 'Who would be thinking about me? Is it Zhiyun? or someone cursing me?'. He then continued with his cultivation.

In the silver-winged family mansion, Sikong Yi was smiling evilly. "A cat got your tongue?". He asked me playfully. I smiled wryly and sighed. Sikong Yi then said, "Surround them immediately. They are imposters. Place these two under prison for torture. Take the girl to my chamber. She will act as my dao cultivator today.".

When that bastard said that, I snapped. I released terrifying killing intent which made most of the guards pass out, some of them were on their knees panting. Sikong Yi was sweating. I then released my cultivation, shocking everyone. It was pinnacle black gold rank, a step behind Legend rank. Chen Linjian was shocked. He never thought that, a 12-13 years old boy reached Pinnacle black gold rank. I then said, "I would have brushed up any insult you placed on me. I would have given you a second chance to turn a new leaf. When I came here, I just came for him(pointing Duan Jian). But you made a terrible sin by making such an order. You want my wife to be your dao cultivator? You will never be alive to do that.".

I then looked at Ning'er and Chen Linjian and said, "Release your cultivation and kill everyone without remorse. They don't deserve second chances. I will kill this old bastard myself and also release him.". He pointed at Duan Jian. Ning'er released her Black gold rank cultivation. During these days She was able to break through Black gold rank with help of elixirs from her teacher(the emperor). Sikong Yi was flabbergasted. 'Where did these two monsters came from?' He thought.

Sikong Yi thoughts were disturbed when he heard screamings. He was shocked to see that his clansmen were butchered by Xiao Ning'er. She flashed in blue lightning and next second someone died. Ning'er then killed everyone and released Duan Jian and said, "Wait here. My husband wants to speak with you. Don't move and drink this", she gave a potion to him and went on a killing spree.

Chen linjian was somewhat hurt looking at these two people. He was older than them, yet they reached the ranks that his current patriarch and City lord are at. He envied them. I was able to sense his insecurities. I looked at him and said, "Focus on the fight first. After this, I will tell you about you need to know. Reaching Legend rank is not far for you.". Chen linjian was shocked hearing, then slightly smiled. He was envious that's all. He was actually happy that strong cultivators were present to protect the city. He used his staff arts to kill the Silver winged family members.

Duan Jian POV:

My name is Duan Jian and I was born from the love between two members whose families were mortal enemies. My mother was from a silver wing and my father from the black dragon family. They loved each other, and I was the proof for their love.

They loved me and I loved them. We lived a happy life. But all the happiness came to an end. When I was 5 years old, the silver wing family found about us and came to annihilate us. My father and mother, both fought with them and tried to run away with me. But fate was cruel enough to make us caught.

My mother begged me to spare my life but was killed without batting an eye and killed my father and left them for dogs. They captured me and tortured me to make a lesson for everyone. My father's family never intervened to retrieve me. So I lost respect for them. I was whipped continuously by keeping me conscious all the time. It hurts but not to the pain I suffered in my heart.

My only aim was to kill Sikong family, but he was powerful. One day I saw two people walking towards Sikong Yi place. The boy and I had eye contact. He turned and went away. He explained about his ancestry and about his weakness. I was surprised by this information. So the old bastard was at his last leg.

When I was contemplating about the info, a terrifying killing intent swept from the boy and next instant it was a massacre. The girl with him started killing all the members. The other one killed them with his staff. She reached here killed the guards and released me. When I was confused at her action, she said that her husband wanted to speak with me and gave me a potion. So they were couples. I drank the potion and surprisingly, I was healed.

Third POV:

Sikong Yi was livid and sad at the moment. He never thought he would invite a calamity into his family. He was getting livid, when he watched his members getting killed. He immediately linked towards Ning'er roaring, "You dare!!!", Only to be kicked back by Tian.

"Your opponent is me.", he said coolly. "Father!!!", Hongyue immediately rushed towards his father only to be stopped by Ning'er. She watched Ning'er with venom in her eyes. She immediately took her long sword and lunged at her to kill her. Ning'er parried her and kicked her in the stomach making her fly.

In the meantime, Sikong Yi roared at Tian saying, "Bastard!!!. Even though you are a black gold rank, don't forget I am a legend rank.". He lunged at Tian. Tian immediately vanished from the spot. Sikong Yi, who was searching for him, suddenly felt a pain at the back. He then saw one of his wings was lying on the ground.

"Ahhhhhhhh", Sikong Yi cried in pain. Tian went towards Sikong Yi with his sword. Sikong Yi used his Thunderbird ability to attack him only to be deflected by him. He then used his thunder power on him but went unfazed. Tian with his eyes cold went towards him.

He flashed next to him kicked him high. He again vanished and came in front of Sikong and sent him back to the ground. A crater was formed from the impact. Sikong tried to stand, but Tian appeared in front of him. He slashed his sword making a gash from left shoulder to his stomach.

Sikong Yi was bloodied with broken bones. He was livid at Tian. He then used his remaining Life force to perform secret arts to kill Tian. A concentrated lightning began to descend and attack his soul realm. Tian was shocked and then terrible pain invaded him. He gritted his teeth and tried to mend his soul force. His soul realm went a metamorphosis with breaking and making from the lightning. He the roared, increasing the soul power. As a butterfly breaking from its cocoon, Tian soul realm broke through Legend rank.

Now Sikong Yi lost all color in his face. Both Ning'er and Chen Linjian was shocked since he broke through the legendary Legend rank. Now he was the strongest in glory city next to Lord Ye mo. Tian blasted Sikong Yi and reached him. He stood in front of Sikong Yi who was now cowering with fear. Tian looked into his eyes and said, "These eyes watched my wife with lust. It should not exist anymore.". He then dug his fingers into Sikong eye socket plucking his eyes out. Sikong was trashing on the ground withering in pain.

Tian crushed those eyes and threw it out. He then took sikong's tongue and said, "This tongue spoke bad things about my wife.". Without any delay, he tore his tongue from the mouth. Sikong couldn't even shout now the blood from the mouth started to chocked his throat. Tian immediately slashed Sikong's little brother from his body. Sikong now couldn't even have the energy to trash around as the blood was pouring out of his body. Finally, he took his hand placed on sikong's head and said, "Your brain had dirty thought about my wife. It should cease to exist.". He immediately crushed his head into pieces. Sikong Yi the patriarch of the Silver winged family who terrorised the abyss realm died under hands of a 12-year-old child.

Hongyue watched in horror at her father's demise. She never thought that she would be the one who brought a calamity to her family. Ning'er without giving time decapitated her. She then looked at Tian and immediately ran towards him. Chen Linjian was horrified at the torture Tian gave to Sikong Yi and swore on his heart, not to get on Tian's bad side.

When Tian snapped out of it, he was feeling guilty for showing them such a scene. Ning'er, who was able to deduce his thoughts went towards him and hugged him tightly. Chen Linjian came towards him and patted him. Chen knew the working of this world. He never feared him, knowing that he protected her integrity.

"It is not your fault. If I was in your place, I would do the same. I will never be afraid of you. I already told you, we will be together forever. If you become evil then, I will also become evil. I will always support you in your actions.", she said.

Tian was shocked and felt happy. She accepted him of whom he was and what he did. They then shared a passionate kiss for a while. Then went towards Duan Jian, who was in awe and fear of Tian and Ning'er.

"We will first release those prisoners and then we talk.", he said to Duan Jian and Chen Linjian. He could only nod at his statement and went to help the others.