Market, Purchase and Return

After massacring the Silver winged family, we four went to the mine which was under the control of Silver winged family. We saw many guards torturing the inhabitants to extract work. I immediately gave an order to my friends, "Massacre the guards and release the prisoners.". I went to the tower to meet the inscription masters responsible for suppressing the cultivation. When I enter the tower, I used my observation to identify them and in a flash I reached them. Before they could respond, I killed them.

When I came out, I found that the guards were killed and prisoners were freed. They looked awe at us, since they felt that their cultivation suppression seal was released. I looked at them and announced, "Listen People of Abyss prison realm. Sikong Yi along with his family were killed by us. You guys are free now. Be happy with your freedom. But if you abused the freedom..". I released my killing intent making them sweat. But they were happy to know that Silver winged family was vanished from the world.

We then returned to the mansion to take the spoils of war. We went to the family treasury and blasted it to open. The treasury was filled with many ores like Dragon stones, light stones, Blood crystals, Some legend rank forbidden scrolls and finally a strange egg. When I reached it, I felt a strange connection with my laws. We then took our share and gave the rest to the people.

I then looked at Duan Jian and asked, "Tell me about the most righteous Family in the abyss realm". I knew who was, but let nature take its course. I only wish to obtain some blood crystals, and Some forbidden scrolls. Let's also buy the blizzard gem to improve the friendship between Ning'er and Ye ziyun.

Duan Jian then replied, "Respected sir. The most righteous family in the abyss realm is Divine Flames family. They will judge with equality and have the largest market in the abyss prison realm.". After hearing that, I looked at them and said, "Then we will go to the market and finish our purchase. And Duan Jian what is your plan now since I killed Sikong Yi".

Duan Jian contemplated for a while, then suddenly kneeled in front of him, "You gave me freedom from them. You gave me my inner peace by giving me the death of Sikong Yi. You gave my parents peace in heavens by killing them. I now wish to follow you, who gave me second life. Please accept my gratitude master". He solemnly bowed down.

I was smiling inside, since my objective was achieved easily. I knew his loyalty, so it wasn't surprising. I then looked at three of them and said, "I know you guys wanted to ask me many things. We first change our appearance and reach market. We have many things to purchase and let's take an Inn. I will answer your questions there.".

Four of them immediately changed their face and both of them changed to cultivation to the gold rank spiritualist. We then started to move towards the market. Meanwhile, other families were in an uproar. No one would have thought that the silver-winged family would have vanished in a single day. Many of the former prisoners explained the event and made the other family shuddered in fear. A legend rank demon spiritualist strong enough to kill the silver winged family was present in abyss prism realm. Many planned to visit the esteemed cultivator to ask him to join their family. Some even prepared gold, silver, women to pay as a tribute for him.

We then reached the divine flame market family. I immediately took some spatial ring and gave it to them. I said, "Buy some of those materials and ores with the foods inside the rings. They are useful or cultivation. Try to buy as much as possible. We will be leaving today night to the outside world. We can't make our families get worried and make others suspicion.".

I then went to search for the blizzard gem. According to the novel, it was enclosed inside a puppet with a circular design. After sometimes I found it in the stand of an old man. I went towards him and asked, "how much does it cost?". The old man was very lean with baggy skin showing the level of poverty. The old man saw me and said, "5 bags of rice. This is our family heirloom but due to poverty, we wish to sell it. So price is non-negotiable.". He was somewhat worried that this person might not accept the deal since 5 bags is somewhat costly.

Third Pov:

Tian knew about their condition and their two grandchildren. He was a kindhearted person in his previous life. So without another thought, he took 30 bags of rice and 20 bags of meat and placed on it. "All yours. I will also be taking these things.". He took some more materials from the stand. The old man was shocked and tears started to fell from his face. He immediately wanted to kowtow to him, but Tian immediately stopped him. He respects that elder for throwing his pride to help his family.

The old man then called his grandchildren and asked them to kowtow to him saying that he was their benefactor. They kowtowed and thanked him. Looking at them, he took another 5 kg of rice and gave it to them. The old man prayed, "Bless the benefactor and his magnanimity.". Tian then left the place. He knew Nie li will help these people by sending Ye mo.

They met after sometimes and all brought the materials required without raising suspicion. They went to the divine flame pavilion to buy a sword for Duan Jian and some legend rank forbidden technique. They were greeted by the pavilion in charge. Tian asked him looking at that black sword, "How much does it cost?". The in charge said politely, "We only exchange items.".

Tian took 50 bottles of soul concentration pills and gave it to him. "50 bottles of soul concentration pills, 20 bottles of soul nurturing pills.". The in charge was shocked. He never knew that the customer was an alchemist. His tone immediately changed. "Yes, it would be done. The sword is yours. May I know the alchemist name?".

Tian said, "As my name, it is unnecessary for you I think.". The in charge was not offended by this as he knew that alchemists were eccentric. Tian also brought the legend rank inscription for 500 soul nurturing pills. He then took leave from the pavilion before the in charge could speak. Tian knew the plan of him so he left soon without giving him a chance.

They left the market and after travelling some distance, they took their disguise. Tian gave the sword to Duan Jian and said, "The sword is yours. Use it well.". Duan look at the sword and moved. He was the one who gave him a second life and now a costly sword. He decided to live for repaying his master.

They then went to an Inn and after refreshing, Tian looked at others, "Now I will explain your doubts. I am legend rank expert and Ning'er is black gold expert. I was found by mysterious cultivator who took me as his disciple and taught me cultivation. It was because of my teacher I was able to reach this level.". Chen then asked, "Where is your teacher now?". Chen now knew that he was taught by a high-level cultivator. Tian replied, "He now ascended to the higher plane.". This shocked everyone (well Ning'er shock was fake). Duan Linjian asked, "What do you mean ascending?".

Tian then explained about Draconic realm and about Tiny world and their cultivation levels. Duo to be shocked would be an understatement. They never thought that fabled Legend rank was nothing but start of true cultivation. Chen Linjian was grateful towards Tian for opening the truth to them.

Tian then said, "I wanted to form a team during our trip in the draconic realm. I chose Ning'er, Duan jian and you. Chen, you are righteous and kind to others, helping them to grow. That was the reason I chose you. As for Duan, his black dragon bloodline will make a powerhouse rivaling those in Draconic realm. Ning'er, well she is my wife and her soul attribute would will make her an empress.". Chen Linjian was happy to be joined in his group and was able to explore unexplored lands. His adventure mindset made him join the team.

Tian then gave some cultivation materials to them, with new cultivation technique for Chen linjian. As for Duan Jian, only after awakening his bloodline, he would give him cultivation technique. After sorting things out, they started their return journey.

They reached the array for the outside world. Four of them looked back towards the abyss realm. For Tian, it was fun and his objective was fulfilled. To Ning'er, her love for him increased and it kind of becoming a date, for them. For Duan Jian and Chen Linjian, it was adventurous for them and former, it was both good and bad memory and for latter, it was insight for new levels of cultivation.

Tian then took 23 divine stones and placed it on the array. The array then shined and left the abyss realm. After they left and in the silence of the abyss realm, a burst of laughter was heard. An old man with ragged hair and clothes looked at the place where they vanished and laughed like a maniac saying, "Infinity has no beginning and no beginning has no end, ridiculous. hahaha".

If tian saw him, he would have identified him immediately. It was the old man that Nie li will meet in the market during their travel in the abyss realm.

The four of them then reached glory city. It was night time with the moon near the peak. It indicates that they reached at 10 pm. Both of them reluctantly parted and went to their home. Duan went with Tian to his home. Meanwhile, the families in the abyss prison frantically searched for the cultivator but in failure.