Musings and Chaos

Long Tian's POV:

I was able to bring the entire devil population to the blue star without alerting others. I will shock the Profound God Convention with their entry. I was able to accommodate them with the Wood Spirit Clan. I was surprised when the Wood spirit clan welcomed them with warm smiles. It seems that they can feel the trials these devil peoples went through. Wood Spirit Clan are good-hearted people. I can also sense the ascension of Yun Che to the Divine Realm. So Mu Bingyun came to collect him.

Both Devil race and Wood Spirit Clan became friends. They were able to share their pains and came close together. I was able to cure any misalignments from the devil's body. The profound energy in this place helped them to cultivate faster. They were like a dry land, which greedily absorbed water. Three to four devil youngsters reached the Divine Tribulation Realm. The Divine Smiting Devil Emperor was now a peaceful woman who is spending her time with her family. No one will believe the peaceful woman here would be the cause of the crimson calamity.

I was spending time with my girls and cuddle Caizhi. She is a cuddly girl. Her dimple cheeks and the doll-like figure was so cute. Most of the time, I would carry her in my shoulder and spoil her. I was now looking at the moon sitting outside. My girls sat next to me and asked, "What are you thinking about?". I said, "I am just thinking about the comparisons between the so-called Good and devil people. The good people in the Divine realm are doing whatever they want with the people. The star God realm king wants to sacrifice his daughters for his selfish desires. The Brahma Monarch Realm king killed his wife to manipulate his daughter.

The Eternal Realm King dotes on his son so much that he hides his atrocities. While in Devil people, their foremost concern is their people. The so-called Devil God cares most for her family. She went ballistic when she heard that Mo E was going to hurt her daughter. The Devil Queen Chi Wuyao wants to bring her people out of her prison. Just because they use darkness profound energy, they categorized as evil. Here the youngsters' bands together to strengthen themselves while the good people plot against each other. I really want to laugh at this irony.

The thought also compares to Metis. All she did was love Zeus unconditionally. But because of the prophecy, she was devoured by her husband to prevent giving birth to their child. The child born from him was brainwashed to hate her mother. Isn't it the pinnacle of cruelty? Those power-hungry people refuse to budge since they tasted the authority. I hope you guys never become one of those people. For me, power became a relative thing. I see the world in the outsider POV.

If we were not powerful, I would be in the Tiny world, Ning'er would have been married to Sacred Family. Long Yuyin would be deceived by her brother. As for Metis, you would have been sealed in Athena. We need to become stronger. So we won't be condemned and betrayed. Let us go to sleep.". I then went to sleep. The girls were sitting, contemplating my words. I want to go to the God of the Absolute beginning. I need to absorb the chaos energy and strengthen my origin energy. I need half a year to strengthen my energy. I will leave tomorrow.

The next day, I called all of them and said, "I will be leaving for God of the Absolute Beginning. It will only after half a year later I will be coming back. You guys are going to take care of this planet. If Ye Luo came, tell her I will be meeting the Realm Kings during Profound God Convention. Also, tell her to convey the message to Qianyi Ying'er. The entire truth will be shown in the Profound God Convention. I will be leaving now. Girls, practice more and create some techniques.

I opened the portal and went to the God of Absolute Beginning. The region was filled with grey mist and a chaotic climate. Beasts are roaming here freely and are in the Divine King Realm to the Divine Master realm. I released our mounts and said, "In this place, you guys are going to fight the beasts to temper yourselves. Don't disappoint us and become strong. I will be visiting you after half a year.". The beasts nodded and went to different directions.

While traveling, I was able to identify certain treasures like Divine water and some tomes of the Gods. I just ignored them and went to the center of the place. I can sense immense chaos energy concentrated near the middle. I can also sense the abyss next to energy. Even with my sense, I can sense nothing from it. It was an eternal void. I sat near the abyss and invoked my Chaos symbol. I created some barriers to prevent any entries towards me. I started to absorb the Chaos energy into the symbol. The symbol became a black hole and started to absorb the energy at a tremendous rate.

I went to an anatta mental state and focused on refining energy. The surrounding chaos energy came into the symbol and converted to the origin energy. I augmented my energy to enhance my muscle strength and my organ strength, along with my Qi pathways. Many beasts sensing the disturbance in energy came towards my direction but unable to pass the barrier. While I was absorbing the chaos energy, peculiar energy entered the body. Without concerning it, I absorbed the chaos. The peculiar energy has not brought any harm. Hence i started my half a year cultivation period.