Comprehension and Return

Long Tian's POV:

I was meditating and converting the Chaos energy, along with peculiar energy. The energy gave me a familiar feeling. I absorbed the peculiar energy for a while, and suddenly I was pulled into a realm. I opened my eyes and saw nothing. As far as my eyes see, there was nothing. I tried to feel some energy, but I felt nothing. I never panicked and started to analyze the situation. In a second, I came to a realization. I thought, 'So, the energy was the law of nothingness.'. The law of the nothingness was a mysterious law similar to the concept of void.

I sat down and closed my eyes to comprehend the law of nothingness. To my surprise, I was able to comprehend the law faster. It was like second nature to me. I felt like I experienced it before. I continued my comprehension. I thought about the nothingness. What is it? Does nothingness mean that it never existed? If we don't see it, we say nothing. It is also similar to the smell, touch, etc. It is as if the!?. I suddenly realized how I felt familiar with nothingness.

I experienced it when I died. When I died, I felt nothing, I tasted nothing, I heard nothing, I saw nothing, and I smelt nothing. It is as if detached from everything. I ever thought that before the birth of the universe, there was nothing. But according to scientists, nothing can create something. But then how does the universe formed from nothing? Does that mean nothing is something that we cannot sense? Many questions arose, but I suppressed it. We have plenty of time to analyze the origin.

Half a year went by, and I completed my refining of the law of nothingness and chaos. The only drawback is that the Law of nothingness cannot be used as an attack. I can diffuse any attacks and make them nothing. If someone can see me right now, they will be perplexed. I exist, but at the same time, I do not. I became a contradictory existence. It is time to reach home and then go to the Profound God Convention. I will rock the world once again and will leave that world after it is over. The Profound God convention will be the final stage of the play.

When I reached home, I saw both the devils and the Wood Spirit clan in harmony. Even some people became couples. Are these two clans into BDSM? Who knows. I saw my girls Xiao Ning'er, Long Yuyin, and Metis were relaxing and teaching the youngsters. Both Caizhi and Jasmine were playing with the children and Ni Jie. Heretic God and Devil emperor were flirting with each other. It was a peaceful environment that one wants to cherish. When I entered, the girls immediately sensed my presence and looked at my direction. How can they find me when I am shrouded by the law of Nothingness? Even Ni Xuan and Devil emperor couldn't find me. Is it due to cultivation or Love? I favor the latter since they had a happy expression.

I removed my shroud and said, "I am back.". The girls chorused, "Welcome back". I felt warmth spreading in my heart. No matter what, when your loved ones welcome you when you returned, that happiness and warmth are different than others. I am happy that I have a happy family. I gave a hug to the girls. Then I heard, "Big brother!". A black-haired doll missile crashed on me. I hugged and lifted her. I then said, "Caizhi! how are you? Were you good to others?". She nodded her cutely and said, "Welcome back, big brother.". Caizhi changed from meek girl to confident girl. She no longer wallows in self-pity and moved on.

I heard, "So how was the trip and why could I sense you?". It was Ni Xuan. I looked at him and said, "You guys are now accommodated well and solved your problem it seems. Your daughter seems to be in good health too. I just comprehended the law of Nothingness, hence the effect.". Everyone was shocked. When I asked about it, they said it is the most difficult law to comprehend. I then looked at others and asked, "How is the preparation for the Profound God Convention?". Devil Emperor said, "The preparations are complete. 10 persons are going to participate in this event. All of them are in the Divine King Realm cultivation. They will not sully your name.".

I said, "That is good. I will call Yu Luo and inform her about our participants. Ask the youngsters to suppress the cultivation to the late Divine Tribulation realm. We will release their true cultivation at the end of the third trial. Ask them to prepare themselves. I will call her now.". I called her, and immediately she appeared. She was still meek, and this time her dress was somewhat appropriate. When she looked at me, she was shocked. She felt that he was not present in this realm. She then suddenly realized and thought, 'He became stronger. He never had this aura when we met last night.'.

She then said, "What can I do for you, my lord?". I looked at her and said, "I will be frank here. My team is going to participate in the Profound God Convention. You can assess their cultivation and inform them. We will be there one day before the start of the convention. Inform this to others.". She was shocked. Immediately she assessed the situation and noted the names and cultivation of the youngsters. She immediately left to inform others. I looked at my girls and said, "It been half a year since we met. Let's go inside, and I will explain my encounters.". I said that and took my girls inside.