At Wanaruana in the girls room.

"little girl, you've used me to get to safety can I go now?"

"Go where, have you seen how you look? go take a shower and clean your clothes you smell"

"look here girl , how I look or smell is least of my worries right now, how may I be of help to you is what has been keeping me here, now tell me .What can I do for you"

Jeff had never stepped a foot at Wanaruana even though it was one of their many buildings

This was where his parents frequently visited to catch up with their elderly friends he made sure to avoid such gathering because he hated introduction, his brothers loved it here, and especially to hangout with the boys, yes boys hangout , thats how they named it boys corner

The linens used in all their hotels guesthouses were white ,he was not going to sit anywhere and leave it spotless, she knew it and he knew it too, she was talking to someone on the phone, Jeff on the other hand was tired sleepy and hungry , the only way to get rid of this girl was to comply

He dragged his tired body to the bathroom and took a very long shower, she even forgot he was there.when she remembered about him, that he was still in the bathroom she rushed and tried to open the door

she even thought he had slept and went to knock on the door to force him out.He came out with a towel wrapped around his waist carrying a basin full of wet clothes, he placed the basin on the floor then stood there looking all confused and stupid, not that he was, but his brain was overworked and still was working

he remembered how he saw a tall man with strong physics enter the door carrying his bag and pulling on the other bag,he looked like a man coming home to his family after being away for a very long time and was about to shout the 'honey am home' word when his life was taken suddenly, his uncle had walked in like he knew nothing about the events or like he was not affected at all...

she has said that it was him who gave the order ,was this girl telling the truth, did his uncle master mind the deaths of so many people all related to his very own brother ? the horror!

All this time he was starring at the girl but was not actually seeing her

He was only taking orders given to him his mind blank unable to reason on his own, a triple crime scene it was.he was blaming himself for all the happenings in his life when he regained his senses he was already wearing a girls pajamas the towel was long gone and he was sitting on her bed with his mouth open

he quickly close his mouth licking his lips twice, he made a coughing sound then opened it again but this time to make a conversation

"who are you? "

"Oh, now we are talking, let me introduce myself to you ,my name is Melody and you must be Jefferson pleasure to meet you, am staving and since you are all clean and changed we can now eat" startled Jeff lowered his eyes at himself and was about to disappear in his thoughts again when he heard her continue

"And yes , had to help you change , you stood there a while enough to make me know that you are not Okey so don't pretend to be tough because no one is"

"What do you want?"

"let's eat then I will tell you"

"please am not that hungry ,tell me what you want so we can stop prolonging my suffering"

"Okey have it your way, now, where is it , where is my necklace?"

"What the...?! who are you confusing me with?"

"Now Jeff listen and listen good, am going to say this to you only once the next time I open my mouth it will be to scatter your brains on this very floor" Jeff was really scared now, Melody was silencing her gun with a silencer waiting for Jeff to respond

'crazy bitch, she is definitely going to kill me in this lodge ,the new of my death will be disgusting and terrible, I will loose face dying like this' he was over working his brains again , thinking of a way out of this.'I will not die here not today please not here'

"Wait, can we eat please, if I have to die at least let me eat first"