"The food is good Melody, try some."

"Well, am good, just checking on my weight"

Jeff was trying to analyze the situation he was in and how to get out, 'how much can the most expensive necklace cost, shouldn't I just buy once stupid necklace for her and end this'

"Jeff, Jeff wake up"

"You slept for hours and am tired of waiting, give it back"

"Melody get my clothes if they are dry then I will go buy you a new necklace of your choice"

"look at this fool, one, your clothes are still in the basin they are still wet

number two do not order me around and three I want the necklace not a necklace" before she could continue She saw Jeff fall , he passed out .she was not a medic so she thought he was dying and shouted for help

the hotel had medical services ,a doctor was called to examine the patient only to say that he was healthy

that it was fatigue and for treatment they should allow him rest and give him plenty of fluids

When he woke up again he apologized pitifully making Melody to cry

Why are you crying, or are you acting coz this is not funny, let me dry my clothes I do not want to die wearing yours

he was headed for the bathroom when a pair of new clothes were thrown in his face

She then instructed him to put them on.

" please get my phone ,I left it in the bathroom when I was washing my clothes earlier"

Though melody was mad that Jeff kept on ordering her around she still went to get him the phone.

The phone was placed on the tissue holder in the toilet area a chain was hanging on top of the two, she grabbed the phone and walked out of the bathroom then the pictures played in her head again prompting her to turn around to where she had picked the phone and alas !the necklace .

she looked at it closely enough and it was the same necklace she had been looking for all her life

"Your phone" stretching her hand to pass it over but before he took the phone he went for the chain first and slid it around his head down to the neck then took the phone slid it in his pocket satisfied he said let's go and walked out.

In shock of what just happened Melody paused for a while then realized she was after that necklace

coming back to her senses she took off ,running after Jeff ,she stood in front of him and snatched the chain from his neck leaving three figured scratches bleeding and showy on his neck

"I was going to buy you something better let me have that it was a gift from my brother I can't let you have it what if I give it to you then he dies it would haunt me for the rest of my life please let me buy you something better, am begging you" he was openly annoyed and did not try to hide his displeasure

"Listen Jeff, I have waited for so long to have it I can wait longer but only until your brother recovers then he can allow you to give it to me...there is a condition for this though handsome, you will stay with me lest you disappear I can not deal with this search anymore."

"can I buy you a necklace now?"

"No , but stay a while and rest more am taking you out tonight ,my treat"

He needed a drink but with his brother not this girl.