Stay with me Melody, and here (offering her the necklace) you can keep it, whoever has the chain will always be close to me. He wanted to annoy jeff on purpose, he had given jeff the necklace ten years ago but had taken it from jeff when he was just aboy... just a kid. Why was it such a mystery and how was it related to this girl.

"Jackson, we need to talk, now and privately please" even though he was asking nicely , it sounded more like an order , Jackson who was naturally stubborn gave him a shoulder side lift refusing to move.

"Speak Jeff, it's not like she can do anything to you even if you threatened her...or is there something else that I do not know, speak up Jeff" He was being such a pain and Jeff was reaching his limit.

" I said privately "

" And I said no, Eeeen , Oooo big NO. Am with melody now whatever you want to say should be in her presence, don't be shy just spit it the way it should be, Melody come sit with me."Melody did not move, she was not going to become an object of their dispute.

Jeff who was already too annoyed to continue arguing, instructed the head of the staff on how to take care of their boss then left fuming with anger, Melody who was still shocked by the way the event were taking a different turn on themselves to her disadvantage started sobbing uncontrollably holding into Jeff's sleeve not letting him leave.

Annoyed and wanting to separete himself from her he asked agitated "what is it?, why are you still here? is the necklace not with you now ? What else do you want."

She stopped sobbing drying up her eye and knelt down in front of Jeff then asked him for his hand in marriage.

Jeff had never seen such boldness before, his heart quivered but not for pleasure ,it was with pain ,great emotional pain that he wanted to tier her apart in order to relieve this pain that was choking him in his throat willing to surfocate him, ten years ago he had an accident because this relationship was rejected.

'I have moved on, ten years ago today, I'd jump with joy because it was what i wanted, she wants me now?'

He could not believe his ears , was the world playing games with his life? he had to be sure, he wanted her to say the words more than just once.To be honest , he didn't know what he felt , he grabbed her by the shoulders and demanded, commanding her to repeat.

"Melo, repeat... repeat what you've just said."

"Will you marry me?"

"Why? Do you love me Melody? "

Melody was not sure what she felt for Jeff, all she knew was that ,he was better catch compared to his brother who seemed to take everything for granted, her mother had also directed her to jeff, she was only following orders, she lowered her head down then said in a low tone that she loved him, Jackson heard her but Jeff who was standing at a close proximity pretended not to have heard her or was it possible that he had developed some earing problem ?

She was still on her knees and the pain of kneeling for too long was excruciatingly killing her yet she was determined to give her best and so she withstood the pain waiting for him to lift her up .

He held her face in his hands lovingly, leaning closer to her face suggestively he brushed her lips with his thumb then in hailed deeply and sighed, with hands still in place he stared at her fixed while addressing his brother

"Jackson what do you think, should I marry her? Her gangs killed our family, brother please tell me if I can make her my wife...? I was a witness when she shot uncle Ben and gave me her one sided story can I trust her? She is still a stranger to me even though she's been like glue to me I can not point anything I know about her, so..." He was about to say, if Jackson wanted her so much , that he could keep her but when he changed his direction and turned to look at his brother what he saw was a man ready to murder them both.

"What are you doing Jackson?"

"What you failed to do little brother, before I kill her I'd like to tell you that even if she was a good girl you can't marry her ... only I can, and because I loved her deeply just a few hours ago and now I equally hate her , my family is dead , I will give you Jeff a chance to choose her fate, but first, I will jack your memory , so listen carefully because this is going to hurt, you are still my little brother no matter what but you should know that am also hurting."

Jackson was waving his gun like it was some harmless flag, his face showing veins bulging out , it was an understatement to say that he was trying hard to compose himself, even Jeff was now scared of the new Jackson, he took three glasses and poured some wine in each, then continued with his monologue speech.

"Let us drink to our dead family members, to the lost and found and finally to our death dearest who will never come back to us again,I will kill you that's for sure if am not satisfied with your explanation" The tension was getting high ,Jackson was out of control .Jeff could not stop him from drinking despite the fact that he was on medication, he allowed him to do as he wished. He also knew that Melody was extremely dangerous when cornered and right now she felt cornered, he could see her eyes charged and fearlessly calm.

Jackson took two drinks giving one to Melody and emptied the other one in one go then told them both to calm down, Melody never walked out without a gun and Jeff knew this, if he cant control the situation they are in he will be caught in the crossfire,

'I must get to her gun where can it be?'he was really worried, he was also aware of the fact that she was a sharp shooter not to mention she never liked Jackson. Jackson on the other side was just a rich kid who could easily kill and cover it like it was nothing, he himself was feeling cornered and in pain.