Jackson sat on the table , his long legs one one the floor and the other placed on the chair that Jeff sat on he went on talking dryly.

"Once upon a time there was a boy who found himself in a guardian parent situation, he was only five.

The boy wanted food but had no money, should I remind you the type of food he wanted? baby milk and a loaf of bread, does that ring a bell to you Jeff? "

It was not ringing a bell to any of them but Jeff was glad to prolong it maybe a solution would present itself and this inevitable accident maybe avoided, he felt guilty for blurting out in his moment of anger and loosing control of the situation, right now he was the only one with sanity to change this. He needed to solve this problem before it escalated to something worse.

Jackson on the other hand was weak and his tolerance for the alcohol was lower than theirs , he was taking long pauses before narrating his stories, he was also skipping forth and back making no sense but eventually Jeff understood his narrative.

It was a story about himself, something he forgot or forced himself to forget, children don't forget bad things that happened to them when they were young

The reality hit him hard and he understood what his brother was trying to tell him, he had said that even if Melody was a good girl he could not marry her, that she was a no go zone and only he could marry her, he had given him a choice of choosing a fate for Melody could it be possible?

Jackson was already asleep, Jeff took his gun away from him and locked his drawer then walked to Melody's side and ordered her to lift up her dress, Melody who heard, but was still shocked by his crazy demand shouted a big hell no what was he thinking ? that she'll just hand her gun to him and let his brother kill her just like that hell no, never.

Jeff got impatient and before she knew what hit her she was lying unconscious on the floor naked, he hit her too hard then felt guilty but concentrated on looking for the mark which was there alright, it was her but how was it possible, she died it was confirmed and how come that Jackson knew about , without knowing it everybody had sobered up and they were starring at each other waiting for someone to say something . She had no idea of what the two were discussing she was only following because she was there.

Melody tried to push Jeff away from her because she felt humiliated...He stripped her , he had gone too far.

Jackson was coughing uncontrollably, watching with interest, he had hoped he was wrong but looking at his brother's reactions right now he knew that the mess just got messier.

Jeff with tears in his face hugged her forcefully calling her by her given name that didn't make any sense to Melody. She wondered what had gotten in Jeff head to make him have such aggression towards her . Choosing to just enjoy the comfort of his embrace and pulled herself deeper in his arms trying to cover herself up with his body,she was only wearing her undergarments and nothing else.

Jackson saw how uncomfortable she looked , even though he hated her so much at the moment he still chose to help.

Jeff came to his senses when Jackson ,who was coughing ceased to and was standing next to them holding a blanket. Melody wondered what transpired that one second she was at the verge of being killed yet the next minute she was the most cherished and cared for, that even Jackson brought her a blanket.

Was it the wine ? was she safe did they change their minds? she had endless questions.

" Jeff "she called him lifting her head up to face him.

" Shush Mesh, let me hold you, I swear to protect you with my life, we need to go cancel the reservation for the guest house, you'll be staying with me from today"

" Why don't you both stay here with me the house is big and I need my family to be with me while I recuperate, you've found your family Jeff but you are mine and I need you" Jackson was practically begging them and Jeff was worried for him and his health so he accepted.


more than twenty years ago Jeff was faced with the same mass murder, this occurred to his family while he was at school.

he came home from school to screams of people being burned alive, there was a party and only he was not invited. A maid handed him his little sister and told him to hide, The child was crying but when he took her she stopped then took her thumb to her mouth and started sacking it then she slept.Jeff stayed hidden as ordered by the maid but she never came for them.

He remembered the young servant's orders...

"Hide, am coming."She then dashed inside the house that was already on fire maybe to rescue others but she never came out, no one came out of that house, Jeff waited until he couldn't wait anymore, shocked , hungry, and with a child in his tiny arms the boy had to make his own decisions and one of which was to look for his parent inside that house.

There was nothing, not even food, the baby will soon want her food, there were no neighbors nearby other than rentals for farm worker but his parents had prevented him from going there, so he walked carrying the child who was already awake and making all kinds of demands from his brother in baby language- crying.

He was only a child, the baby was heavy in his tiny hands, his backpack still on his back, hungry and tired he started crying, the baby was also crying and had not stopped when he thought of getting food for them both,to do that he had to leave her somewhere, he told her a story on how he'd come back with food , he thought that he had communicated ,left her starring at him and went to get them food, she had stopped crying and did not start even when she saw him leave.

That was how he met Jackson a boy who gave him milk and bread at a price of a chain around his neck.

Jackson was the first child in the wealthiest family of the Mamba town, being the oldest ,he had learned to manipulate his siblings taking their belongs and presents in exchange with some small favors from him. Jeff being younger than his siblings was an even easier target, when he took the necklace he told himself that there was more where that came from.

When he gave the little boy the food he got curious and follow him at a distance, then he saw it , there were baby clothes ,they were bloody,rampage and scattered everywhere, the baby was not there...The boy seemed aggitated and his face was scary and searching like he had lost something, he looked like he wanted to cry but was afraid to.

His heart went to him, he cried with the little boy then called his brothers to keep Jeff company.

In Jeff little mind the dogs ate his little sister, he cried and forgot to eat, when he was done crying he killed all the dog with help of Jackson and his brothers, the owners complained about this but nothing could stop them from killing more dogs everyday.