Jeff was taken to Jackson's family thanks to Jackson's stubbornness, he slept outside with Jeff, ate from the garbage bins and stopped attending school, he was loosing a lot of class work in school and he was older and in upper grades.

Her mother, feeling her child's grief decided to let his little toy boy live with him in his room developing a very strong bond of roommates. They were called the inseparable boys, the twins.

His parents argued for a very long time wondering how and why they would adopt a boy when they have four children of their own, the questions and follow ups that are usually attached to adoption procedures when suddenly they settled on a plan that seemed a better option.

"We don't need to officiate the adoption let him use our little Jeff's identity since we never got a death certificate , according to the law the boy is still alive"

"Can that be possible? ...Then it's a done deal you can keep him" The father accepted when he learned that it was not going to involve the law and long procedures or cost him money.

A man and a woman came to an agreement and took the boy to a peace their son, a boy who was called Joel had his name changed to Jeff and assumed identify of Jackson's twin brother, hence the name the twins, they had a difference of five years but they were inseparable, when asked about the difference in appearance and age they'd say that Jeff was a sickling child hence stagnating in growth ,later the boy grew taller healthier and fitted with the rest of the family one couldn't tell he wasn't part of that family.

The chain that was taken by Jackson as payment for the first day's bread and milk ,was given to his mother. It was a beautiful golden chain which had to be quite expensive.

He later gave the same chain to his mother as a present for allowing Jeff to stay with him, Jackson 's mother knew that there were families that kept family dentity in chains and necklaces so she kept it for the sake of finding his true family, she even asked around before finally coming to terms with the fact that the boy was stuck with her family forever.

The boy was quiet , only spoke when spoken to and never answered questions he wasn't comfortable with.

In the end the family took what Jackson told them about Jeff , mischievous as he was Jackson gave new and different story about him to his mother until she stopped asking what no one knew was that not even Jackson knew Jeff's real name, he just loved him and that was all he knew about Jeff.

The boy was adorerable, bright academically and extracurricular activities, he was the genius in the family, and that was his purpose, to brighten the family with a good gene . They would drive to school to take pictures of the boy getting present, just to be recognized as the parents of the unbeatable genius boy.

His good performance won him fans and followers every where he went yet he never looked at them.

The boy was especially important to their uncle Ben who started visiting them to only chat and bring gifts to his genius nephew and yes he new the boy was not his real nephew.They would chat through the night go out during the day and it never bothered his brother or sister in law, they thought it was same as what they had toward the boy, he never was problematic or attention seeking hence loved by everyone in the family.

Every time he visited he would ask for the necklace, put it on his favorite nephew's neck and they would hangout together with Jackson. The trick was Jeff put it when they're heading out and Jackson puts it on when going back home. The truth, Uncle Ben knew who Jeff was yet he never told.

Jackson gave back the necklace to Jeff on his twentieth birthday because he had no use for it and by then Jeff was old enough to bother to remember , Ben had stopped the frequent visits,hence when Jackson ordered him to protect it with his life Jeff thought it was only his to keep not to have, or for the memories they shared with uncle Ben, or was it because in all the photos only Jeff was taken wearing it.

melody had the same necklace until she was seven then lost it until she saw it with Jeff seven years later and tried to take it by force.

Jeff remembered that ten years ago he had just parked his sports car, he saw a very cute girl who was staring directly at him, He thought that the little girl was admiring his car so he moved away from the car to let the girl get a better view at it but to his surprise the girl went strait at him and before he knew what was happening she had already taken his necklace scratching his neck very badly, leaving big nail cuts around his neck.

He remembered running after the girl to her home and the mother gave him his necklace back.She kept repeating the same thing in tears that the necklace belonged to her, Jeff took the necklace which was his to protect then left with a heavy heart, six months later he saw the young girl in a group of her friends, his heart twitched with spasms which he interpreted as missed heart beats caused by a feeling of love

He was in love with the girl and even though she never loved him in the same way, she never pushed him away he would buy gifts and shopping every month which he would then send to her mother who accepted without questions which only made Jeff feel accepted as a potential suitor for the girl.

Still holding Melody covered in a blanket Jeff shuts his eyes annoyed with himself questioning himself and hating himself at the same time as the memory of the past flooded his mind.His eyes had turn red with tears suppressed in them, he wondered why fate didn't let him know her as his sister then.

"My baby, I used to call you my baby when we were young, you'd giggle loudly and joyfully whenever I came home from school, you loved me most that's why everyone called you mine, mom would call after me, Joe your baby is up, or she is crying , you were mine, I gave you that mark so no one would steal you from me, dad almost killed me and you were hospitalized for almost a month but you still wanted me when you came back. You were not scared of me , I remember you lifted your hand in my direction wanting me to carry you, my dreams of seeing you grow ended that day when I saw what I thought were your remains am so sorry.

When I thought you were dead I died with you too, but then you came back wanting to claim my chain .. should have used my head in that direction, baby sister had a similar chain, am so stupid instead I thought with my body instead of my head...Shit, I should have known, I was already rich when I found you, if your mother hadn't chased me away after I told her my story..., if only she had told me the truth I would have loved her as my own, my God why did she separate us a second time? I would have taken care of her

Please Jackson, I know you are hurting but do not separate me from her, let's get to the bottom of it together it's all I ask of you, remember that accident , she wrote me a note and told me that it was a letter from Melody, I believed her I had no reason not to, I was too curious I couldn't wait so I decide to read it."

Jeff held Melody in his arms talking, airing his opinions not bothered to know if anyone was listening.

That fateful day Jeff arrived as usual all loaded with shopping and gifts for his mother in law to be,

it was on a Saturday night Jeff arrived as usual to tutor Melody who had improved remarkably in her mathematics,He was informed that she was busy so her mother kept him busy with small talk then Jeff out of his excitement told his story including how he lost his baby sister, Jeff was adopted into a rich family, Melody 's mother feared that they would take melody if she told him the truth, she had raised the child on her own ,she was poor, she was not about to loose the child she had raised and learned to love for fourteen years. It is in human nature to judge and think for the other person ,even assume that, that is what they need. Hurt them alot while trying to get them the very best but is it what they want?

According to her the child was God sent, she was barren thrown out of two marriage for the same reason in the end she gave up and stopped trying. One day she heard a lot of noise outside her house and when she opened it there she was , a little girl in the company of so many dogs,the same dog that were later killed by the three boys,the child was not hurt or bitten, she looked around eight or nine month old because she was able to crawl on four and very fast, she also understood some words. When she took the baby in, the dogs disappeared it was like they had accompanied the baby to ensure she was safe or she had powers to communicate with the animals.

At first she only wanted to help the baby by getting her back to her mother, she fed the baby then took her to the police station but when she told them about how she had gotten the baby the baby was given her back and was told to keep or through her way ,the police said she was not a normal child, that, she would bring misfortune to the family that adopted her . How mysterious.