Chap 13) Jaune and who? part 1

....3 weeks later....

"Jaune do you not have any casual wear other then your huntsman gear?" (Kiana)

Looking at Jaune, Kiana saw a pitiful excuse of casual outdoor wear. What Jaune was wearing was the same gear he would wear for outdoor huntsman activities. Compared to him, Kiana was a lot better as she was wearing modern day streetwear fashion of a sukajan jacket and light blue skirt with a light blue shirt.

"W-well I barely bought anything from home besides is this not good enough?" (Jaune)

"No it will not do, what your wearing will just break the mood at where we are going catch." (Kiana)

Upon saying so, Kiana threw to Jaune one of the extra sukajan jackets she had bought from home. Taking off his amour, he wore the jacket over his other bunny jacket, giving him a more informal aura, paired with his handsome looks, he gave off a charm that could ensnare unsuspecting ladies.

"Hey Kiana, Jaune are you 2 lover birds ready or not? The gangs waiting on you!" (Yang)

Barging through the doors, Yang looked at the duo and noticed the new looks of Jaune. At first she thought that he would wear a more nerdy outfit, but looking at him wearing such streetwear paired with his features, made even Yang slightly blush.

"Yang what have we talked about personal privacy." (Kiana)

"Hahaha well you 2 were too slow. But hey Kiana if possible could you lend me Jaunie boy some days for some 'social' events? He looks like a lady killer in that outfit *puurr*" (Yang)

"That would be his decision not me. Now where is this so called place you want us to celebrate at?" (Kiana)

"Come ill bring you there!" (Yang)

Exiting the door, both Kiana and Jaune were greeted by Ren, Nora and Blake wearing informal clothing waiting for them in the hallways. Gathering as a group, they walked towards the sky-port to take a sky-bus towards the city of Vale.

The reason as to why they decided to celebrate was because for once, Jaune had finally managed to defeat Cardin Winchestor without Kianas help. This could be due to both Pyrrha and Kiana giving him very strict training scheduals and lessons that made him rather well versed in combat. But most importantly, it was the sheer righteousness that Kiana displayed over and over that became the main factor for his power-up. Looking at Kiana made Jaune more concience of his surrundings and whithout knowing it, made him look up to her and want to be like her.

....30 Min later outside Juniors bar....

"Quick close the damn doors!" (Random goon 1)

"Whats going on dont you see we have guests here?" (Junior)

"Junior she's here she's Ahh!"

Just as he was about to complete the sentence, the doors were suddenly blasted open and there revealed Yang.

"Guess whose back?" (Yang)

"Chick chak chiang*"

Walking in, most of the goons here ran to the door and raised their weapons at her.

"Hold fire hold your damn fire. Blondie your here..... Why?" (Junior)

"I'm here with my friends and you owe me a drink." (Yang)

Grabbing junior, Yang waved at her friends to come in while she dragged him to the bar.

"To all my guests here dont worry that was a false alarm! The next drinks are on me!"

To many of the customers here, what junior said did not fully assure them but as time passed, they started to forget what had happened.

The same went for Yang and co as they felt unassured when in the bar due to the hostile aura the bar attendant gave off. But as time passed on, they forgot about it and the bar attendant did his job like nothing ever happened.

As for why they were allowed to drink, was due to the fact that there was a special law passed on for huntsman in training. The moment they are accepted into a academy of higher education such as Beacon academy, they are automatically allowed to consume alcohol.

Most of the girls were dancing except Blake and Kiana whom were sitting at the bar drinking juice and mocktails.

Ren was dancing with Nora while Yang was dancing with the crowd to the beat of the dj. But as for Jaune that was a good question as he was dancing with 2 girls individually wearing a red and white dress. The 2 girls were twins named Melanie and Miltia Malachite.

...30 minutes prior to the dance and 5 minutes after Yangs entrence....

The twins worked as specialised bodyguards in this establishment and were the main fighting force alongside their boss junior. As usual, they either sat around or walked around the dance floor and main lobby of the bar.

But today was special for them. Both of the twins found someone they were interested in.

Five minutes ago when Yang entered, the girls were instantly in full alert mode as they knew that they could not beat her alone. Even though their boss assured everyone of their safety, the twins still watched her and her group. But as Yangs group entered the establishment, they finally saw someone that caught their eye.

It was Jaune that had caught their eyes. His unique streetwear cloths alongside his handsome and charming features made the twins fall for him at first sight.

This was a feeling that they themselves did not expect to feel as they at a young age were given a very poor lifestyle. Since the age of 7 onwards, their parents were killed by grimm and left homeless they were. To survive, they learnt many things including martial arts that they themselves practiced to work with each other. But their lives were still full of hardship until they met junior.

That time, junior was still a huntsman working to achieve his dreams as a bar owner. He was on his way home after a grimm subjugation when he stumbled upon the twins fighting together against a few beowulfs in the wild. This made him take them in as he knew that they would come in handy and help him in the future which they did.

This year,they were both 17 and at the right age to attend Beacon academy which Junior proposed to them which they turned down saying that they were satisfied with their current life. This made junior very happy as he did not see the twins as henchman, but as his own daughters.