Chap 14) Jaune and who? part 2

Feeling such emotions, the twins did not know how to respond t it. Both knew that they fell for the same guy, looking at one another both of them nodded in agreement to share him in hopes of wanting him.

"Mel you go first." (Mil)

"No Mil you go first!" (Mel)

Due to this being their first experience with love, both twins started to stutter a lot while blushing. Pushing the other to ask him, the twins proceeded to fight over who will ask him first but after 10 minutes of bickering, they both agreed to do it simultaneously.

.....Jaune pov...

Sitting at the counter, Jaune was talking with Ren about life while drinking juice when he suddenly felt someone tap on his shoulders. Turning around, he was met with 2 beauties wearing red and white. Wondering who they were, he felt even more shocked by what they said next.

"Hello my names Melanie." (Melanie)

"My names Miltia." (Miltia)

"May we have the pleasure of asking for a dance?" (Miltia & Melanie)

Looking at the twins, Jaune did not know what to say. Although he had seen many beauties including his sisters, he had to say that the two in front of him had a charm that he was attracted to. Without saying anything, he continued staring at their beauty while in a daze.

"Hey are you listening!" (Melanie & Miltia)

"Ah! Yes yes I heard you, my name is Jaune, Jaune Arc and i am willing to have a dance with you two." (Jaune)

Saying so, Jaune stood up hastily and followed the twins to the dance stage where they started to dance with one another.

As for Kiana and co, they merely stood away, cheering at him silently and giving him their best wishes.

This went on for the rest of the night where by the end, only Kiana, Ren and Blake were the only ones sober. Due to how late they celebrated, they decided that the best solution was to bunk in at a nearby hotel till the next day before leaving for Beacon academy.

......Junior bar (Closed)....

"What?" (Junior)

"We want to join beacon academy."

Looking at the twins, Junior did not know what had got into them. Previously he asked them, they declined. Yet suddenly now they wish to go study at beacon academy, he did not know what they were thinking at all. Suddenly, he remembered seeing the twins dancing on the dancefloor with a male. This was a rare occurrence as the twins rarely if not never see any man worth to dance with and yet tonight they danced with someone of the opposite gender. He had a gut feeling that this was not coicidental.

Looking at them, he asked.

"Let me guess was it related to the blonde male you danced with tonight?"

Hearing this, the twins could not help but look away with their faces starting to burn up when thwy remembered the smile Jaune gave them when dancing together with them.

"Yes..." (Miltia & Melanie)

They could not help but softly mutter an assurance. Although it was soft, Junior still heard it and with their confirmation, felt a slight headache.

Walking to wine corner, he took out a bottle of malt whiskey and poured himself a cup full of whiskey. Looking at them, he downed the glass in one shot and looked up as if pondering about something.

"Sigh* Alright ill see what i can to enroll you to beacon academy but remember this be safe, that is all i ask of you."

Hearing this, both the twins stood up with joy and lunged at Junior hugging him.

"Really! Thank you boss!" (Miltia & Melanie)

After discussing about it for awhile, both the twins immediately went back to their apartment to pack, leaving Junior back at the bar.

As for junior, when he saw them leave, he immediately took out his phone and called someone.

"Qrow you there?" (Junior)

"Yah what is it i'm busy so if you wanna talk about our debt forget it..." (Qrow)

"Yes this is about the debt, could you help enroll my adoptive daughters into beacon academy? Ill pardon you of your current debt if you can do that." (Junior)

"...…..Alright but you owe me a drink." (Qrow)

"As long as its not expensive." (Junior)

"Alright ill see what I can do expect a reply tomorrow." (Qrow)

Putting down his phone, Junior could imagine the darn Qrow celebrating.

........1 hour ago......…..

Sitting at the corner of the bar, both the twins and Jaune were having a nice time chatting with one another. They had danced for a very long time which they enjoyed but knowing that some rest was needed, invited Jaune to sit down and take a drink. They talked throughout the night but the only reason that Jaune was so open to the girls was because he was intoxicated. Little did the girls knew that he was on the light end of the drinking spectrum, hence after giving him a shot of Atlas classic mokoro, which contained 60% alchohol, Jaune immedietly became very drunk.

Using this opportunity, the twins managed to get most of his information including his scroll number, dorm room number and where he was studying. At first they thought that he would be studying at a local fashion school considering his wear but was a little suprised that he was actually a training huntsman. Not only that, they were also a little worried about their potential love life when he disclosed the fact that he harboured some feelings for his team leader.

At first they wanted Jaune to stay with them through the night so that they could spend more time with him. But as they were about to drag him away, his friends suddenly approached them and dragged Jaune away instead.

Seeing him being dragged away left the two rather heart pained as they did not wish to part this soon with the male they finally found.

"Hey Mil." (Malanie)

"Yah Mal?" (Miltia)

"How about we attend beacon academy and chase after him?" (Malanie)

"Lets do that." (Miltia)