Chap 15) Welcome duo MM

Waking up the next day, Jaune found himself having a severe headache. As he tried to remember what had happened the previous day at juniors bar only made it worse for him. Looking around, he found himself in a foreign bedroom. It was not his dorm room nor any room he knew.

Suddenly, the door opened and Kiana walked in while carrying two mugs.

"Oh your awake sleepyhead. Anytime later and I would have woke you up myself." (Kiana)

"Urgh Kiana what happened last night.?" (Jaune)

"Try to remember it yourself." (Kiana)

Upon saying so, Kiana gave the mug of water to Jaune before leaving the room.

.....1 hour later.....

Upon returning to beacon, Kiana and co were bombarded by a myriad of questions by Pyrrha where they were when they did not return yesterday night. But upon hearing that they went to a bar, Pyrrha froze as if thinking of something she should have never thought of.

Leaving her there, the gang immediately left for their dorms where they decided to rest due to what had happened the day before.

.....Monday the next day......

"Ok class we will have 2 more students joining us for our 3 years of study. Yes although many are thinking initiation day is over, why are we accepting any new students. They are what you would call 'special' cased students and i hope that you will not discriminate them." (Glynda)

Saying so, the doors to the combat class miss Glynda thought opened and 2 girls that looked like one another walked in. They were Miltia & Melanie. Apparently Qrow had pulled a few strings and agreed with Ozpin to allow them to enter as long as they could defeat mid tier grimm alone. Surprisingly enough, their stellar teamwork allowed them to combat and defeat a high tiered grimm which impressed Ozpin at how well the twins worked together.

Standing there, the twins scanned the room and found whom they were looking for. Sitting at the top right corner of the battle room sat Jaune.

"Hello my names Miltia." (Miltia)

"My names Melanie." (Melanie)

"We hope wo work together with all of you for the next 3 years." (Miltia & Melanie

"Now i know that some people here will have some prejudice against them, so as a demonstration to show that they are trully meant to be here, they will fight against some of you." (Glynda)

Hearing this, the schools bully Winchestor immediately flared up with many ideas. When they first entered the room, he could not help but notice their beauty and felt like dominating them. When hearing what Miss Glynda had to say, Winchestor immedietly rose his hand to participate.

As for Kiana, when she saw the twins, she immedietly knew why they enrolled and smirked. But when looking at Winchestor raising his hand nearly made Kiana laugh at his stupidity as she knew how powerful the twins were when she scanned them.

"Heh this is going to be a nice trashing." (Kiana)


"You know me too well partner." (Kiana)

Saying so, Kiana looked towards the twins and established a telepathic link with them.

"Hello there my names Kiana."* (Kiana)

"!?!" (Miltia & Melanie)

Hearing the voice in their head, both the girls looked around the room and tried to find the origin of the voice but to no avail.

"Hahaha dont think too much about it. I linked our minds together for a temporary chat. Dont ask how i do it its a pain to explain."* (Kiana)

Hearing this, the twins calmed down and instead looked at each other.

"So who are you?" (Melanie)

"Im Jaunes partner and im sitting on his left."* (Kiana)

Hearing this, the twins looked at Jaunes left only to see Kiana waving at them.

"I know why your here and to be honest as his partner I fully support you. But that's for another time, as you may recall, the man you are about to face is named Cardin Winchestor. I want you to trash him up, why you may ask? Its because he bullies Jaune. I'll leave you to how you want to handle him, but remember a good meeting is a good impression. Good luck girls i'm rooting for your love life."* (Kiana)

Saying so, Kiana disconnected the telepathic link and looked at their blushing face with much amusement.


"Hahaha teasing is where the fun part for every relationship starts at." (Kiana)

.....5 minutes later...…..

Standing opposite to them, Cardin winchestor was dressed in his hunters niform and prepped for battle. Although the time was short, the twins knew how to torture Winchestor for hurting their beloved.

"3,2,1 Battle start. Let's go ahead" (Digital announcer)


Winchestor using his mace cannon, blasted forth with immense speed towards the twins. Raising his weapon, he wanted to strike the girl in red as he knew that she was a hand to hand type. But just as his mace was about to hit, he suddenly felt an impact hitting him on his back. Apparently Melanie had spun around his back when he was not noticing and used he legs to kick him behind, causing his balance to be way off. Not wasting this opprotunity, Miltia continued the combo by disarming him before whacking him around.

This went on for awhile where Winchestor was continously juggled around and tortured by the twins. The twins constantly used mixed martial arts to detach some of his joints while at the same time giving him more air time. To the spectators this was a very embarresing battle, one that should not happen to people of their level but still happened to Winchestor.

"Stop!" (Glynda)

Hearing this, Melanie gave Winchestor one well placed slap to the face before he fell to the ground, causing him to be thrown to the wall. Sliding down, the class finally managed to see the horrible state Cardin was in. Not only was he foaming from the mouth, they could see that many of his joints were not in the correct position causing most of them to pity him.

"Can Cardins team bring him to the medic?" (Glynda)

Even before saying so, his team was already away with him on their back. One could even wonder how well practiced they were with the speed they displayed.

Since that day, the twins infamy and battle prowness was spread around the academy and mostly accepted by the student body.