Chap 36) The prime before the storm.

Running at he train, Kiana and professor Oobleck were the fist to reach it. Grabbing onto the side ladder, professor Oobleck went up while Kiana helped to pull everyone onboard.

With everyone onboard, they started to make their way above the train. Running through the carts, they suddenly heard a sound and looked back. A cart had detached itself.

"What that makes no sense, the carts are filled with dust why would they want to detach it?" (Jaune) Saying with a rather uncertain tone.

"Maybe they hate us a lot?" (Miltia)

"Or maybe they just want us gone?" (Melanie)

"There the same." (Kiana) saying to the twins.

Just as they wondered why, the cart suddenly exploded, causing the group to look away at the light. However looking back, all they saw was a large hole where the grimm were pouring out from. Seeing this, the history teacher had a sudden realisation. Running from cart to cart, he opened each one and found that they all had bombs.

"Everyone we have to stop this train before it reaches Vale!" (Oobleck) Saying in a rather serious and rushed tone.

Hearing what Oobleck said, this made everybody realise what was happening and rush forward with acknowledgment. However before they could even rush, Kiana stopped them. Looking at her, she gave them her commands.

"All of you head down to try to stop the train, me and Professor Oobleck will try to stop it from up here!" (Kiana)

Rushing forward, Kiana, Oobleck and Bennu rushed to the front while the rest of them headed down to the containers.

With Kiana and Professor Oobleck pairing up, they ran with extreme speeds down the trains and when reaching the middle of it, suddenly atleasians knights started to jump up and run towards them.

The pair looking at one another, simpley nodded before running towards them. Taking a swig from his mug, Professor Oobleck deployed his cannon bat and started hammering away at one of the knights. Kiana using her katana, fended herself from 2 knights while being assisted by Bennu. Although fighting at full strength, Kiana was only limited to taking care of 2 knights as she wished not for the ceiling to fall on her.

Upward slash, downwards cut, trust and dice. Kiana deployed all her close range skills and with it, diced all the mechs into pieces. Like a unparallel arrow, the trio managed to fend off all the knights and made it to the front of the train. There they saw Pyrrha and the others. Running towards them, they were greeted by a Pyrrha whose face was as red as betroot.

"How we doing students?" (Oobleck)

"Not good, were about to hit a roadblock and Pyrrhas using her semblence to slow this train as much as possible. But it just isnt stopping!" (Weiss)

Staring straight ahead, Kiana could see the roadblock approaching fast. Knowing that they had little time left, she suddenly thrusted her katana deep into the train much the groups unsuspecting eyes.

A moment later, a tree made from light suddenly grew from her katana and embraced them. This was one of the defensive techniques she learnt from Azure, 'the tree of creation' a unparallel defensive technique made to replicate the tree that survived the void and gave birth to creation.

With that, the train crashed through the roadblock and hit the ceiling, breaking through it and bringing them into Vale.

Although encased by Kianas protection, their ears were not and with the immense trauma and sound of the crash, it took the group awhile to re-orientate themselves.

Looking around, they saw themselves right smack in the middle of Vale with grimm starting to pour out of the hole that was recently made. Unreluctantly, they stood up and prepared for the fight of their lives.

........2 hours later.......

"Huuf huuf huuf... Jaune you good?" (Pyrrha) Saying in a tired voice as she looked around only to find Jaune exhausted and lying in a pile of rubble raising his hands with a thumbs up.

"I'm huuf huuf huuf.... gonna need a vacation after this....." (Melanie) Leaning on a wall next to her sister, visibly both were exhausted.

"You and me both sis.... you and me both...." (Miltia)

After the battle, most of the back-up from the academy and atleasian fleet started to do repair scouting. Although they managed to kill off the grimm, some may still lurk in the city alongside damage control.

As for Kiana and her team, Kiana left alongside Professor Oobleck to file a report on the matter while a medical team were helping Jaune and the other back up to full speed.

..........3 days later.......

After the battle, Kiana and her team spend a day resting before being continously questioned by both authorities and professor Ozpin. Although they had alot of rest, Jaune could not help but feel mentally exhausted by the fact that the officers were rather harsh. Newspaper coverage, interrogations, classmates swarming him. Over the last 3 days Jaune had little to no peace at all.

And thats why he was here, in juniors bar. Donning his usual huntsman outfit, he sat by the bar drinking away his exhaustion.

"Blondie whats the problem?" (Junior)

Not wanting to respond, he just showed Junior the newspaper before slumpind down onto the table.

Looking at the newspaper, he merely nodded before leaving the tired guy alone.

Time passed as he sat there alone, passing the time and getting some well deserved peace... if you can count not being disturbed in a place with disco balls and music peace. Though the place was rather empty due to the attack.

Wanting to take a sip of his soda, he suddenly realised that he ran out of it, raising his hand, he wished to ask for another one when suddenly a glass of whiskey on rock slided to him from the right. Looking at the drink and turning his head right, he saw Coco there drinking some whiskey.

"Its on me Jaune. Cheers." (Coco)

"...You know i dont drinkright?" (Jaune)

"Whats the fun in that, as a man you should be able to hold your liquor. Now cheers." (Coco) Saying in a steadfast tone as she raised her cup.

"Sigh alright." (Jaune)

With reluctance, he raised his cup and started to drink with Coco.