Chap 37) Drunken Ark mistakes. 18+

....Sunday Morning, the day before the holiday...…..

In a random hotel downtown Vale...…..

"Ring! Ring!"

"Urgh who is it." (Jaune)

Groggily waking up from his deep slumber, Jaune looked at his phone. Realising that it was still early in the morning, shut off his phone before returning to sleep. Snuggling into the bed, he felt the warmth of someone, thinking that it was Miltia, hugged her.

"Umu who was that?" (???) The other person he hugged asked in a tired voice.

"Urgh just a prank call..... just go back to sleep....." (Jaune)

"Alright dear..." (???)

Returning to sleep, Jaune never noticed that other then the girl he was hugging, there was a tiny multi coloured girl sleeping next to them.

…...Back at Beacon...…

"I can't contact him." (Ren)

In their room, everyone from both teams were gathered with the exception of Kiana and Yang. Looking at one another, they did not know what to do when Jaune was missing. Since last night, most of them started to worry for his safety as he was not back at all. At first the twins did not mind it, but as time went on they started to panic and when he did not come back through the night, it was clear that the twins were at their last straw.

"Where is he does anybody know where is he!" (Pyrrha)

"Calm down Pyrrha. Jaune should be alright. After all he did receive training from remnents No.1 future huntress." (Weiss) Trying to calm the over worried Pyrrha.

Still pacing around the room, all she did was point to the twins and Weiss instantly spoke not another word.

The twins unlike them were currently hyperventilating and rolling around the bed at a rather fats speed. Matched with their chattering teeth, it made for a rather worrying scene.

...Back at the hotel.....

Since the call, Jaune was unable to sleep, not only was it because the call aroused him from his slumber, he was starting to regain his sense of feeling and what he felt made him worried. Rather then feeling the soft silk of Miltia's clothing, all he felt when hugging her was her smooth an warm skin. That would be normal if he did not feel that he was naked and his body was pressing onto hers.

With that, he started to wake up. Although weak and unprepared, he used his aura to help wake him up. Sitting up onto his bed, he looked at the unfamiliar room and felt a headache hit him. Wondering why was he here, he slowly recalled getting very drunk, but the memories were very vauge.

Yawning, he suddenly caught something at the edge of his eyes. Slowly looking down to his left...…. there he saw something he did not wish to see...….Coco...….. she was lying there in the nude... her porcelain white skin shimmering under the morning light, her exposed mounds.

Looking at her breast, he felt that they were small, but when paired with her athletic and petite body, felt as if it were a match made in heavens. But what caught his attention was how she laid in bed. Without her beret and her nude form, sleeping like a baby, she looked even more enchanting then the twins.

Staring at her with awe, he could say little to nothing at all. But then his slow brain suddenly processed the situation he was in. (Him-Coco-nude-hotel room-not in dorm.....= Shit)

"What!" (Jaune) shouting out while hopping out of bed. But forgetting he was on a bed, he immediately tripped and fell out of the bed.

"Urgh what happened cant a girl get her beauty sleep..." (Coco) Saying in a rather groggy tone while slowly getting out of bed.

Yawning, Coco made her way out of her bed. Standing next to her bed, she started to stretch as she allowed the morning light to shine off her skin.....totally unaware that she was naked nor the fact a gender opposite was in the room with her.

Finally done with her stretching, she looked around the room only to find Jaune sitting on the ground rubbing his head. Still having her morning blues, she did not realise that he was naked as was she.

"Jaune why are you in my room?" (Coco)

"C C Coco..." (Jaune) Stuttering at first, he wanted to say something but as he looked at her, all he could do was shut his mouth up. All he could do was stare at the pure perfection of an attractive woman infront of him. Her entire body spoke of perfection... skin white and soft, body although not muscular, was the perfect ratio of fat and muscle to create a sturdy and yet soft form. But what shocked him was below, she had shaved herself and in addition to that could see some markings on her.

"Jaune?" (Coco)

Looking at him, Coco slowly realised something was wrong and she looked down only to stare at herself as she took a moment to process it.

"Kyaa!" (Coco) Screaming, she hid behind the bed and hid her body as much as possible from Jaune. Picking up a pillow, she used her aura to enhance her strength as she threw i straight at Jaune.

"Wait wait! I can explain!" (Jaune) but before any sense could get to Coco, the pillow was let losed.

Looking at Jaune with a bright pink face, Coco could only stare at him with both conflict and emberrasment. You must remember although Coco is a fashionista, ideal huntress, leader and idol, before all that she was still a pure hearted maiden that believed that the only time someone of the opposite gender gets to see her, was after their marriage. Heck she made a vow that only one person would get to see her like this. Hence her conflicted heart as she did not know what to do.

Trying not to look at one another, there was an akward silence that existed between them. Jaune wanted to say something but words could not be said.

"Umu....." (???)

With the silence, the sudden intrusion of the voice suddenly made the pair alert. Looking around, they saw some shuffling on the bed. However this shuffling soon stop as something sat up on the bed. Obscurred from the blanket, the figure removed the blanket and what both Jaune and Coco saw made them honestly shocked. It was a petite and small girl with 2 hair colors one brown, one pink. Her height made her small frame look as if she was not over 16, possibly 14.

Seeing this, Jaune did not know what to say as he knew that he was fucked, while Coco saw him as a bastard of a man. Feeling anger well up in her, she wanted to charge at him, but could not put in any strength into her legs as she just wobbled.

Unable to do anything as even her aura could not help her, Coco just looked at Jaune whom was trying his best to say something then back at the petite girl.

At first she was similar to Coco when she woke up, uaware but as time passed, realised something was wrong. Looking at Coco then Jaune, the neapolitan girl hastily used the blanket to cover herself as she tried to find something. With little effort found her scroll and typed something out for Coco to read out loud.

Holding onto the phone, Coco read the message out loud.

"Who are you! why am i here?!?" (Coco)

"I'm not sure too all i remember was being piss drunk last night and woke up here. Truly i swear!" (Jaune) Even when trying to explain it, was being starred by the girls with daggers for eyes.

Taking tens of minutes to explain everything, the trio finally calmed down as they stared at one another.

From what they discussed, the 3 had issues and wanted to drink away the pain. Jaune was due to the train incident, Coco was due to exam stress and Neo drinking away the fact that her employer and only supporter was gone..... Also clarifying that Neo was of the same age as Jaune

Finally with the issue of why they were here settled, they started to stare at one another with red faces, Coco being the most reddest.

"Jaune look away..." (Coco)

"Yes!" (Jaune) with a instant answer, turned around and faced them with his back.

The girls finally knowing that he was not looking tried to stand up but with the same problem, their legs kept giving out. Looking at one another, they tried to make their way to the washroom for a shower but when moving, realised something weird.

They felt a warm liquid flowing down their legs and when looking down, saw a stream of white liquid leave their maidens area. This was something they alreay talked about and with red faces entered the washroom as they knew that they had to clean themselves up and clean up their private area lest they become mothers. Jaune on the other hand, just stood up and wore his cloths when he knew the 2 had entered the washroom.

An hour later, the girls finally exited the washroom and Jaune hearing their exit, looked at them with surprise.

The 2 girls were walking while limping around and with red faces, tried their best to approach him.

"Jaune explain this!" (Coco)

The 2 holding their left hand up, showed Jaune a wedding band ring. Both of a similar design.

Surprised yet again, Jaune could not say anything as he subconciously gripped his left pocket. There he felt something.

"Wait i got something here." (Jaune) saying so as he took out a slip of paper from his pocket.

Reading the papers, it said 'Congratulations to the newlywed Jaune Arc, Coco Arc and Neopolitan Arc. Wedding viewed by.....'

Looking at the paper then looking back at each other, they stared at the wedding bands on their hands. Without saying anything the girls sighed.

"So do you wanna get divorced? I mean this is rather forced." (Jaune) Looking at them with pity and resentment of himself, he questioned them hoping to bear any result he bought to himself.

".....No it's impossible." (Coco) Just saying in a down tone as she lowered her hands which held the wedding certificate.

"Why?" (Jaune)

But before Coco said anything, Neo shoved her scroll at him.

Holding the scroll, he read it. "Its because of you dumbwit! You came inside us so much and so deep that we cant even clean it! For all we know the 2 of us may already have started to bear your children! Do you think we want our kids to grow up without a dad!?" (Neo)

Looking at this, all Jaune could do was lower his head and apologise.

"Sorry for ruining your future, i'll make it up to you in the future. An Arc promise!" (Jaune) Holding one hand up in a swearing position, he promised them that. Something that although small gave the girls some small glimpse of hope with him.

But just as he said that, he also remembered saying something like that to the twins and Pyrrha. Face palming himself he felt like a total asshole.

"Ah crud." (Jaune) saying in a rather frustrated tone.

"Whats wrong?" (Coco)

The girls looking at him wondering why was he swearing even after proccuring himself 2 beautiful woman as wives.

"Its the Arc promise. Our family has the tradition of upholding our promises to the death. If we cannot uphold it we must die. That brings me to the problem. I did an Arc promise to my girlfriends also, the twins and Pyrrha." (Jaune) saying while still very frustrated.

Hearing that, Coco finally recalled the ball and the twins. Thinking about their future, she could not help but imagine him holding onto all of them and with that her face grew more red.

As for Neo, she merely slapped him before putting her cheeks.

Sighing, Jaune wanted to call back to them to assure them his safety, knowing how the girls would act he'd better hurry.

Grabbing his pocket, he could not feel his scroll and when looking around, saw that it was on the ledge of the table overseeing the entire room. Walking towards it, he grabbed it and wanted to call but realised that it was recording.

"Dears!" (Jaune) Calling out to his wives.

Hearing him, the girls tried to move to him and see what they wanted but realised that movement was still hard for them.

Seeing how hard it was for them to move, he moved over to them while fiddling with his phone.

"Apparently my phone was on recording the entire night. Maybe we can give us answeres on where we got married and who over saw it.

Agreeing with him, the 2 sat next to him as he played the recording.

...Warning EXTREME SMUT ahead.....

"Hello twis wis Jaune Warc!" (Jaune) while drunk

"I'm hwis wife Coco Arc Adel!" (Coco) Although drunk could still say without stuttering too much.

And finally Neo pulling her phone text to screen writing 'I'm Nean Arc hid eife'

"This is our honeymoon fwex videio!" (Jaune)

Although it was the start of the video, Jaune and Coco were already deep into it. While Jaune was recording it, Coco was already sheathed inside of Jaune. But instead of him supporting her or her clinging to him, she was off the ground with both her hands with peace signs with Jaune standing behind her. Jaunes d*ck was strong enough to support her weight as he moved back and showed how he was carrying Coco with merely his d*ck strength alone. With it fully inside of her, there was a bulge on her lower stomach, showing the monstrosity that was inside of her.

"Now i'm gwonna mwove!" (Jaune)

"Yes take me my hunsband!" (Coco) shouting

Holding her hips, he used his strength to stabilise her as he started to thrust inside of her rapidly.

"Squish! Squish! Squish!"

"Ah Ah Ah!" (Coco)

Each time Jaune started to thrust inside of Coco, her face started to thwart in pleassure as she leaked out all of her juices. With each thrust, he slowly dominated her body as she came with every motion. As a virgin, she could barely handle alot of pleassure before giving out but with Jaunes monster, she soon visibly started to lose concious.

"Hmph!" (Jaune)


"Eeek!" (Coco) shouting in surprise.

Slapping her ass everytime she felt like fainting, Coco was forced to feel all the pleassure hit her with each thrust.

Neo on the other hand was fully naked and sat on the bed looking at Coco and Jaune go at it, using her hands, she tried to please herself but failed due to the massive gold mine infront of her. Unable to stand it, she crawled to the edge of the bed and poked at Jaune.

Jaune looking at the pleading eyes of Neo knew what she wanted. Using one hand to support Coco and the other to carry Neo, he forced Coco to the wall and used the wall to support them. Now with both hands free, he continously hammered Coco as he held Neo by the hips and placed her between Coco and him. Unable to resist any longer, he planted his lips onto Neo and sucked on her.

Slowly making his way down, he started to finger Neo, causing her to moan alongside Coco's desperate cries of joy. But Jaune was having non of it, he was not passive instead he was very aggressive. Using one hand, he started to reach for the bulge on Coco's tummy and with that caused her to yelp in surprise as this caused her already sensitive womb to feel even more of his monster.

As for Neo, he started with 1 finger but as time went on, managed to put all 5 inside and drill her. Yelping in surprise, Neo could not help but twitch so much from the pleassure that she suddenly came and lost all her strength.

Jaune seeing Neo lose all her strength, immediately threw her back to the bed as he took Coco off the wall. Turning her around, the pair of lovers looked at one another as Jaune took one more thrust and finished inside her.

"Aaaahhh!" (Coco) screaming in pleassure before she was knocked out cold.

Looking at the recording, it was visible that Coco's stomach started to bloat up slightly as she was forced to take in everything. Putting her down onto the bed, Jaune finally started to exit her and there and behold show his mighty dragon.

Still untaimed, Jaune merely looked at Neo, picking her up, he positioned her motionless body in a doggy style and spread her ass apart.

"Hmm your a rwather dirty girl arent wou..." (Jaune)

But the mute gave no reply as she tried to nod her head, wishing to be wholeheartedly dominated by Jaune.

"Twime to gwiv you some punishment!" 9Jaune)

And with that said, he in one shot thrusted himself straight into Neo's open an*s. Wide eye, Neo subconciously recoiled her back backwards and turn her head to look at Jaune with wide pleading eyes to not continue. But Jaune did not seem to notice as he merely continued his hammering. Due to Neos small frame and Jaunes monster of a monster, her inards were forced to accomodate his meat missile. Even so, they became slightly deformed as he continued ramming it in. Pain soon turned to pleassure as Neo started to leak juices from her c*nt.

As the thrusting continued, Neos face soon turned to one of bliss, tounge sticking out, she totally lost it. With high hopes of Jaune filling her up, she started to finger herself in expectation. But Jaune had other plans as he hardened himself and pulled his monster out. As Jaunes cock started to exit her ass, Neo stared in wide eyes as she felt something coming out, due to the size, Neo's own anus was also pulled out alongside Jaunes monster.

Feeling such strong waves of pleassure, Neo knew that she had to return her ass to normal but with little to no strength left just laid there limp. Jaune laughed when seeing this and instead of giving her mercy, simply thrusted into her dripping c*nt and fisted her rectum back into her ass. His di*k reached into her womb and like Coco, had her stomach bulge but alot more due to her smaller stature. Neo was forced to give heads as she was forever dominated by Jaune, his mark forever etched onto her.

Minutes passed as Neo was forced to experience this inhumane pleassure and with Jaunes final thrust, marked her as his property.

Releasing her from his grip, Jaune looked at the girls whom he had so mercilessly dominated and smirked. His d*ick was still not satisfied and although the girls were already out cold, he still f*cked their limp body and came inside their c*nts. This went on for the next 3 hours till 5 a.m in the morning before Jaune fainted, leaving his c*ck inside Coco as they slept.

...Back to reality.....

Both Neo and Coco looked at the video with apple red face. At first they wanted to stop but seeing their own faces could not bear to do it. In the end they watched the video without skipping to the halfway mark before fast forwarding.

The pair clutched their stomachs as they thought if it was really them in the video. Never in their lives, did they ever expect to be as seen in the video and with that embaressment.