
At the sound of another explosion, a screechy cry of pure terror poured out from my trembling lips.

Now is not a good time to panic, I told myself.

With a sharp inhale of breath, I tried to calm my frantic nerves but the thought of imminent danger was making it far worse.

Cold sweat chilled my face and my thick glasses started to slip off of the bridge of my nose to hang loosely off of the tip.

Not even the thick layer of makeup I caked onto my face could hide how pale I was getting.

According to Asuka, the alarms in this facility has never sounded over the last 13 years she's worked here.

And if I'm not wrong, those supernatural beings that we experimented on are going to kill us and there was nothing that we could do about it.

We have nothing here other than needles and glass beakers, nothing that could kill powerful werewolves or bloodthirsty vampires.

Had they killed all the guards outside the labs, then we would be screwed.

Totally and completely screwed.

Amy and Daryl, my other lab partners, were both trying to hurriedly call for help when our fortified bulletproof walls came shattering down in a massive array of glass.

And I swear, my heart stopped beating for a split second.

Once the glass windows shattered, the sounds of people screaming and running amuck were loud to my ears.

My brain wasn't working at the moment but my instincts were quick to kick in.

I immediately pulled out a lab chair and ducked underneath the table before pulling the chair back into place to cover me.

Seeing my actions, my other lab partners did the same.

Then, I caught sight of the intruders.

Big, tall, and muscled men infiltrated the lab rapidly with sharp canines peeking from their lips and nostrils flared as they searched for our scents.

From my position on the floor, I could see their razor-like teeth glisten terrifyingly in the light.


I scooted further back into the desk, back touching the wall when one of them picked up a desk nearby and tossed it into the wall.

A thunderous crashing sound subsequently followed.

Daryl's quivering form was easily revealed from underneath of the desk.

He covered back and attempted to crawl away, but we all knew that it was useless.

I could hear a vicious growl come from the werewolf's throat as if Daryl had angered him by trying to run.

The guttural sound bounced from wall to wall when the werewolf stalked over, corded muscles bunching underneath of thick flesh in signs of power and strength.

He picked Daryl up by his shirt, pulled the poor guy upwards until they were face to face.

Daryl looked like he was about to puke.

His face became so pale that it matched his white lab coat.

"Where the hell is Lucas?" he growled out into Daryl's face, long claws completely piercing through the fabric.

"I-I-I d-don't know," Daryl replied shakily, words barely audible due to fear.

"Don't play dumb with me. Where are you keeping Lucas?" the werewolf spat out.

Daryl slipped from the werewolf's grasp when the coat started to rip, that was until his other hand grabbed Daryl's neck in a tight grip.

"P-please! I-I don't kn-know," Daryl wheezed out.

His feet dangled and his face became abnormally red.

He choked from the werewolf's hold with tears leaking from barely open eyes.

I could see his chest heave up and down in rapid succession.

Daryl started to sob uncontrollably.

The time seemed to slow, all of us holding our breath, hoping to god that they didn't kill Daryl.

The poor guy didn't deserve it because I know for sure that Lucas Hensley was one of Amy's experiments.

She had previously stated that he was her hardest specimen to control and that taking samples from him was extremely taxing.

If she didn't speak up now, Daryl will definitely die.

I tossed her a hard glare, to which she ignored.

And my lips pinched tight together in displeasure at her stubborn countenance.

"I don't think he's lying, Beta." One of the other taller werewolves stepped up, glass crunching like sand underneath his feet.

At the other werewolf's statement, the Beta decided to toss Daryl away like a piece of used paper.

Daryl landed onto the floor in a heap.

His head slammed onto the marble while his body scrunched up towards his chest from the impact.

I could see his eyes roll closed upon descent.

He stilled on the floor while dark blood started staining the white marble a deep shade of red.