
We were all stunned still, unable to process what had happened before our eyes and what was going to happen next.

By now, Asuka was sobbing uncontrollably, unable to hold her tears back while fear completely enveloped us all.

This wasn't a dream.

This is a nightmare.

And we all just might die.

"Set the building on fire," came the Beta's deep voice. The male turned away from us and walked towards the shattered door.

"What do we do with them, Beta?" one of them asked.

"Take them with us, their government will want them back. And by then, we can trade them for Lucas," he stated.

Amy, Asuka and I cowered back in complete fear and terror.

My jaw gritted tightly and I willed down the urge to run or throw up. If I try to run now, they might just kill me the same way they killed Daryl. I didn't dare to think that they would have any mercy on those who experimented on their kind.

"Come with us willingly or we can drag you out by your hair, choose wisely," the Beta threatened. His eyes narrowed as if he was daring us to do otherwise, but he knew that none of us had the gall to.

In fear that they might become impatient, I took the lead and shakily stood up.

We were led outside and tossed inside of a giant van with our hands tied behind our backs and blindfolded like prisoners.

I could clearly smell smoke and hear screams of terror that resounded loudly in my ears.

It was a massacre and we were the ones who started it.

My mind was a jumbled mess, no longer able to hold any sort of thought because I felt seemingly numb at the turn of events.

I didn't even realize that I was crying halfway through the ride, wetting the black fabric of the blindfold and the front portion of my shirt. Almost all of us were crying by now, except for Amy who seemed to be extremely quiet and emotionless.

Once we get some privacy, I'm going to give her a piece of my mind.




Hunger came and went multiple times, but I didn't dare to make a peep to our kidnappers.

The consequences would be far too deadly for such brainless behavior. And there was really no point in fighting back either, we all knew that.

It almost felt like a full day or two when we finally reached the destination.

The werewolves dragged us out of the van by the back of our lab jackets, up the stairsteps of a porch and into a house. I swallowed down a pained cry when I was nearly strangled by my own shirt, and struggled to match the werewolf's long sweeping footsteps.

People walked past us, talking in hushed whispers and greeted our kidnappers rather enthusiastically while disregarding our bound forms.

Eventually, the noise died down.

They dragged us pitifully down flights of stairs until we reached the bottom. I surmised that we must be in a cellar of some sorts because the stench of mold and rot was prominent in the air.

As for what was rotting in the room, I don't want to know.

With some derogatory terms, the werewolf dragging me deposited my flaccid body onto the cold cement floor. The door was slammed shut and silence quickly ensued when we were left to ourselves.

"Why?" Asuka whispered as quietly as she could. Her anger and despair were barely concealed beneath her trembling breath.

I tried to shush them in case the werewolves would hear but Amy continued anyways.

"Why what?" Amy replied with a bare wisp of air. A hint of annoyance was laced thickly in her voice.

"Why the hell didn't you tell them that you were the one who experimented on Lucas, that you knew where he was?" Asuka stated harshly, suppressing a sob with her anger.

"That wouldn't have changed anything!" Amy hissed.

"Yes, it would have! Daryl's dead because of you!" Asuka cried sharply. "Why didn't you tell them where Lucas Hensley was?"

I think Asuka had something for Daryl or else she wouldn't have been so upset.

Asuka was usually the smarter and level-headed one out of everyone in our group. It was rather sad to see how broken she was from Daryl's unfortunate death.