Moving to Beacon

Third Person POV

Qrow and the trio went to a nearby inn after assuring Aurum that they will return in the morning with more food. Aurum drooled at the prospect and accepted their request for him to sleep, and for the first time in his life, he slept without a dream. No nightmares of being crushed, mutilated or getting raped to death for once.

The 4 checked-in in a big room with 2 beds and a bathroom complete with a shower and sink. They got the room a bit peculiarly as Qrow threatened the staff after they attempted to not allow Ariene to be with them for being a faunus. The owner got scared, seeing how intimidating the drunk bird can be. Nonetheless, money is still money, as he allowed them to stay.

The kids were thankful to Qrow as they huddled together in a bed exchanging opinions with each other. Qrow was in his bed fiddling with his scroll while taking some casual sips of alcohol from his flask.

Samson:" So what now?" he asked.

Ariene:" We need to come up with a game plan about who gets to teach him about a specific topic. I'm leaning towards relationships~"

Ariene stated before squealing in a cutesy manner, her wolf ears flapping about. The brothers just looked at this with twitching expressions, as they felt irked from this transformation.

Cyrus:"...Blimey, lass, I don't know if you're either a tad bit nutter or your thought process is in shambles. I'm rather gobsmacked with your change like a plonker went Einstein." For the first time since they met, Cyrus finally went full-on brit.

Samson giggled like a madman as he tried to hide his laughter at this claim. Ariene rolled her eyes before clenching her hands into a fist and smashing it in both of their heads and clarifying her words.

C/S:" Ow!"

Ariene:" Rude! I just want to teach him all about family and friends. Well, the proper ones. And besides, I have a feeling he would be good looking. Him treating me like a big sister even if we become a couple should be really satisfying~"

Qrow spat out a mouthful of alcohol when he overheard this, making Samson roar with laughter once more as Cyrus gave out a small laugh of his own. Ariene pouted at their reactions before crossing her arms and looking away with a hmph.

The brothers apologized before stating their subjects to teach.

Samson:" I'll choose what friends do, humor and games. I do so love playing some ball!"

Cyrus:" I'll teach some general knowledge then, etiquette and such. Now our only issue would be the academics..."

The trio pondered over the issue seriously, but Qrow had this already planned out.

Qrow:" Don't worry about that and focus on those 3 things. Once he's able to jump hospitals, we're bringing him to Beacon Academy for more advanced medication. The 4 of you can live there with people I trust while I do my missions. I am a huntsman after all."

The 3 looked at Qrow with grateful and shining expressions. Beacon Academy, what kid didn't know about this cannon fodder facto- *cough*, I mean prestigious academy for huntsmen and huntresses.

Samson:" Really?! That's great! Then we can finally use aura, weapons and even our semblances! I'm feeling chipper right now!" He said, jumping up and down in excitement.

Ariene:" I'm just worried that Aurum might not like it there." She remarked with worry in her tone.

Cyrus:" That's right. But you'll be there for us, right, father." He jested with a slight smirk, emphasizing that last part. Qrow rolled his eyes.

Qrow:" Sure thing kids. I might stay around for a few weeks so I can help him adapt there before I head out. And besides, you might get a mother there too." He joked.

The 3 laughed a bit before turning their attention back to their respective subjects, discussing what they should teach him first with glee. Qrow looked at the scene with a sad smile on his face before looking away and taking a sip of his drink. The night passed by, as Qrow ordered them to sleep. Ariene was sleeping with Qrow, to her misfortune as he tickles her ears with his chin before they all went to sleep.

*Timeskip to the morning as Ariene tries to shut her ears from the loud snores of a Samson mumbling about riding flying tigers with a certain immortal mercenary wearing a red skin-tight bodysuit to glory.*

Morning came, as the sun shined on Qrow and Ariene through the window. Ariene woke up with a bit of an annoyance, while Qrow was still dead drunk.

She went to the bathroom and took a shower. The sound of running water woke up the twins, as they greeted each other before looking at the bathroom door, to see Ariene wearing her dirty clothes, her hair wet with water as she dried it off.

They said hi to each other before turning their heads to the still asleep Qrow. Then, as if they agreed upon it before, threw Qrow off the bed, landing with a thud. Surprisingly, Qrow still didn't wake up as his butt was raised in a silly manner.

The trio was dumbfounded before they started to shake his body hard.

Qrow:" Whowhatsahow?!" He finally woke up, startled. He stared at the trio menacingly, as they rolled their eyes.

Samson:" Wakey wakey, we still need to eat and buy food for Aurum."

Qrow sighed, nodding before standing up and going to the bathroom and washed his face to fully wake up before getting dragged to the hotel's restaurant to eat breakfast. The staff was still scared, as some of the early rising hotel guests looked at Ariene with disgust. Qrow threw a quick glare at those who did, as they got startled and minded their own business. The group then grabbed a quick bite, before heading out.

Qrow lead them to a clothing store, as they bought Ariene a simple brown tunic and pleated skirt to wear. They then went around town to buy a variety of food. After finishing their shopping spree(much demise to Qrow's diminishing wallet), they then went to the hospital. They greeted the nurses at the front, who had... interesting expressions. They had dazed looks as they curiously eyed the group, earning some probing stares from them.

They shrugged it off, carrying the many plastic bags of food to Aurum's room. Once they went in, they saw Aurum with blue hospital clothes on and tubes stuck in his wrists, with a visible change. He got more fat *cough*, I mean he got more fleshy, with his face looking much more pleasing. Smooth and shining skin was seen through the gaps of the bandages on his limbs, though there is still the presence of his scars and bruises. His recent injuries in the feet looked like they were healing fast, as the scabs seem to have hardened as if they're ready to be removed. Aurum looked nothing like the abused him yesterday.

Once he heard a click in the door, Aurum turned his head to look at his guests, wondering if it's Qrow and the others, which it is. He immediately gave out a small warm smile, as he told them in a cheery and soothing, yet shy voice,

Aurum:" H-hello d-did you b-bring yummy?...."

They chuckled at his words before the trio brought up the plastic bags.

ASC:" Tada~/Here mate!/We brought you some proper food."

Aurum's smile visibly widened, earning another bout of chuckles, as Ariene dazedly looked at him. Aurum's smile quickly went off seeing Ariene look at him like that. Misunderstanding this, he asked with worry. His expression looked adorable, earning Ariene a blush.

Aurum:" A-are you o-okay?..."

Ariene:" Huh?....O-oh d-don't worry about me. H-here We brought you some food."

Flustered, she quickly placed the plastic bags on the table near the bed and looked away as an even more shade of red dawned in her cheeks. Qrow and the twins smirked, as they teased her.

Qrow:" What's wrong, kid? cat got your tongue?"

Samson:" Someone's in love~"

Cyrus:" Well well, why are you looking away Ariene. Come, have a gander at Aurum's face. Ain't he cute and handsome~ You can't just turn your head away from your little brother now would you~?"

Aurum:" Li-little b-brother?...."

Aurum asked, tilting his head with such adorable levels that is just a bit behind a cat stuck in a glass cup. The 4 were visibly shaken, as Samson started to question his sexuality, earning a bonk in the forehead from Cyrus that let him out of his daze. Aurum was terrified, as the act of violence triggered his PTSD. He began to breathe roughly like a yandere looking at her 'darling' getting flirted upon, as his gaze was at Cyrus with fear. Noticing this, Cyrus quickly rubbed the spot where he hit Samson lovingly.

Cyrus:" There there Samson, I'm sorry. Here, pain pain, bugger off~"

Ariene held Aurum's hands, as she reassured that it is not abuse. They had him look at the spot where Samson was hit, where he noticed there wasn't anything there. Aurum shakily looked at Cyrus, who had an embarrassed look on his. Samson was about to tease him until,

Qrow:" That's enough goofing around kids. Especially you Samson. We don't need you to make things much worse." Samson was pouting, as Qrow continued."Hey there Aurum. You miss me?"

Aurum looked at Qrow, not knowing what he was talking about considering he didn't throw anything at him. Qrow looked a bit embarrassed, as he brushed it off by opening a plastic container. In it, was a hot soup letting out quite the aroma. Aurum's stomach grumbled loudly, as he looked at the container as if it was a god.

Qrow let out another chuckle, before taking a plastic spoon from the plastic bags and scooped up a spoonful. He blew on it for a bit before feeding it to Aurum. The child looked like stars were popping out of his eyes, as he savored the flavors, not letting go of the spoon. After a gulp, the spoon was finally let out as Aurum looked at Qrow with anticipation.

Qrow smiled genuinely at this, and thought to himself ' I might be dad material... A shame Winter doesn't treat me seriously. I might have to up my game a bit' He let out a self-deprecating chuckle before renewing his resolve to score some love from the ice empress as he continued to feed the boy food.

*small-time skip provided by Qrow spoon-feeding Aurum, as they listened on and on to a yapping Ariene about how friendship work while the twins were off to the side bored; with Samson sleeping, while standing up and a snot bubble comically formed in his nose, much to his brother's disgust.*

After finishing the final container, Aurum looked down sadly. The Cyrus giggled at the side, waking Samson out of his stupor with his snot bubble popping. Ariene looked annoyed, before continuing with the lesson. The twins wore another bored expression as they, specifically Samson, had enough.

Samson:" I'm bored, the lesson's too boring~ can we go on with the merrymaking now?"

A tick mark grew on Ariene's head as she glared at him with irritation. Samson froze a bit, before continuing.

Samson:" Why are you glaring at me? I'm just telling you that you sound like a math teacher. Boring, and using word magic to make their students sleep."

Cyrus rolled his eyes, as a semi-heated argument began. Aurum looked flustered, seeing how his new friends were bickering.

Aurum:" P-please no f-fighting...."

Ariene and Samson froze, as Cyrus smirked like an idiot.

Qrow looked at this with warm eyes, as the door opened and in came the doctor.

Doc:" I hope I'm not interrupting you people. But I'm here to report to you about Aurum here."

Qrow nodded, before jokingly saying,

Qrow:" Nope. You did good doc. You stopped a catfight between the kids." he grinned a bit, before asking," So, you were saying?"

The doctor chuckled, before looking at Aurum with an intrigued tone.

Doc:" He seems to have healed faster than we have thought. Minus the scars and a few bruises, he just needs to stay in bed for 2 weeks before he would have the strength to walk, albeit with difficulty. I guess that his semblance awoke even before his aura got unlocked. Lucky him I guess. But he does still need to stay a bit so we can treat his injuries in the stomach."

Qrow nodded at the statement, as his and the other kids' expression brightened up. It seems that they would be on a journey to Beacon Academy in a few days.

Qrow:" Thanks doc. Is it possible for him to be transferred to another hospital? My boss wants this guy to be near him."

The doctor stared at him for a bit, thinking about his question. After a few seconds, the doctor responded.

Doc:"...If his semblance activated more often, we can do that by tomorrow. Though the IV drip and blood bag still need to be connected, just to be sure."

Qrow:" Thanks doc, could I bother you to process the papers for the transfer? I can assure you that he will be ready to depart by tomorrow."

Doc:" Sure."

The doctor nodded, before proceeding to near Aurum. He did some checkups on him, as his nurse takes note of what he says. They left shortly after, as the kids waved goodbye at him.

Qrow then turned his attention to Aurum, as he told him.

Qrow:" Go to sleep again Aurum. Don't worry, we'll stay here with you."

He said, before trying to take a swig from his flask. He was about to do it when the trio glared at him menacingly. He was confused before he looked at Aurum which had a scrunched up face after he noticed the smell of alcohol as his PTSD threatened to come out.

He let out a nervous chuckle as sweat dropped from his face.

Qrow:" Sorry. sleep Aurum. Once you're ready we're going somewhere. I'm sure you'll love it there. Its name is Beacon Academy."

Aurum tilted his head to the side as he asked curiously.

Aurum:" B-beacon Academy?...."

Instead of Qrow, it was Samson who answered with an energetic voice.

Samson:" It's where future huntsmen and huntresses train so they can get strong mate! They get to save lives and defeat baddies like taking a stroll to the downtown square."


Samson nodded, as Cyrus was the one who answered the question.

Cyrus:" They're people who protect others from harm Aurum. Me, Samson and Ariene here want to be one, while sir Qrow here is a professional huntsman."

Qrow's eye twitched, as he unconsciously let out a mumble' I'm not old. just, middle-aged.' he thought with a bit of gloom. He cheered himself up by thinking about tavern girls with short skirts, earning himself a lustful grin. Ariene rolled her eyes when she noticed this but didn't bother to point it out.

Aurum:" Huntsman...w-want to be.."

Samson's eyes sparkled, as he heard this. Aurum continued.

Aurum:" W-want to be strong...protect others...."

He said, with a newfound passion in his eyes. His looks brightened as he formed an unshakable will for his newfound dream.

Qrow:" Trust me, kid. You will become a great huntsman. But for now, sleep."

Aurum nodded, as he slowly fell into slumber.

The 4 looked at each other and smiled, as they saw him sleeping peacefully with a small smile on his face. They were about to go out of the room when they saw him glow gold. Qrow and the others were shocked, as some of his wounds healed. The scabs from his feet shrunk and fell off. Some of his bruises were also healed, revealing a pinkish glowing skin that came straight out of a beauty soap commercial.

The 4 looked at one another dumbfounded, as they slowly walked out with amazement in their faces and closed the door.

*small-time skip provided by an Aurum being transferred to a bullhead heading for Vale, and landing successfully despite the unlucky run-ins with some medium-sized Nevermores; with Qrow displaying his awesome mad skills, causing Aurum's eyes to sparkle.*

The bullhead touched the ground, as Aurum was brought out in a wheelchair. Ariene and Cyrus were holding and pushing the IV poles while Samson pushed Aurum with glee.

Qrow:" Ahhh, finally I can stretch my legs. Come on kids, let's go meet the wizard of Beacon."

The trio chuckled while moving with a confused Aurum as they sang 'we're off to see the wizard', Qrow trailing behind them. Some curious students looked at the scene with amused expressions, before looking at the patient with shock.


After a few minutes of being stared at, they finally arrived at the elevators, where a blonde woman was waiting for them. She had her hair tied back in a bun with a curl hanging by her right. She wore a white long-sleeved pleated top that has a wide keyhole neckline and gauntlet cuffs that flare in pleats at the wrist. She also wore a black high-waisted pencil skirt with bronze buttons and black-brown stockings. She also wore black boots with bronze heels, and a cape that is purple inside and black on the outside. The cut of the cape is stylized to end in flames and arrows, with a row of diamond-shaped bronze beads on the back She had bright green eyes and is wearing thin ovular glasses, giving her an intellectual look that supported her ice-cold beauty. The woman's name was Glynda Goodwitch. She looked around sharply before it was replaced with a soft expression when she looked at the arriving group.

Glynda:" Qrow..."

Qrow:" Glynda."

The kids looked at Glynda and Qrow who were staring at each other. And then, Samson said innocently like the idiot he is,

Samson:" Is she our adoptive mum, dad?"

Qrow would've spit his drink if he had one, as Glynda glared at him. Ariene and Cyrus were snickering behind Samson, who now realized just what he said and turned pale.

Glynda pinched the bridge of her nose before turning around and getting on the elevator, gesturing for them to follow.

Glynda:" I wonder what Winter would think of this..."

Qrow flinched, while Glynda smirked. It's not a secret to them on how Qrow has a crush on Summer and Winter. Only, Winter seems to be apathetic to this, either she was oblivious to it or just didn't think that Qrow was boyfriend material.

The elevator ride was filled with an awkward air, as Qrow had cold sweat dripping on his neck. The kids were oblivious to this, as they were happily chatting about what they would wish for when meeting with the wizard. They told Aurum to also make a wish when they met him, which he nodded to with a serious expression.

The elevator finally opened it's door after a few moments, to see white-haired man, his hands on a cane looking at them.

???:" Welcome children, my name is Ozpin the headmaster of Beacon Academy. I welcome you to my school, and I hope you enjoy your stay."

Ozpin, let out a mysterious smile while saying his piece, which caused the trio to pause a bit. It was causing a mysterious aura filled scene before Aurum suddenly pressed his hands together, closing his eyes with a serious expression and then wished,

Aurum:" I wish for more yummy food..."

Everyone was dumbfounded.
