Long before the Great War, there exists a clan famous for it's "magicians".
"Magic" that came from a contract with spirits through their inherited semblances and a chance meeting by the founding patriarch. For a mysterious reason the clan ceased to exist, forgotten by time.
Young Aurum Aurelius has known abuse ever since he was conscious. Starting from insults, down to physical violence. Getting beatings, stabbed, sliced, broken bones, and even raped. After years of physical abuse, Aurum has finally had enough.
No one seemed to make a RWBY fanfic with an abused character, so here's to the first one? and I will be inconsistent with my chapters since I'm lazy.
I do not own RWBY and any other stuff like pictures and music. All credits go to their respective owners.
I absolutely love it though I do hate the wait In-between chapters I realize the perfection takes time so keep up the good work and please don’t drop it.
Yo! This novel is like a diamond in the rough. The beginning tugs on the heartstrings while the story gets better and better. I highly recommend this story to those who love a good mix of 'Great story' and 'Fluffy fluff'. I look forward to how the story continues from here! Keep up the great work! XD Also, I love how, even though Aurum went through alot, he somehow stayed relatively innocent, making interactions in the story way more 'fluffy' and cute.
Honestly the sade fanfic I ever read I was heavily impacted by the abuse the Mc goes though and would love to see if the novel will continue I will honestly give my power stones everyday till it does
Reveal Spoiler
Good story Kind of brutal, but good frfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfr\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrlfrfrfrfrfrrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrf
I‘be absolutely loved the story so far, my only thing that upsets me is that I’m afraid it might’ve been dropped, I sincerely hope this is not the case and I look forward to continuing to read this story. It did such a good job making a main character you couldn’t help but want to protect to the point where my brain kinda struggles when I read about/ see ruby, yang, or Taiyang in another story. All in all, I really hope this hasn’t been dropped and pray for a new chapter.
Decent story................................................................................................................................