A Second Adoption

Third Person POV

Aurum: "…What? What do you mean you're going away?"

In Ozpin's office, the sound of a confused boy resounded within the walls.

Aurum, who had the color of his eyes interchange between red, green and blue rapidly in a loop, is the source of the posed question.

Samson was also surprised, but his expression immediately turned into a frown that asked for answers, directed right at the cause of Aurum's dumbfounded behavior, Qrow.

The man himself only sighed, before facing Cyrus and gesturing with his eyes for help.

Cyrus, ever the dependable "brother" of Aurum, took it to himself to save the irresponsible self-proclaimed father figure to the boy he was "asked" to serve.

Cyrus: "Listen, Aurum. He's your-, our father now, right? Then that means he needs to go out of our "house" so that he can do his job and earn lien for our food. After all, he needs to work as a huntsman to gain money."

Ariene decided that she has been playing 'passive' enough these past few days, so she decided to chime in before Aurum got to follow up with a reply.

Ariene: "Huntsmen go out of Beacon to do their jobs, Aurum. They slay monsters, punish bad guys-"

Aurum slightly shook at the word 'punish', which did not go unnoticed by everyone else in the room.

Ariene: "- Do good deeds, and for his case, chase skirts."

Qrow: "You're not gonna let that go aren't you…"

Ariene huffed.

Ariene: "You damn right I won't."

Aurum: "But…"

Seeing his heartbroken expression, Qrow felt a warm feeling and a sense of guilt in his alcohol boosted heart.

Qrow: "I'm sorry if I can't be with you here all the time, bud. Kind of irresponsible of me for claiming to be your new dad. But as they've said, daddy's got to go to work… and wow does that sentence feel dirty."

Samson: "Damn it Qrow! Now that's the first mental scar you've dealt to me. There will be more, I can just feel it in my guts that it will happen."

Feeling like the conversation is going off the rails, Ozpin guided it back to the main topic.

Ozpin: "Qrow will leave early tomorrow morning, so you still have the rest of the day to bond. Since having you children left unattended without an adult at this early of an age a bad idea, I will have miss Glynda here be your guardian."

The kids froze, with Aurum shivering more than ever like a chihuahua on coffee. Even Glynda herself was astonished at the abrupt announcement.

Cyrus: "Hold on, this wasn't part of the discussion the other day. Besides, while miss Glynda is a nice lady and all, we can't exactly have her take care of Aurum. No offense, miss."

Aurum's trauma for the blonde-haired is known by everyone within the room, hence his disagreement.

Ozpin: "And what better way to relieve it by exposing him to a kind and loving woman such as her?"

Ozpin gestured to Glynda, who, while flattered, completely agreed with the kid's hesitation.

Glynda: "I don't think this is a good idea, sir."

Ozpin nodded to her, showing how even he understood that it was bad. But, as he experienced troublesome childhoods in some of his previous incarnations, along with his vast experience, he understood that removing a tumor early is necessary for the child.

Ozpin: "I see a bit of myself within this boy. While not under the same circumstances, we do share similarities in our childhood horrors. And that is why I am determined to get rid of this bias, or at least alleviate it, for him to function properly in our society. After all, those who possess golden hair are rather numerous."

At his words, everyone, except Samson and Aurum, reluctantly came to an accord with the rather crafty wizard. Samson clicked his tongue but decided to flow along with the current

Samson: "Don't worry bud, we won't let anything happen. You've got us, after all. No offense, miss Glynda."

Glynda: "None taken. As for you Aurum…"

Said child flinched, while his eyes slightly flickering azure, significantly calming him down while keeping him still in control instead of the white-haired weirdo that is Reagan.

Glynda: "While this may be my first time to take care of children, I promise you that I will raise you without the malice you've usually felt within that household. Instead, I'm going to raise you up as a dashing intellectual filled with brightness."

The child looked on with slight distrust, as the color of his eyes fully converted into a deep shade of blue. It flickered once again, this time into a rough shade of green.

Aurum: "…Okay."

Glynda looked relieved, as a sigh filled with conviction was breathed out by her.

Glynda Goodwitch, a lady who just recently entered into her 30's, solemnly swore internally to be the responsible and loving surrogate mother Aurum has been looking for. One who can fill in the place of Raven Branwen, who likewise received her share of abuse from the golden dragon.

*Timeskip provided to you by a still nervous Aurum holding Glynda's soft hands gently*

The rest of the day was spent discussing Glynda and Qrow's responsibilities, as well as how the kids will spend their time in Beacon starting the next day.

After that, the group to a brief rest, with Glynda accompanying the kids to briefly visit team LJVN.

Once the odd group that could be misconstrued as conducting a small field trip arrived, they were greeted by the stoic Nathalie, who immediately crouched in front of Aurum, and began to pat him gently.

Nathalie: "There, there. Nice boy."

Hearing her soft yet gentle voice, and rather adorable 'melted' expression, Aurum blushed and comforted by the relaxing sensation.

Nathalie, with her beautiful yet petite body, was wearing a yellow mouse onesie, which somehow complemented her gray scarf. She felt joy that she could finally pat the cute frail boy her team visited. She also wanted to "reward" him for rendering the school bully incapacitated and hospitalized.

She invited the group in, with the others scrambling to tidy themselves up from the surprise visit of the secretary of Beacon's principal.

Lapis: "M-miss Glynda! To what do we owe the pleasure?!"

The blue-haired musician felt shameful as he panicked since he was also wearing a onesie, albeit with a design of a t-rex. To add to that, Jade was unabashedly wearing a silver tiger onesie, while Violet, who donned a stoic expression that hid her own shame, since she was wearing a purple cat onesie.

Glynda raised a brow, as Jade shed light upon the situation.

Jade: "Nat won a bet we made last year, so we all had to wear onesies during the third Friday of every month!"

You could tell that Jade was proud of what he's wearing, as he somehow compelled others to listen on his preaching to the kids about the wonders of a onesie.

Feeling the rather wholesome situation provided by 2 groups who barely met, Glynda was astonished at Aurum's charisma. From what she could tell, she could feel something affect her whenever she was near Aurum. She felt it strengthen when she held his arm, likely due to their proximity.

Glynda: 'Is this a semblance of his? Or is this one of those bloodline abilities Cyrus spoke of?'

Glynda's second guess was accurate.

From what Lennox could gather, while Aurum had the signature bat wings, he wasn't a devil. He also discovered that an overwhelming charm was one of Aurum's bloodline abilities, and for some reason, most likely a spell or curse, the effect backfired on Taiyang and strengthened in Summer.

He deduced that a stray demon or devil played a prank or ensured a steady supply of negative emotions on the boy. Some races function similarly to Grimm, in the sense that they can absorb negative emotions to strengthen their magic; a certain type of dark magic also applies a similar function to the body of a user.

Jade: "…And now kids, do you now understand how awesome onesies are?!"

With sparkling eyes, Aurum and Samson nodded vigorously while Cyrus and Ariene shared amused looks.

Glynda: "While I find this rather adorable, I believe it's almost lights out."

Glynda felt guilt as she saw the downcast expression of Aurum. She sighed out loud, before saying.

Glynda: "*sigh* Fine. You can stay for a bit longer. I'm going to get my stuff first, then we can go to your house."

Aurum's expression turned upside down, as he gave Glynda a heartwarming closed eye smile.

Aurum: "Thank you!"

Giving him a smile filled with the warmth of her own, Glynda shot a glance to the now calm leader and "cautioned" him.

Glynda: "Properly restrain Mr. Argento, will you Mr. Lazuli? You don't want to experience a month's worth of detention, do you?"

Knowing the battle-crazy expression Jade gave to Aurum a few days ago, Lapis visibly paled as he saluted at her.

Lapis: "Y-yes ma'am!"

Glynda retracted her "mom smile" before leaving the room and journeyed to her own at a slow pace to give the children more time to deepen their friendship with the teenagers.

Glynda: "I hope this kind of interaction happens frequently. Aurum needs to befriend others to help himself in becoming happier."