
Reagan's POV

So, there I was. Floating in deep darkness as if I was in deep water. The time passed without me knowing the specifics, with me being busy with what is in front of me.

A video of sorts was playing in a holographic-like screen, taking up my whole view even if there wasn't really anything pleasing to see. What was shown, was a documentary-like view of my whole life. It felt uncanny watching your own experiences from a third person's perspective. While watching it, I honestly realized that I was a stubborn, hard-headed idiot with a narrow mind.

???: "Reagan. *sob* *sob* Listen, my sweet angel. Mom…mom is going far, far away from here."

The "scene" being played currently was when I was in deep despair, while my mother said her goodbyes.

Reagan: "…"

???: "I know, *sniff* I know I'm a bad mother. For trusting Jacques, for breaking our promise, for leaving you."

Reagan: "…"

???: "I, I want to bring you too, baby. *sob* Trust me, I do."

Reagan: "…"

???: "But…where I'm going… is much more dangerous than here."

Reagan: "…"

???: "Out there, *sniff* out there, you might die if you don't have enough strength. Even your mother can't guarantee her survival."

Reagan: "…"

???: "But baby. Please, please please please, please. Don't look for me until you get stronger."

Reagan: "…"

Seeing me look lifeless, she took me in her arms and squeezed gently, crying in my shoulders.

???: "Please…get stronger. Not only for me, not only for you but for Winter."

Reagan: "…"

Honestly, I really do feel like an idiot. I couldn't see that mom also had it hard on her. The oppression, the guilt, the pressure. It was all there in her face. And I just stood there embraced in her chest, feeling betrayal. I didn't even hear the latter half of her goodbyes.

???: "Protect her, my child. She is the only ever woman that loves you. I won't blame you if you hate me, but please. Remember that I will always, always, love you."

After that, she only cried, holding her dearest son in her arms and savoring the moment. I might not know where she had gone, but I do know that this may have been my last moment with her. As she said, she might not come out alive, wherever she had to go to.

The scenes once again flew by. I was still dazed, regretting my emotions for that particular event in my life. She was heartbroken, this I am sure. Oh Oum, am I a retard.

???: "Mr. Schnee, you know fully well that your plan has a high chance of failure!"

I was woken up though, from the loud and angry shout. I was looking at the me looking at the man in front of him. A fairly youthful middle-aged man wearing a general's uniform.

Reagan: "And? You got any other plans that would guarantee Weiss' safety? I took a vow, general. Lazy I might be, but I want to always be by their side, be their knight in shining armor."

General: "Then you should have just properly trained!"

Reagan: "I'd rather die than continue practicing how to fight."

The scene currently playing, was just a "day" ago. The reason why I turned my attention back at the "life reel", is because it was during the argument right after the "planning" phase. Of course, I already knew about Jacque's scheme.

General: "Prioritize logical reasoning over your emotions, Mr. Schnee. The faunus have enhanced senses, and night vision is only a part of it."

Reagan: "I know. That's why that heartless f*ck let his daughter be endangered just to kill me. After all, I'm not a "true" Schnee."

General Ironwood had a pained expression, signifying his powerlessness in the situation. On one hand, is one of his political partners and the main funder of the Atlas Military, and on the other, is said political partner's talented son who excels in the spear and pen. The general released a defeated sigh while clenching his fist.

Seeing this, I had a wry smile.

Reagan: "Knowing that bastard, he would probably set up a surprise for me. I don't want to raise a death flag, but there is a possibility I would die. When that comes, please take care of my sisters and enact my dying will."

The general was silent, before grimly nodding a few seconds after.

General: "Let's hope that it won't come to that."

I put up quite the confident bravado and spoke jokingly, not only to reassure him but myself too.

Reagan: "Oh please, general, you know me, I'm at the top of the pests. I'm a disgusting cockroach that just wouldn't die."

The general played along with a tired smile, before waving me off.

General: "You are dismissed. I hope that we could get a drink as a celebration, Reagan."

I nodded and excused myself to the elevator and pressed the ground button. After that, I took one last look at the general before closing my eyes.

Another scene was being shown to me. It was just after the elevator opened.

Winter: "Reagan?"

Reagan: "Winter?"

Her icy expression broke, as the "me" quickly hid his solemn expression behind a somewhat pervy one after quickly taking a look around the hall.

Reagan: "Oh my, here to pick up your husband."


Winter: "Silence, you boob!"

Reagan: "Ow, that hurts honey…"

I playfully mocked a hurt expression at the blushing Winter. Of course, I only barely saw through it now that I'm dead. Oum…was I this dense? So I pretty much cockblocked myself multiple times huh…Oum damn it. My hard work bore fruit and yet I expected a different outcome…

Winter pretty much calmed down at this point, as she tried to smoothly gloss over the joke.

Winter: "What did the general need of you?"

I shrugged with exhaustion and let out a sigh. This time, with true emotions.

Reagan: "*sigh* First, he's giving me detention for that soda fountain fiasco in the cafeteria."

Winter also sighed tiredly. 'This lecherous idiot couldn't keep his antics kept inside.'

Reagan: "Second… I need to slip in between the chaos for tomorrow's operation."

Winter: "*gasp*You mean…"

Reagan: "Yup. A suicide mission. But I won't let any other person do it in my stead. Weiss is our sister, and I need to save her myself as the brother. So, I need you to raise hell, Winter. I don't care if you won't kill…honestly, I don't want you to experience the burden so early, so that is pretty much the only goo-"


Winter: "You… and it's okay for you to kill?!"

I sighed, before pulling her into a tight hug. She was surprised, and due to her anger, tried to struggle out of the hug. Of course, I didn't let her. The seconds passed by, as I calmly stroked her back while tightly hugging. Of course, I took advantage to properly feel the cushions.

Reagan: "...Have you calmed down."

Winter: "…"

Reagan: "*sigh*…Winter, you know how my mind basically works at this point. Yes, I am a bastard with double standards. Yes, I'm a hypocrite that doesn't consider the opinion of his sister. But Winter, no, I am not a heartless monster that would kill any being without a care. That might change during tomorrow's operation, but that's because I pretty much have so much pent up rage, self-blame, and anxiety due to letting something like this happen. And once I go down that path, I need you to promise me something, Winter. Don't let me become a monster. Pull me out of that gutter and be my safety pin. Will you become my safety pin, Winter?"

Even now I had fun teasing her, even if my words were only half the truth. I didn't even know I had an S side.

Reagan: "Your brother here's got some issues in the head, and you of all people know that. Even the idea of becoming a very overprotective monster pains my heart. So, you need to do what needs to be done if that time comes."

I then slowly remove myself from her, and it was an instant bittersweet regret. Winter's mesmerizing blue eyes were red from crying. My heart skipped a bit because of this. I didn't know whether to show that I appreciated a cute crying Winter or be hurt by her saddened expression.

So, I only did what I thought was the limit of what I could get away with in that situation. I caressed her right cheek with my hand, wearing a comforting smile, before kissing her forehead lightly.

Good Oum, I really cockblocked myself.

Did I really think right at that time?! Did I really think that she thought that I was just being uncharacteristically being a good brother instead of being a gentleman?! Oum damn it! I really need to smack myself!


Winter: "Y-you dunce! Return to your quarters at this instant!"

Reagan: "*chuckle* Bye-bye love~"

Winter: "Quit it!"

The me of that time refreshingly ran hard laughing, without turning to look back at a tomato-faced Winter.

…I need to be more sensitive to this kind of stuff.

After that, the rest of the scene played out with me going to sleep in the dorm room, waking up and being ordered to "test a weapon" in the operation, sneaked my way into the White Fang camp, sneaked my little sister out, fought and killed some recruits, got my ass beat by a kid, and got laughed at by a succubus. There were no more scenes to see right after my dying breath. The screen just poofed out of existence, leaving me floating in the dark abyss. My Oum was this taking so long.

'I feel like I missed some important information after my death… Oh well. It would supposedly take a few years more before I resurrect, so I should just lay back and wait for my turn'

Before I realized it, I fell asleep after that thought came to be.

Reagan: "Fuck, who is shining that light?! Don't you know its 4 in the morning?!"

I was broken out of my sleeping state, thinking that something is finally happening.

When I registered my surroundings, only one thing unknowingly came out of my mouth.

Reagan: "Chocolate heaven?!"

Everywhere my eyes look, chocolate was present in the form of trees, dirt, rivers, and clouds.

Somehow, I feel like death wasn't that bad.

???: "Oh? It seems that a new guy joined us. Brat, welcome to one of my paradises!"

A deep, imposing voice proudly stated from behind me. With my eyes sparkling in delight, I turned around and saw a tall tan-skinned man and a young boy currently biting and chewing at chocolate grass.

???: "What are you waiting for?! Dig in!"

Without hesitation, I dived in and joined them. Is this what they say about becoming one with nature? Because I would gladly become a chocolate goat in that case!