Parenthood; Normalcy

Third Person POV

It's been 3 days since then Qrow left, a bitter pill to swallow, but Aurum can say that his mornings these days are the best he's experienced.

It was due to the thought of waking up and finally being able to be "special". Just like how Ruby and Yang did.

Being able to walk freely without getting hit, eat "special" food that is bazillion years better (whatever that means, only Samson would know), and feel really "special" by having people care for him.

These times are even better ever since he could talk to the 2 misters in his head. Both had white hair, and willing to talk and teach him a lot of stuff, even better than Cyrus does.

But still, the feeling of fear did not go away.

Qrow left, hopefully not forever. He doesn't want him to disappear as Raven did.

Not only that, his new "mama", is a blonde. A blonde!

He could observe that Glynda didn't want to hit him, even showing her care during their limited interactions. But that doesn't stop his trauma from resurfacing, bringing back nightmares of the hell he recently escaped.

Nightmares that try to "convince" him that all these privileges he's having are just farfetched dreams of normalcy. A yearned "What If" his mind concocted to escape reality.

Nightmares that seduce the thought that he was still back in that place, beaten into a bleeding mess and left to rot in a cage, drinking dirty water and disgusting food just to survive.

Shivering at the thought, Aurum instinctively hugged the object right in front of him that exuded the type of warmth he longed for. One that oozes love and care.

He then noticed the soft feeling in his face and the comfortable arms hugging him closer; both are sensations that serve as evidence that his happy days aren't an illusion. That he CAN feel happiness.

Finally opening his eyes, all he saw was white while his face was planted into a soft material.

Ever curious, especially at his new pillow, he slowly moved his right arm, careful enough not to move what he thought of as Ariene's arms, placing his own on the comfortable pillow.

Marveling at how soft and springy it is, he continued to gently caress the material while sometimes clenching his hands gently.

???: "*groan*"

Surprised at the sound, Aurum stopped his movement. Feeling the arms shift, he was scared that he had woke up 'Ariene'. Thankfully, aside from a tighter hug, 'Ariene' didn't do anything else.

So, he continued.

This went on for a few more minutes before Aurum decided to try and touch the slight bulge he felt just a few moments ago, unaware of the perverted duo's thoughts whilst snickering in the back of his mind.

Oddly enough, it was satisfying for him. He kept circling his index finger on it while squeezing the material. It was…a familiar feeling for him, weirdly enough. It felt like something he might have touched in the past, which unconsciously made him shed a tear.

???: "mmm~"

But all those thoughts froze as Aurum heard that pleasured voice after one hard pinch. He slowly removed his hand and looked up, seeing Glynda's face, noting that she seems to be groggy from having just woken up.

Various factors came into play that caused him to uncontrollably shake. The fact that Glynda is an adult woman, the moan sounded sexual, and her blonde hair. Blonde hair!

Glynda might not have 'her' hair, but the traumas associated with those factors caused him to push himself off of Glynda's embrace with a fearful shriek. If it wasn't for Lennox instinctively taking over his body to restrain the Aura output and control the strength of his push, Glynda might've been hurt from this action.

Cowering and shivering, Aurum tried to calm down his breathing with the help of the duo in his mind as Glynda's mind finally got released from its muddled state and registered what just happened. Seeing the fear in his eyes, she gave Aurum a pained yet wry smile as she said,

Glynda: "I'm sorry."


Aurum's mind stilled once again, thankfully enough. Reagan and Lennox were having trouble trying to keep his thoughts away from Summer's wrongdoings under the curse's influence.

Glynda: "I should have brought your…past, into consideration."


Aurum couldn't understand why she apologized.

Glynda: "I wanted to get out of this…house, to think about the recent happenings. That's when I heard you whimpering in your sleep. I might be new to 'motherhood', but I checked to see if someone was with you just in case. Seeing no one, I just…let my instincts take control of me."

Saying her piece, she fell silent after seeing his confusion and decided to let it sink in.

Aurum: "…Why?"

Of course, Glynda would be confused.

Glynda: "Hmm?"

Aurum clenched his hands in self-frustration. She was apologizing to him for trying to help him, and yet,

Aurum: "Why are you apologizing? I…I'm the one who should say sorry."

Seeing his downcast look and hearing the sniffling, Glynda momentarily hesitated before slowly inching forward and bringing him into her embrace once again. Aurum flinched at the contact but just decided to stay still and try to get used to having close contact with her.

Glynda hated this. Due to her hair color, she can't properly act as his new surrogate mother at the time of his need. Don't get her wrong, she loves her parents. But if only she wasn't a blonde…

Her disgust at Aurum's past aggressors slowly turned into hatred as she started gently stroking Aurum's back. In a soft tone, she spoke,

Glynda: "Don't worry. I, I might have had doubts… but I'd like to try my hand in becoming your new mother."

She paused yet again as she felt tears staining her top. With her smile turning warmer and more motherly, Glynda tightened her hug.

Glynda: "Aurum, please look at me."

Doing as she requested, he found her smile familiar.

Aurum: "Mama…*hic*"

Glynda wiped off some of his tears before gently moved his head to her chest and let him cry all he wants.

Glynda: "I'll help you, Aurum. I'll help you forget your bad memories and make new good ones. Along with the others. Okay? We will make you happy. And for me to help you means that you won't be afraid of me. Can you trust me, Aurum?"

'She…might not be bad.' Aurum thought.

But to be his new mother? Now that, he isn't sure. He's afraid that she'll leave like Raven. That feeling of betrayal hurt him even more than the suffering he's experienced.

Aurum: "I…"

Feeling his hesitation, Glynda let out a sad yet understanding smile. Knowing that he is still hesitant only fueled her resolve to become a mother.

Glynda: "It's okay, I understand. It will take time, but I'll make sure that I can be a mother that you can trust, Aurum."

After saying that, Glynda rested her head on Aurum's, closing her eyes as she gently caressed his back.

'This feeling is…not bad.', Aurum thought as he gently hugged her back.

The individuals in his mind looked at each other before they decided to stop sharing his senses and let the kid feel the moment.

They were allowed a chance to live once again in exchange for teaching the kid how to leave behind his past and cherish his new life. Their first action towards this is being considerate towards Aurum's decisions and experiences.

Solemn moments such as this are best left for him to experience on his own so that they won't influence his thoughts since part of their goal is to teach him that he has free will.

Besides, it would be bad for them if the kid did 'it' while they peeped, not to mention how pissed he will be if they decided to share senses other than sight and hearing.

Reagan: "You think he would be fine spending time with women now after this, pops?"

Reining in his urge to beat Reagan up, he answered the question after clicking his tongue.

Lennox: "Don't ask me, I'm no expert in relationships. I don't even know how the hell Ariene managed to stick that close to the kid without getting stared at in fear."

It was Reagan's turn to be annoyed now.

Lennox: "But I do know that he won't be afraid of Glynda any longer. Give him time, only then will team LJVN(Legion) be a part of his comfort zone. That's progress in my book."

Reagan agreed when a mischievous thought entered his mind. Smirking, he shared his 'revelation' to Lennox.

Reagan: "He'll be a lady killer, pops. I just know it."

Lennox nodded sagely before giving an amused chuckle at the thought.

Lennox: "He'll likely be a more popular hit with the more experienced women."

Reagan gave Lennox an exaggerated bow and a wink. He also spoke in an overly high pitch voice.

Reagan: "Aurum, Beacon Academy's resident MILF hunter, at your service."

Both laughed at Reagan's antics, not knowing that their jokes were spot on.

Before long, Glynda left for her room to prepare for her classes. Aurum went out to the other children's room to wake them up and share a bath. For obvious reasons, the wolf wasn't allowed to join.

After their bath, they ate breakfast that Glynda put together. Scrambled eggs, bacon, and their chosen drinks. Iced water for Cyrus, OJ for Samson, and chocolate milk for Ariene and Aurum.

After that, Glynda would go to her classes, while the trio teaches Aurum common sense and the elementary education that they remember until after Beacon's class hours, which they dedicate to spending time with team LJVN(Lapis, Jade, Violet, Nathalie). Aurum is progressing in his social interactions, as he is at least vocal with Jade (white-haired tiger faunus) and Lapis (blue-haired musician). He's still having trouble with the girls, especially Violet(violet-haired emo), though he does like it when Nathalie (dark green-haired kuudere) pats his head.

When evening comes, they eat dinner before going to sleep. Sometimes, Aurum gets tutored by Lennox and Reagan in his dreams, thereby increasing Aurum's speed in learning common sense.

These moments are their new daily routine. Sufficed to say, Aurum is happy with this, especially when Qrow comes to visit them once in a while as they have fun in the city.

And so, a month has passed, and when peace has gone for a certain amount of time, trouble rears its ugly head to ruin the day.

???: "I don't care if they were kids. I'll make them pay for what they've done to me!"




Author's Notes:

So.... yeah.

2 months? A short chapter even with that amount of time in my hand.

I've been busy...not.

To be honest with you, I had something similar to a writer's block. Words couldn't form in my mind, even in my almost unconscious state that I always have when I make chapters. That coupled with the fact that I won't get to walk down the aisle for my diploma...feels bad man.

Anyways, the excuses are out since it's unimportant.

The truth is, I want to rewrite some stuff for the previous chapters! Don't worry, it won't affect the overall story.

Things I want to change(one's I've already decided to):

- Downplay Summer's acts.

- Try to make the writing less awkward.

- Remove the whole roman stuff( I just found out how cringy it is, so the greetings are thrown out of the window and the spell names are changed to the English equivalent.)

- Try to liven up the fights, especially Reagan's.

- Add some info for Whitley(So that baby douche will be an ally).

I guess that's all for now? BTW, do you want to change the conversation format from (NAME: "blah blah") to ("blah blah" said James)?