Defective Genes and Bullshit Gender Equality

(???'s POV)

Running away from a White Fang camp can be pretty hard. Especially so if you bring a little girl with you. I don't know if I should thank the gods that the weather is sunny with no snow in sight (a rare occasion around these parts) since at least it's easier to move without the snow.


Oum damn it, I'm just a third-year student! I only wanted to shadow the military personnel, and yet here I am on an emergency rescue mission for my little sister! Surely my team won't miss me even if I die right? Those stiff and arrogant two-faced robots who only care about their pride. Bah! Bah, I say!

???2: "How much further...."

She asked in slightly shaking in fear.

If getting kidnapped at such a young age and witnessing someone getting killed isn't enough to make you jittery, I don't know what will.


Said little girl winced at the gunshots, but didn't cry as a regular child would. She must have started training firearms now.


Wait, shit! Both sides are close, and yet it's the dogs that are closest to us.

The fucking fauna...faunuses...fauni? Faunus! the fucking faunus that doesn't appreciate the beauty of incest. What animals! How did they catch on pretty quickly? I'm pretty sure the bait was supposed to piss them off enough to not care about the hostage. Did someone actually check up on the cage?

Clicking my tongue with irritation, I looked around the forest cautiously. We were in an animal trail, trying to stealthily get away from the battle between terrorists and the military. My aim was to circle around the battlefield and go straight to where I think the 'extraction point'(as the military nut heads call it) is.

???: "Don't worry, big brother would follow behind you okay? Just run, before the bad guys find you. Try to find big sister okay? You can help me that way if you tell her about me."

I told her in a semi-rushed tone. I prepared my mech-shift sword cum sub-machine gun. I unsheathed it and checked the remaining bullets through the cartridge inside the pommel. I only have 2 magazines and 5 bullets, a total of 65, just a bit short of the magical number. That should be enough for buying time.

???2: "But—"

The little girl, my sweet and adorable tsundere little sister seems to be reluctant to leave me, to the point of tears.

???: "No ifs no butts no coconuts! Even if I like the second and thir— you know what. Just run, okay? Go!Go!Go! I'll steal your panties later if you don't run away now!"

Being strangely persuasive has always been one of my few redeeming features, according to my stiff and beautiful oneesan. Though she seems to find my kind of humor disgusting. What's wrong with liking the human body and it's 'night-time rituals'?!

Taken aback, she tried to talk me into following her, but seeing me looking at her sternly, she relented.

???2: "...I'll hate you if you can't come back."

She's oddly mature for her age even with my secret pampering, seeing how she knows that I might not stay alive, especially so since she now knows how to make death flags. Oh, Oum, they grow up so fast. I'm tearing up over here. For real, her flag is scaring the shit out of me!

While I was stunned, I heard a shout barely audible with my enhanced hearing.

WF Member: "Footprints! That brat must have run past through here!"

Reagan: "Damn it! Go, run like the wind and let me see your panties!"

Bewildered, my little sister angrily kicked my shin and ran away screaming,

???2: "Pervert Reagan!"

Which somehow resounded throughout the forest. Damn laws of physics, why'd you have to f*ck me over right now?!

To not let them get the drop on me, I went forward to greet the unappreciating assholes. My way of course.

Not long after, I spotted through my semblance a squad of White Fang members trying to run here. For a more dramatic confrontation, I quickly stealth climbed a tree and hid in its foliage.

A few seconds later, they arrived near the tree.

Calculating the distance, I got the literal drop on the death seeker leading the 'hunt' with a downwards stab aimed directly at his forehead, accompanied by a warcry of course.



The element of surprise was in my favor, as the blade successfully penetrated right through the poor guy's cranium, effectively killing him. The others were shocked in horror. To maximize my aggro on them, I glare at them with a mocking gaze.

WF Member: "FRANCIS!!!"

The sad part of this battle is that if I don't go all out, I might die against these extremists. Even if I can't help it, I still feel queasy, which proved to be an opening that hoe over there took.

WF Member: "YOU'LL PAY!"

The hoe hacked at me with her sword flailing with no technique. The shameless bastard that I am, I proceeded to use the body of Francis as my meatshield after taking my sword out of his head while I recovered from my state. All is fair in front of love and shamelessness.

The hoe slashed and slashed with reckless abandon, her expression showing madness, grief, and sorrow.

WF Member: "YOU FIEND!"

Reagan: "That's the pot calling the kettle black!"

That, accompanied with a goofy mocking expression, seems to rile them up more. As if she wasn't enough, the other members decided to join in, anger apparent in their actions.

WF Member2: "MURDERER!"

WF Member3: "FOR FRANCIS!!!"

2 members circled around and used their weapons to hack at me from the sides. Another one headed for my back. Too bad I'm the one they are facing/

As a sword headed for my right arm, I ducked and used the Francis corpse to get it stuck, while I swung my right leg diagonally in an arc, and used my sole to redirect the ax heading for my back to the one aiming to my left by hitting its side. The ax was deflected and hit the guy on my left, who unfortunately didn't stop and defend himself on time, effectively chopping off the hand that held the sword. Quickly taking advantage of the opening, I used my sword to pierce through the guy to my right, who decided to abandon the sword and try to swing his fists at me. The sword passed through where his chest is, signifying a severe wound.

I rolled away from the chaos to swing my sword at the ax wielder's head, who was horrified at his handiwork(get it?), cutting off his head. I switched my weapon to its gun mode and shot the remaining 5 bullets at the hoe's neck, who was astonished at my mad skills. The bullet passed through it as blood gushed out like a fountain. I then lopped the head off of the guy wailing in the ground. They seem to be newbies, considering these guys don't have their aura unlocked, and how shabby they are at fighting.

Using the adrenaline to disregard the gory scene I caused, I dashed back to avoid the gunfire the other p**sy noobs put me in. I quickly hid behind the trunk of a decently thick tree, discharged the empty magazine and replaced it with a full one.

Making sure that there aren't any problems, in the gun chamber, I then used my semblance to send out another scan.


Out of 10 members, only 5 are left. There doesn't seem to be someone else hidden, while 2 of the remaining members who seems decent, with unlocked auras and semblances; one has a defense type semblance, a body transformation kind, while the other one has a type of camouflage semblance, the perfect semblance for bathroom raids.

Considering the gunfire and noise we're making and also a faunus' enhanced senses(a lot of them in this camp have ear traits), there might be incoming reinforcements.

Better hurry this up then.

Pumping myself up, I rolled to the next tree to my left, and then point at another confident idiot that wants revenge. He seems to be a muscular tiger faunus with a claw-type weapon. Stereotype much?

He keeps dodging and weaving pretentiously that it makes me sick. Who would be this brazen in front of a life and death battle?! Me, you say? True, I guess.



ignoring that, I aimed my gun and sprayed bullets in their general direction. This time, he seems to be finding it troublesome and just activated his semblance. His skin turned to bronze, his footsteps getting heavier. A tanker eh? Well, he wasn't my aim, to begin with.

An unlucky guy at the back got turned into a beehive, while 2 others were wounded heavily, the other, not so much. But it is enough for him to bleed out to death with his low pain tolerance and panicked attitude. I wonder if they actually thought I would go for the tiger first? It's obvious that he's got something up his sleeve if he was that confident in rushing in.

Seriously, if you were going to be a terrorist, why couldn't you at least unlock your aura? It's just suicide to join a violent extremist group with no sort of protection at all!

Shaking my head lightly, I rushed out to meet the bronze tiger. As expected of a musclehead, he just straight up threw a punch with his claw strap-on(Why does this term make it kinky?) gauntlet.

My response? I used the momentum of his rush to my advantage by grabbing his stretched arm, sweeping his leg, and throwing him over my shoulder. The guy landed upside down hurting as his neck let out a barely audible crack.

I was going to do the 'finish him' sequence when I sensed the chameleon faunus behind my back about to stab me. I did what a sensible guy would do in this situation. I counterattacked by dodging the hand and I kneed his crotch. Unfair, As said, all is fair in love and shamelessness.

Not allowing this guy to cockblock(Heh) me again, I stabbed him with my sword multiple times while he was in agony. Not the best way of acting cool in this kind of situation, but I need to play dirty.

The tiger got up angrily, as he pointed a finger at me.


Reagan: "Why thank you, kidnappers. Can't even spare lolis, how despicable!"

The tiger gnashed his teeth and clenched his fist so hard, that it went pale.

Rolling my eyes, I provoked him with the universal provoking hand gesture, by beckoning him with an arm.

The man roared like a tiger(pun intended) as he furiously swiped like there was no tomorrow. This time, with proper techniques. I wouldn't let this hit me, considering how his strikes are very heavy. I'm pretty sure my aura would quickly go bye-bye if I got hit by it a dozen or so times.

I kept dodging and dodging, waiting for the time that he shows an opening that wasn't a trap. But alas, time was not my ally.

???: "Well well well, if it isn't the defective sperm."

Reagan: "Okay that's just uncalled for!"

Out of the woodworks, a mocking and strangely sultry feminine voice was heard.

I may not be able to use the family semblance, but it doesn't mean that my genes are THAT defective. I may have a slightly abnormal way of thinking, but I do still have the family's good looks.


Shit, I got distracted too much that the fact that I can't feel her aura slipped my mind.

Clicking my tongue at the new arrival, I decided to condense my semblance's range to 5 meters, allowing more detailed information to be collected. I should take this guy down fast.

It always felt surreal when I compress the range like this since it feels like time slows down for me so I can fight easier. The bad thing about it is that I also get headaches using this because of the information overload per detailed scan, and if I pushed it, I would bleed out of my orifices.

With the information I just gained, I let a blow graze my left arm. It hurt like hell, but it allowed me to counterattack. From what I could also gather, his joints seem to be less beefy, to ease the agility of the body. Surprisingly, the nape had a chink that I can insert my sword in(Not that way) and his armpits had lesser defenses. Taking advantage of this, I struck both of his armpits, one with the sword's pommel and the other with a punch.



Remember, do NOT copy what I am doing because trust me, punching skin with metallic properties hurt really REALLY bad. You know what, don't do anything I have ever done. Killing would be a ticket to jail, the Banzai thing would gather 'racist' haters and sadly, a whole lot of people hate and are disgusted with incest;(To you brothers and sisters who believe that incest is just a more advanced form of familial love like I do, bless you and be strong), so unless you are ready to be decimated with hateful words more than a masochist does(I do not know how to put it in words how they feel since I'm more of an S), do NOT relish the idea of the concept.


The tiger reels back in pain, while his arms felt numb and unable to move for a second or two. Enough for me to quickly circle behind and pierce through his nape.


The body dropped, as I removed the sword and panted hard. Damn it, my heart feels like it wants to go bungee jumping.

???: "*clap* *clap* *clap*, well done Mr. Reagan. A nice show of trashy skill."

Damn it. My head hurts and my left arm is stinging. I can only spare my healing aura to the bare necessity to ease the pain; since the person knows me and is even calm about the situation, I know that she's a LAST BOSS level enemy. I need to conserve my aura as much as I can.

Curious about how the venomous vixen looks like, I turned around.

Leaning on a tree, was a pink-haired woman wearing a black cloak, similar to what those shady people wear in a black market. She also had a beautiful mask that could win an award, one that only covered the upper parts of her face. Even so, this couldn't hide all of her beauty.

Her lips were a perfect shade of red, radiating an aura of seduction. Her jawline was sculpted perfectly, shaped similarly to what I imagine a goddess would have. Even below her head, she was beautiful, the cloak couldn't hide her natural mounds, big but not too much. It's at the level of what you could call the 'perfect size' for the hand. From the slits of the cloak, was a slim and sexy leg that could match her lips in impression, while the maroon sandals she wore complimented her leg even further. What's more, from her voice, it felt like I had to obey every single thing she says, a natural feeling of domination. She's a succubus through and through if I ever saw one that actually exists.

What's more is that she had ram horns that twirled magnificently, just above her ears.

Even with the whole demonic seductress aura she emitted, I couldn't help but peg her as a motherly saint. If she could fix her really venomous and rude way of speaking of course.

She had a condescending smirk on her, not the arrogant one but something irritating that I could see as what your best friend of a d*ckhead had whenever they made fun of you. Basically, every bro you ever had(*cough*L#g#n*cough*).

???: "Mr. Reagan, I came here to give you an offer of your lifetime, of what's remaining at least."

She paused for what I could tell, an idiotic attempt of getting me riled up.

Too bad I'm a calm boi. So, sarcasm must be thrown in her way.

Reagan: "Oh yeah? What, am I going to die by your hands, so "submit to me and be my dog or else you die?""

The woman only giggled.

???: "Nope. But no matter what you do, you will die today-"

Well, that's not ominous at all.

???: "-so you better take this offer and wait till the time of your reckoning for your lecherous ways. Even if we are somewhat birds of a feather. Ah, excuse me, I don't have a single interest in an ugly young man like you and my sexual deviance is only aimed at my husband."

Reagan: "What do you mean ugly?! Gold digging b*tches like to flock around me for my looks and money! Why would I even care about a bimbo like you?!"

Shit, I feel like a spoiled young master saying that. Damn stress and adrenaline increased my anger levels, making me curse a whole lot. Speaking of adrenaline.

Reagan: "Urgghhh *retch*....f*ck me silly, Winter. *retch* Even a situation and reason like this...Urgggh... ah, shit. Killing someone f*cking sucks."

???: "And so? It doesn't change a single thing. As I said, I came here to offer you a chance to live again. I'd say take it or leave it, but I still need to do something and I don't want to find another dying person that can help my cause. So hurry it up, will you?"

Wow. Is this what it feels like to be treated as a peasant? But no matter how I analyze her tone, there wasn't a hint of that. It felt like genuine bluntness with no malice whatsoever like it's natural for her to think like that. Scary bitch.

???: "You see, your soul is compatible with my... associate. All I want is for you to live within them spiritually and advise them alongside one other soul that's currently, shall we say cohabiting in a non-sexual way inside their soul. Probably decorated their inner mind already. Who knows, from what we observed, they could- no. They WILL let you see your sisters once given the opportunity."

I could feel a sense of longing, guilt, and regret when she mentioned her associate. Whoever this associate of hers is, she might have wronged them in some way. But-

Reagan: "Do you honestly think I would believe such bullshit?"

Somewhat resisting my urge to puke out my organs, I gave her my best glare and the most venomous voice I've used in all my life. And that's saying something since my father is quite, no, definitely would have a fitting grand title of 'the king of douchebags'. I diss him behind his back and sometimes even in front, especially when he treats my sisters only as tools. Ain't surprised the WF hates him though. Even I get that rebellious urge to usurp power from that guy.

The woman faked a surprise.

???: "My word, you need to scrub your tongue with soap young man!"

She giggled maliciously, which strangely oozed sexuality. Luckily, my heart's in the right place, my imoutos.


I was about to continue my counter when she suddenly had an amused look.

???: "Oya? It seems your executioner is almost here. To even the odds a bit and to make your death even more miserable, I'll give you a service."

I ignored the crazy bimbo to satisfy my curiosity as to who this executioner is; I spread out my semblance to 500 meters and spotted an above-average aura amount that seems to have an attack-type semblance. Of what, I don't know.

The person was a young teen around 4 feet or so, which looked like he was still 14. He wore the standard white fang uniform while donning on a mask with a Grimm motif. He also had a katana with its sheath strapped to the left side of his waist. What an emo.

Even if he has the 8th-grade syndrome, I do feel threatened by him.

Resisting my urge to curse the world with all my might, I then refocused my attention back to the woman, who seemingly conjured an inkish black and pink hybrid colored magic circle out of thin air... A MAGIC CIRCLE??!!!!


The woman only gave a prideful look with a cocky grin before chanting a word in a foreign language.

???: "[Percuro]."

The magic circle glowed and spun rapidly as I glowed in the same color, my wounds closing up and my fatigue lessened as if time rewound.

This is simply bullshit! How come its only women that can use magic?! I want my lawyer! no, an old grandpa that lives in a ring! I need my own set of cool privileges too, you know?!

???: "Toodles~ I should go now, lunch break and whatnot. Be back later when you're dead to pick up your soul~"

How carefree?! Where're my human rights?! Phoenix, I need you ASAP!!

The woman pulled out a purple talisman of sorts, that she threw into the ground, which summoned a shining and shimmering portal. She passed through it and *POOF*, she up and bailed on me, while the portal got erased from existence, along with it, a portion of my sanity.

Dumbfounded, I stood there rooted with my mouth hung down.

Not long after, the faunus I discovered zoomed out of the trees, in all of his edgy glory.

Once he saw me and the surrounding pile of dead WF members, his mouth contorted into one of anger. Accompanied with gnashing teeth.

WF Chuuni: "Another Schnee monster! You'll pay for what you have done to my brothers and sisters!"

After his short introductory monologue, he unsheathed his katana and jumped at me with his weapon raised up high.

Oh, dear.